Starting Afresh

Monster's Wings



Hmm… Regarding Hae, there were tiny tiny hints previously (chapters 5 & 9).




monster's wings





I tried to kill him before?




‘Y..Yes right! A-A-An-And I want to kill you now too!’ Hell…What the heck am I talking about?


He must have been confused. How could I have ever tried to kill him? I had never even seen him before this!


Did he suffer a head trauma or something?


‘Careful. You could just kill me with your words alone.’ His hand over my throat tightened, ‘And Donghae, we are mated. Your effect on me is much stronger than anyone else my love.’


‘AHHHHHHHH!’ I kicked and screamed.


The damn word again!




I blinked.


He said ‘mated’. Mate with an extra ‘d’? Mate… Mated?


Never mind. I don’t even want to know about anything anymore as I continued kicking and screaming wildly. Anything to get him to get off me!


Everything about him confused me; nothing even made any damn sense. The lesser I knew the better and the easier for me to live in peace. Peace! Ha! Who am I kidding?


He sighed and climbed off me. Turning to hunch on the side of the bed, back facing me as he suddenly dropped his head into his palms.




What am I supposed to do? I’m still tied up here hello.




I sighed too. Suddenly feeling very defeated, and kind of sad.


All I wanted was just a normal school life. Normal friends. Normal roommate!


Yet everything here was anything but normal.


I slid my gaze to Hyukjae as he continued remained unmoving and silent on the side.


Especially him.


Nothing about him made any sense to me.


How I felt towards him did not make any sense to me either.


As I watched him, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to go to him and soothe him. Like I always did.




What was that?


Like I always did?


I must be getting crazy.


I shook my head to dismiss the thought. More time spent with him would only make me questioned myself more.


Looking at him once more, I lifted my leg and poked my toe onto his back.


‘Hey.’ I called out.


He did not respond to that.


I poked him again, ‘Hey. Can you untie me?’


He whipped around so abruptly that I gasped.






My eyes widened in disbelief as he began to stand.


‘You will run away from me again if I let you go. Again!’ And with that – which did not even make any sense at all (since when it did? Pft!) – he SPREAD HIS WINGS AND FLEW out of our the room.






Just... Wow.


Anyway, I found myself alone in the room. Restrained and helpless. But I was safe now wasn’t I? My attacker had just ING FLEW OFF after all.


All right. I will just deal with it when it comes.


After my long weird horrifying day, I am really weary of all the thrown at me. Feeling sad and miserable that my life had become as such, I closed my eyes and soon drifted to sleep.




I jolted awake and shook my head to get the weird images off my mind.


Strange dreams.


A pair of arms tightened around me, soft lips brushed across my temple and I turned instinctively to the side.


Facing a smiling Hyukjae.




What was happening?


So he FLEW BACK? (and untied me?)


‘Are you okay now?’ I asked softly. Avoiding his gaze. Half afraid that he would turn bipolar again and tried to strangle me.


He laughed softly, ‘I won’t strangle you Hae. I’m sorry I lose it earlier.’


Ah right. Forgot he could read my mind when I’m facing him.


I looked up at him then, ‘Why did you ‘lose it’ then?’


He looked away for brief moments, as if considering his words carefully before turning back to me, his hand started my face and I didn’t know why, I let him. (It felt good come on!)


‘Bad memories.’


I cocked a brow at his unconvincing answer but then I decided to let it go. Not so sure if I am ready to learn more about this mentally semi unbalance and bipolar yet very attractive creature.


‘Hae…’ My heart started picking up speed at the way he whispered my name so… so… tenderly. Nobody ever called me the way he did. Not in such tenderness.




‘Can we start all over again?’ He asked.


‘Start what?’


‘Everything. As if we just met. Can we?’




‘Y…Yeah… Of…of course.’ I gulped. Who is he right now? Gee, he’s really bipolar.


He flashed a brilliant gummy smile at me and sat up. Feeling awkward as I lay flat on my back while he was sitting up so straight, I sat up as well. Not exactly sure what was I supposed to do since I had absolutely no freaking idea what he meant.


Start over as in what?


As in no more the mate ?


‘Hello, I am Lee Hyukjae. The student president of SM High School. I come from the Tenju clan.’ He extended a hand to me.




‘U…Uhm… Wha…What am I supposed to do….?’ What did he want me to do?


He laughed. I mean, he really laughed. Long and hard. There were tiny little crinkles at the corners of his eyes even. I tilted my head as I stared. He looked really beautiful like that.  


‘You should introduce yourself!’ He continued with a grin.


Unknowingly, I smiled back at him, damn, his grin was infectious.


Looking at his extended hand, I place mine in his in a handshake.


‘Hello… h…hi… I’m Lee Donghae. And… I… I… I’M NOT YOUR MATE!’ I laughed at his shocked expression and quickly jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom.


Holding my stomach as I laughed so hard inside.


‘YOU BRAT!!!’ I heard him yelled outside and could only laugh so hard tears were coming out.






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161 streak #1
Hi~ 🥺
161 streak #2
Just checking up on you. I hope you're still here
felineminseok #3
Chapter 17: ahh nooooo this was so interesting and funny and mysterious but hasn't been updated for like 5 years now.... guess i'll have to go on with my life with curiosity over this fic that'll never be finished .___. but this was great anyway. thanks~
ashiyariko #4
Chapter 17: Hopefully, you will update this story soon~~~ <3
It's really interesting and want to know what will happen... T_T
Please continue soon, author-nim! <3
161 streak #5
Chapter 17: Hey there~ i hope you're still there to continue this story. I would really love to know what will happen next...
HanBaram #6
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooooo
Chapter 17: New reader here.... will it be updated???
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 17: New reader here!! In fact I'm new reader to many of your fics since yesterday!
This fic is so interesting. There are so many questions in my mind that I really hope you can update fast to clear all my questions!!
Please update soon :)