This is the only chapter because... it's short and I am lazy...

Prince Zelo

Once upon a time in a land far away lived a young handsome prince who went by the name Zelo and he was the cutest prince throughout the land who's cuteness was only challenged by the aeygo prince Sungmin. Prince Zelo and Sungmin were complete opposites; Prince Zelo's hair was usually a light golden colour that went beautifully with his near snow white complexion. Prince Sungmin on the other hand usually had dark hair, black as night that gave a very seductive feel against his slightly tan skin. Although they have their usual hair colour, on Planet Mato one's hair changes according to their feelings. The two princes detested and loved each other dearly, so great was their love and hatred for each other that they met daily to ensure that the other could gaze upon their beauty. Zelo was a rather dangerous beauty, many loved and feared him for he was could become loud and violent one minute only to be shy and quiet the next. The people of prince Zelo's kingdom B.A.P never knew what to expect of their beloved prince. Prince Sungmin however was also his opposite in that; prince Sungmin was very predictable and sweet, he always wore a cute yet shy smile on his face and loved everyone around him. The people of Suju; Prince Sungmin's kingdom loved the prince and loved being in his presence. Word of the two magnificent princes who lived in neighboring kingdoms spread like wildfire through all of Mato once the two became of age for marriage. People from all over, traveled the world to see the magnificent cuteness of prince Zelo and prince Sungmin. Many came as suitors for the young princes; Prince Zelo's suitors usually left screaming or in tears while Prince Sungmin's suitors usually left pinning after the prince they would never get. -----------------------

Prince Zelo was sitting in his private garden studying his many pets when he heard his father Himchan shout. " Prince Zelo! That is the 12th suitor this week you have threatened and frightened off!" Zelo looked up at his father who most say he gained his gentle face and tough heart from. His father was also a beautiful man with a kind smile and the same light golden hair as his son, though his was naturally straight whereas Zelo's had always been a cute mess of curls. His father's kind smile wasn't present at the moment though, instead he wore a stern and disapproving look. "But father, I don't like any of those suitors, they always stare at me and try to touch me! And none of them like my frogs! How could you expect me to marry someone who does not like my babies?" Zelo pouted and went back to studying his pets. "Zelo-baby, I know you love your frogs but if you do not get married soon, you will grow old and alone. You know the people of Mato are only fertile for 10 years between 17 and 27" "Ugghhhh! Father that means I still have the10 years, let me be. I'll choose a suitor next year I promise!" Zelo gave his cutest pout and a bit of aeygo he picked up from Prince Sungmin. "Zelo" His father sighed. "You know I am not going to be around forever to care for you, I want you to marry so that when my time comes I may go to my grave in peace. I also want to make sure you have an heir to rule the throne once your time comes as well to leave this life." Zelo started to walk around the garden petting his beloved creatures. "Father, if and when I wed I want it to be someone who will... love me and take care of me and.... and love my animals and will want to be close to me, NOT just physically.... and be mine entirely. " Zelo nodded at his own words, yup that is what he wanted. He wanted someone that was his inside and out. " My sweet boy, you are so wise and yet so naive. How you expect to find love if you chase them away for the sake of your frogs?" Zelo's father shook his head in disbelief, convinced taking care of his only son would be the death of him. "If the person loves me, they will try to love everything about me. I love my frogs, thus they cannot be disgusted by them, nor can they be afraid of them." Himchan knew Zelo's mind was made up. He smiled as he had a sudden idea. " Well Zelo, we could always have a ball and invite some young royals from across the lands. You've never specified if you wanted to wed male or female, which does not help when I am attempting to find a good suitor for you. But, we will have them spend a week or two with us and see whom you find most interesting and try getting to know them." "A ball sounds fun, Zelo said smiling, we should invite Prince Sungmin from Suju!" Zelo couldn't wait, he loved dancing and couldn't wait to show Prince Minnie that he was the best dancer on planet Mato. "But Zelo, please tell me which gender you are most attracted to. It will make it easier to invite good suitors. " Zelo looked away, it truly didn't matter to him whether his partner would be male or female seeing as everyone on planet Mato was able carry a child in their youth, the average age was between 17-27. About 98% of the people on planet Mato were infertile after these year. It was legend that the great God Onew had and lost all his children in those years of his life and was unable to have any more children afterwards because of his beloveds death while trying to birth his last child. The God Onew mourned the loss of his beloved and children and wanted the people of Mato to feel his suffering and thus made it so no one would be able to bare a child after those years. "Father, I do not know which gender interests me. I think that keeping my choices bound by gender will only decrease my chances of finding the one I am meant to be with." Zelo wanted to find a person who would him even when he is being stubborn or mean and would not mind that he is very possessive of the one's he loves. "Zzeeeeellllloooooo!" Himchan and Zelo turned to see Prince Sungmin running towards them. "Who let you in here, you'll contaminate my animals and make them all 'cute' and 'cuddly' " Zelo said shuddering at the thought of his precious tiger playing like a cub. "Oh, hush now. You know you love me and I understand if you find my beauty intimidating-" Zelo started to laugh. "Y-you, you of all the souls on Mato intimidating?" Zelo looked to his father who was attempting to hold in his laughter. "Well boys, I must be going. Zelo I will be sending out the invitations tomorrow night, so please inform me if there are any people you dislike or do not necessarily desire as a partner." "Prince Minho." Zelo and Sungmin said in unison. Prince Minho was known for his erted and extremely ual ways. "Are you having a party to find a suitor for Zelo-baby? " Sungmin asked. "Yes, I want Zelo to find someone to settle with and begin his family." Himchan said looking at his child lovingly. "Zelo will never wed! He is too cold, too mean and too obsessed with strange animals." Sungmin said as he looked around at some of the bizarre animals Zelo had been collecting from the age of 4. "Well what about you Sungmin! You are 19 next week and are still unwed. Why don't you choose a suitor and settle as well." Zelo said looking at Sungmin questioningly. "You and I are different. You frighten your suitors whereas I let them down gently." Sungmin smiled at the thought. "But then they keep coming back saying 'oh Minnie my love, there is no one in this world for me but you! I cannot live another day without you, please my love.' And then Donghae and Eunhyuk oppa must chase them away." Zelo laughed as Sungmin's cheeks turned a vivid red and his hair a light pink. "Oh stop picking on Sungmin, Zelo-baby, it isn't his fault he is loveable. " Himchan said as he hugged Sungmin. "Well, I must be off boys. Please don't hurt Sungmin, Zelo! Leetuek almost sent his men after your head last time." With that Himchan made his exit followed by his manservant. Zelo sat down and let out a deep sigh. "What's wrong Zelo, this is strange even for you." Sungmin said taking Zelo's hand in his. "It's just that... what if the right person for me isn't at the ball father is planning?" Zelo pulled his hand away from Sungmin's and brought his knees to his chest wrapping his arms around himself. "What should I do then? How could I possibly look at my father who has worked so hard to find a suitor for me and say 'None of them are to my liking '.... it would crush him." "Wow.... who are you and what have you done with my Zelo. " Sungmin joked "I'm sure your father wishes for your happiness and will not be upset with you." Sungmin began to rub small circles on Zelo's back. "Will you come to the ball? I could finally show you that I am a much better dancer than you are." At that Sungmin playfully hit Zelo. "You, a better dancer than me? I think not! Now I most definitely must go to prove myself." The two princes spent most of the evening bickering in this manner.


"Zelo hurry! Do you intend to be late for your own party?" Sungmin shouted as he walked into Zelo's chamber. He was shocked to find Zelo laying on his bed with no more than his nightgown on. "Minnie, what if the person I'm meant for isn't here tonight? What if they are in some distant country and were unable to attend? What do I do then.... I cannot marry someone I don't feel strongly for." Zelo curled up on his bed hiding his head under his pillow. "Zelo, that's all you have been talking about all week. Don't worry, you know your father wishes for your happiness as well. He would not have you marry someone you could not fall in love with." Sungmin took Zelo's outfit; a royal blue silk gown with beautiful silver designs that suited the young prince very well. "Here, get dressed and I will return in a few minutes to walk downstairs with you; I know you do not wish to walk into the ballroom alone." Sungmin left and Zelo forced himself to get up. "This is father." Zelo said to himself. "He will be so happy to see you wed." Zelo tried comforting himself as he got dressed. When he was dressed he looked in the mirror and sighed. "Why, do you sigh so sadly Zelo? That gown looks magnificent on you... Are you not pleased with it?" Zelo looked at his father who wore a similar gown but in a rose-like colour with golden designs. "Not father, I am satisfied with this gown. In fact it is very lovely. " Zelo sighed. "Father, what if I do not find a partner in any of those who are here tonight?" Himchan sighed. "Zelo, no one will willing come to visit you as a suitor anymore because they have been told that you are extremely frightening. " Himchan pulled his son into a tight hug. "I truly wish to see you in a loving before my time come Zelo, so please try. But if you cannot feel anything for even one suitor tonight then, we should consider a marriage offer to Sungmin." "What? Sungmin! Father I could never do that, Sungmin is my friend I could never do those things with him." Himchan chuckled, "He seems to be the only person other than myself who can handle your violence and ugly creatures. " Zelo laughed and gave his father a tight hug as he saw Sungmin enter the room. "Time for me to go look for a partner." He giggled as he took Sungmin's arm and waited for his father to enter the ballroom before him.

The night was truly boring, Zelo didn't find interest in any princes or princesses they spoke of their clothes, money, power, the things they owned and the size of their kingdoms. Not a single one was interested in any other animals but horses. Zelo began to wander the room aimlessly and spotted Sungmin talking to someone Zelo had not seen before, perhaps a late arrival. But it wasn't the prince Sungmin was speaking with that caught his interest. It was the handsome knight that stood behind the prince, Zelo approached them never taking his eyes off the knight. The knight had a gentle yet stern face and hair that was as golden as Zelo's but with a red tint in them, the sword at his side must have weighed as much as Zelo and he held it as though it were a part of himself. "Oh, um... t-this is prince Zelo." Sungmin said pushing Zelo towards the young prince who had a handsome yet dangerous appearance. "Hello prince Zelo, Sungmin has informed me about you." The prince smiled at warmly but clearly had no interest in Zelo as he kept glancing at the red faced Sungmin. "I am known as prince Kyuhyun. " having noticed Zelo looking at the knight standing beside him, prince Kyu pulled him closer. "This fine specimen here is my best knight Bang. My father King Siwon did not like the thought of me traveling without him. Perhaps you would like to speak with Bang." Zelo looked at Kyuhyun surprised, he'd never considered a knight as a partner before. "Whatever do you mean?" Zelo asked thinking he'd misunderstood the princes words. Prince Kyu laughed before taking Zelo's arm and leading him to the side. "Prince Zelo, you and I both know we would not match up well. I see a very sinister side to you, and when have two wrongs ever made a right? Not to mention what I want is that innocent little Sungmin, he looks simply delectable. " Zelo suddenly felt frightened for Sungmin but could tell that the other was just as interested in Kyu. "Alright I will give you the bunny in exchange for the knight." Zelo said in a serious tone. "Agreed, but I will warn you, he is very aggressive. " At that price Kyu walked in the direction he'd last seen Sungmin leaving Zelo to wonder why he was interested in this knight. "Hello, Bang was it?" Zelo said as he approached the intimidating man. "What do you want little one?" Zelo knew immediately that this man was his, he knew nothing of the man but had a warm feeling in his chest upon hearing his voice. "Umm.. uh... I would like to get to know you Bang... You seem very interesting and..." Zelo had never felt so embarrassed in his life. Bang let out a deep chuckle. "You know that I am not one of your suitors little one." "I know you are not. But that doesn't stop me from being attracted to you. And I would enjoy getting to know-" "Prince Zeelllloo" Zelo looked up in time to see one of the drunken maidens from SNSD kingdom walking towards him angrily. "Prince Zelo! I have been here for 5 hours and you have yet to come speak to me!! Do you not wish to have a lovely lady as your bride." The woman grabbed onto Zelo and began kissing his face and neck. Zelo didn't know what to do, he couldn't simply push her away seeing as SNSD already had a very rocky relationship with B.A.P Suddenly the princess was pulled away from Zelo and tossed back towards drunken sisters. Zelo was surprised when Bang pick him up and threw him over his shoulder. Once he was over the shock Zelo asked quietly, "Bang, where are you going?" Bang stopped and put Zelo down before scratching his head and say. "In all honesty, I have absolutely no idea." Zelo bursted out laughing, this man was truly something. Zelo took Bang's hand and led him towards his private garden. "This is my garden. But be quite so the tiger doesn't hear you, he doesn't like strangers." Bang looked at Zelo questioningly. "Tiger? Are you saying you have a pet tiger?" Zelo nodded and grabbed Bang's hand, leading him to his frog pool. "And these are my babies." Zelo picked up his favourite frog and held him out for Bang to look at. "This is Wookie, he is easily frightened, but very cute." To Zelo's surprise Bang picked up Wookie and started examining him. "He looks healthy. At least you are taking care of them, most people do not treat them well." Bang placed Wookie back into the pond and turned back to Zelo. Zelo smiled, he could see this relationship going further... and he liked the thought of it.

-----------------Zelo sat in his garden upset, angry and tired. He'd been arguing with his father all day and didn't seem to be getting through to him. Zelo sigh and took a letter out of his pocket. It'd been months since he met Bang and they wrote letters to one another weekly. Bang was everything Zelo wanted; sweet, smart, caring and brave to boot. Yes Bang was brave, brave enough to write a letter to king Himchan himself asking for Zelo's hand. Zelo was thrilled he could feel his heart jumping around his chest. That is he'd felt his heart moving at such a pace until Himchan threw the proposal into the fireplace. Zelo cried when his father did this asking him why. "Royalty does not mix blood with commoners and peasants. " king Himchan said disregarding the fact that he'd crushed Zelo's happiness.

Zelo stared at the letter from his beloved reading it for the tenth time and couldn't stop the tears as they built up in his eyes. My beloved Zelo, it has been so long since I've last seen you. I miss you dearly, prince Kyuhyun will be coming to visit his betrothed this Friday. Please come and see me, I have tried my best to persuade your Father on our behalf and have been unsuccessful. Do not lose faith my love I will make your father see that I am a worthy spouse and will take great care you. It saddens me to be away from you but I truly love you my sweet Zelo, and I will fight for the rights to become yours

Yours truly . ~Bang

Zelo felt like a mess, why couldn't his father accept that the person he loved was not of royal blood? He loved Bang with all his heart and felt torn that they couldn't be together. Zelo couldn't take it anymore he laid on the grass unmoving and waited for the ache in his chest to subside. He closed his eyes and wept silently holding Bang's letter to his heart. "Zelo... Zelo, what are you..." Sungmin walked up to Zelo and knelt down in front of him. "Zelo, why do you cry? What is bothering you... is it Bang?" Zelo sobbed and held the letter closer to his chest. "Zelo-baby, don't cry... I'm sure your father will come to his senses with time." Zelo knew Sungmin was trying to comfort him, but only felt bitter that the other was happily engaged to the man he loved whilst he was left yearning for the one he desired. "Sungmin, please leave." Zelo said as nicely as he could, he had no desire to be with another being that wasn't Bang. "Don't do this to yourself love! He is coming to see you Friday right? That is something to look forward to and be happy for right?" Sungmin tried desperately to get Zelo to cheer up. Nothing worked, Zelo was still a puddle of tears. "M-Min, you-you wouldn't understand... father won't even consider Bang. But I, I love him so much. " Zelo had never cried for someone in this manner let alone felt his heart ache from no being with the other. "Zelo... Do you want to go see Bang for a few days? You could go to Kyuhyun's kingdom and stay there for a while. Tell your father you shan't return until he allows your marriage with Bang." Sungmin stood up and looked at Zelo's puffy eyes. "Could that really work Min? How will I leave this place?" Zelo wanted to see Bang, even if the cost was upsetting his father. "Simple, you come to my palace and I will have some of my best men accompany you to Kyuhyun's palace. From there however, everything will be up to you." Zelo smiled Sungmin was truly too kind hearted. "I want to leave now." Zelo said as he wiped tear from his eyes and cheeks.

King Himchan paced the throne room, he felt lost. Zelo had been away for over a month and seemed content to continue living with that peasant of a man Bang. In his absence Himchan only received 1 letter from his precious child saying that he would not return until his father accepted that he and Bang loved each other and would not be separated at any cost. "Zelo, you selfish boy." Himchan mumbled to himself before making a decision. Himchan sighed and sat at his desk, preparing paper and ink, he let out another deeper sigh.


Zelo looked up at the stars, he couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible to feel this happy was it? He sighed as he felt warm arms wrap around him and soft lips pressing against the nape of his neck. "This is nice." Zelo mumbled and felt the arms around him tighten a bit. "Yeah, so quiet for once." Bang said as he left a trail of kisses from Zelo's ear to his shoulder. "When was the last time we got to be alone." He murmured in Zelo's ear. Zelo had a warm feeling in his chest. He felt... complete. He turned around in Bang's arms trying to meet the other's lip. "Wait, do you hear that?" Bang looked over his shoulder just as the baby let out a frantic cry. "Ugh, Ryeowookkiiee!" Zelo said as he wiggled out of Bang's arms to go pick up their child. "Shhhh... I'm here baby don't cry." Zelo rocked the young child in his arms lovingly. "You should love me like you love Ryeowook, I'm quite jealous to be honest." Bang leaned down and kissed the fussing child's head. "I love you both equally, Ryeowook just needs more attention than you do." Zelo smirked as he added "Besides, who was it that kept me in bed for over a week?" Bang bit Zelo's ear playfully. "You're lucky I love you."


This is a slice of Kpop randomness and be it known that I love Minho, I just usually think of him as a so it seemed that Prince Zelo wouldn't want him there. Okay, so THE END.

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bornbigbang1 #1
Chapter 1: So. They have a baby now??
kami_wings #2
Chapter 1: keke! AW!~ So cute!~
I was laughing when Yongguk was holding the frog because I remember Zelo telling his sad story about his frog from B.A.P Camp while Yongguk laughed and said he flushed it.
Chapter 1: Cuutee ^^ Minho _______ xD