Chapter 3

Choice between 2

-Start of the letter-

Is your leg okay? Did you get injured? Hope not... Hi, I'm Onew~
Im okay... Thank you very much for helping me get up... Hi, Im Jessica~
Good thing that you are okay~ It would worry me if you got hurt~
Ohh... Thank you for your concern...
Sure~ When did you move to Seoul?
Just recently~
My father got a job here so my whole family moved here.
Ohh~ Keke~ You look really pretty~
Thank you... :)
Hey, just be informal with me~ I'm your friend! :) I am right? Call me oppa~
Of course! thanks oppa~
Are you free later?
Sure, why?
Wanna grab lunch later? Lets go eat CHICKEN! :D
Okay oppa. But can i invite my other friends as well?
Who are your friends?
They are my first 2 friends in the school~ They are Taemin and Jonghyun. Oppa, can i call them along?
Um.... sure..... So 2pm at the cafe?
Okie dokie~ :D

-End of letter-


Onew POV

The new kid, Jessica...

We have been passing around the letter during music class...

I have never meet her before but why do i have a funny feeling inside?

Why cant i stop staring at her?

She really pretty... Her big eyes and her long hair...

Do i like her?

My heart seem to beat faster when she looks at me...

I would want to look the best when she looks at me....

I would peep at her to see what she is doing...

I cant stop smiling when i think of her...

I cant stop reading the letter over and over again...

im really excited for lunch later...

Do i? Do i... like her?

I... i.... i....


During the other lessons, i kept looking at the clock, as if wanting the time to be fast forward. I wanted to meet Jessica as soon as possible. im feeling kinda nervous! Ohh, why is the time moving so slow today? It's taking forever! Ppali... Ppali...

"Is the clock spoiled?!?!?!" I shouted out. Everyone stared at me... " no... Why?" they all answered. "okay.. nothing..." i said... with tinge of sadness...


Jessica POV

"Taemin, want to grab lunch together? With Jonghyun also. And i want to introduce you to my new friend? Okay?" I text Taemin.

"I'm not sure...." Taemin reply.

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! go with me please~ Taemin~" I text back. And it worked!

"Okay okay! Arraso!" Taemin said.

"2pm at the cafe!" i told him.

"Neh.... :)" He agreed.


When i was texting Taemin, the clumsy me wasnt focus on looking to the front, knock into Minho and fell onto the floor with my books all scattered around! Omg, why am i so dumb?  I apologize to Minho, gethered & took all my books and wanted to run away. But then Minho grabbed my wrist from behind! It was breath-taking. What does he want? 

'Omg! Why did he grab my hand? Is he angry?'

I turned behind and saw him... It was as if he was glowing! My heart... so fast... He said in his soothing voice, "There, your cellphone... U forgotten about it" I hit myself on the head, for being so silly. After i did that, i could hear Minho giggled. To my surprise, he held my hand and said, "Don't hit yourself! it's not your fault u knock into me! The floor was just slippery that made you bump into me!" and smiled. Those comforting words make me wanna melt~ 

At this very moment! A few guys with rollar blades glide through the corridoors in high speed! I was in their way and they almost hit me! Minho pulled me into his arms, hugged me and turned around, in order to get me away from those rollar bladers... We were so close that i could hear his heartbeat! OMG! I'm starting to blush again!

"Are you okay?" Minho asked while looking straight into my eyes! I could sense that he was worried... I couldnt look into his eyes! i look down, and thank him. "I'm okay, Thank you." i said... He heaved a sign of relieve. I look at my watch, it was 2.15pm! I'm late! "um... Minho ssi, i need to rush of somewhere! Sorry!" I said in a rush and ran away... 


Minho POV

Keke, Jessica~ She's so cute and clumsy~ She actually forgot her cellphone~

I look at her schdeule list and saw the note: '2pm at cafe' so i went to the cafe, wanting to give her back her cellphone.


Jessica POV

"Sorry that im late! So so sorry! Something happened!" Onew, Taemin and Jonghyun were already there. They seem to have similar interest so they hang out well.

"Ohh, Jessica, you're here! What happen? " Jonghyun asked.

"Ohh nothing. Im so sorry! Lets get going!" I replied while still trying to catch a breath.


Minho POV

I went down to the cafe....

Ohh! Why is Jessica with three other guys? they are? they cant possibly her boyfriendS right? Wait... isnt that Onew hyung?

"Onew hyung! Jessica! Taemin! Jonghyun!" I shouted. They looked back at me.

"Ohh, Minho yah! Why are you here? U know Jessica?" Onew hyung said.

"i came here to give Jessica her phone back" i replied Onew hyung. "There you go Jessica, you forgotten your phone" I turn to Jessica and told her.

"Thanks! :)" Jessica replied with a big smile on her face. Don't know why, i just felt like pinching her cheeks~

"Where are you going?" I asked them.

Onew hyung answered, "CHICKEN! <3"

He eems really excited!

The rest of them then answered. "We're going to eat some chicken for lunch! U wanna follow?"

I immediately answer to a yes after Jessica looked at me with her big, watery eyes~ Why am i like this?

"Let's go then!" Jessica said and we left!


Jessica POV

Wait a second... Taemin and Jonghyun know Minho? Now i'm really confused~ Why didnt they tell me?

And why Minho called Onew hyung?

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kaeyoungxoxo #1
LOL... " my heart, pumping so fasy..." Haha i like that part.<br />
OMO ~ Onew ^^ !! <br />
I guess i'll love it even more if its Jonghyun and Jessica! But then i still like ur story :)<br />
<br />
- <3kaeyoungg -