Be Mine!

Be Mine

A/N: First off I would like to apologize to my subscribers for waiting so long to update. I had school and every time I reminded myself to update I would some how get extremely busy. So here it is and I'm sorry again)

   Changjo couldn't help but sigh at the scene before him. Ricky and L.joe were playing around(flirting really) and completely ignoring the two boys sitting right beside them. Changjo glanced over at Chunji who was currently pouting over being ignored by his boyfriend even after all his attempts at getting attention. He looked like he was about to burst, and the poor maknae wasn't doing any better. Inside he was really hurting at the sight. Just watching his cute hyung get all cuddly with someone else(even if they are taken) made him boil with jealousy and tremble with sadness. Changjo sighed again slumping back against the couch like Chunji, and pouted just as hard.(seems like thats the only thing this boy knows how to do in my fics!!!)

'Why can't Ricky like me? I just wish he would notice me like that.' Changjo thought as Ricky laughed cutely over something L.joe had said. Chunji dramatically rolled his eyes and got up off the couch with a huff.

"Where are you going?" L.joe asked tearing his eyes away from Ricky to watch his boyfriend's retreating frame. Chunji stopped and turned around to look at L.joe innocently as if he hadn't been grumbling bitterly and pouting all over the couch just a moment ago.

"I'm going to Niel and CAP's room so I can get some actual attention." Chunji snapped in a tone totally against his sweet look. L.joe looked surprised at his boyfriend's biting tone for a minute then took another to gather himself before running after Chunji yelling 'I Love Yous' and 'Chunji please waits!' 

Not knowing what to do Changjo and Ricky sat in silence. Listening to Chunji slamming doors and Niel locking CAP out of the room with L.joe for some unknown reason.

"Changjo. I'm gonna head to bed. It's been a pretty long day... are you coming?" Ricky asked nonchalantly. Changjo nodded and they quietly snuck into their room to quickly change and get in bed. That night while he stayed up and listened to the distant voices of his hyungs he made a pact with himself that the next day he would confess his feelings for Ricky to the older boy.


Changjo awoke like any other day to the sound of Niel yelling, and the delicious smell of breakfast. He groaned and got out of bed slowly making his way to the living room. Then a harsh BANG was heard through out the dorm, and he was hit straight in the head with a pillow Niel had thrown and CAP had avoided at the last moment. At the moment Niel was yelling at CAP(for another unknown reason) and hitting him with anything he could get his hands on(including pillows apparently).

"Niel babe calm down!!! I promise I wasn't looking at Rena like that! She just happened to be there!" CAP said desperately dodging a flying pillow. Niel stopped for a second thinking about what his boyfriend had said. His brows were scrunched up and if Changjo wasn't momentarily vision impaired he would have sworn Niel was crying. He quickly shook that thought away because he quite liked his life. Niel aggressively threw another pillow and this time CAP couldn't dodge the thing.

"Owwww baby! What the hell! That hurt!!!  You know I don't even look at her like that! i love you and only you!" CAP said throwing the loose complaints in there Niel pursed his lips and looked at CAP doubtfully. Then sighed dramatically.

"I know. It's just when you spoke to her like that it was like you were going to leave me suddenly." Niel said. His head was down and he was suddenly slumped down on the couch. CAP smiled at the boy before him and carefully pulled him into a hug.

"I'd never leave you because I love you." He said. Slowly CAP brought Niel's lips to his in a passionate make up kiss of epic proportions! 

"Uh hey guys." Changjo awkwardly said trying to get the kissing couples attention(I mean he has more problems than them at the moment.) but they just ignored him. 

"DUDES REALLY!!!! I'M TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING!" Changjo yelled waving a hand in front of Niel's face(currently on CAP's) 

"WHAT!" Niel yelled back pushing CAP off of him. Not exactly wanting to completely get his hyung angry Changjo looked down apologetically.

"I need some advice." He said softly looking down. This got Niel to calm down and even got Chunji listening.

"Really now? Well tell me all about this problem." Niel said smoothly guiding Changjo to sit between him and a curious Chunji.

"Uhh.. W-well I love someone and they...they unfortunately like someone else so I just want to know how to get that person to look at me like that instead I want that person to only see me! I've decided to confess to them today if that's any help." Changjo said. Niel smiled knowingly at him and Chunji started to pout again.

"Is it Ricky?" Niel asked. Changjo looked at Niel in surprise. Chunji had slouched down grumpily into the couch cushions and looked dangerously ready to kill.

"How did you?" He asked. CAP scoffed and shrugged his shoulders like it was so obvious.

"It was kind of obvious to us because we already have people of our own. We've been through this and we know the way you look is Ricky. It was the same with us. What surprised me though was Ricky likes MY L.JOE!" Chunji  said darkly. Niel nodded in agreement, and slid into CAP's lap for emphasis. Changjo sighed and got comfortable on the couch all by his lonesome.

"So...Can you help me?" He ask shyly. Niel smiled brightly at him then. Changjo felt reassured right at that moment that his hyung wouldn't let him down.

"Of course. So what you have to do is. When he gets back from the park with L.joe(Chunji stop growling) talk to him, and tell him how you feel about him! I promise you'll be really surprised with the result." Niel said happily because secretly he knew something no one else in that room knew not even Chunji. Changjo nodded happily and noted everything he heard in his brain.

"That's all I got." They said one by one. The atmosphere seemed lighter and happier for Changjo since he got out his love for Ricky and had some advice from his hyungs. Finally he felt ready.

Unexpectedly the door burst open and in came Ricky and L.joe. Ricky looked absolutely adorable with a little hat, a button down baby blue shirt on and matching bow tie with pink jeans. Holding a huge fluffy teddy bear with a cute button nose and fluffy fur. He was giggling cutely while L.joe looked badass in a leather jacket and really tight black jeans. They were ripped at the knees and his shirt said something in English. His hair was hidden under Chunji's favorite Red Beanie. Chunji growled and dragged L.joe off much to his confusion. You could hear him laying into L.joe about going out with Ricky today and not him. It would be funny if Changjo didn't look so caught up n the cute visual maknae in the room holding the fluffy bear.

"We'll we're going to make sure Chunji doesn't kill his boyfriend. Have fun kids! Don't do anything CAP and I wouldn't." Niel said suggestively winking at them. Changjo sighed nervously and turned back to the pouting cutie in front of him. Shyly he motioned for the boy to sit next to him as he crossed his legs. 

"Hey Changjo!" Ricky squealed cutely. Suddenly he had the huge teddy into his hand to hold.

"I just got that from L.joe hyung he won it for me!" Ricky squirmed excitedly. Changjo almost growled with jealousy and pushed the offending teddy on the floor making poor Ricky pout again.

"Ricky I need to say something to you." He said holding onto the boys smaller hands. Ricky looked at their intertwined fingers and his cheeks grew a little pink.

"Ok." Ricky said hesitantly not wanting his best friend to say something horrible like say 'We can't be friends anymore.' It was all he could do to make Changjo pay attention to him. He loved Changjo and didn't want to lose him. Changjo gulped down a bunch of air trying to gather up some confidence.

"Umm... Ricky I don't know how to say this but it might shock you and probably make you a little confused. Just know that you did nothing to influence this. This is me." Ricky could feel tears swell up in his eyes just waiting to fall if Changjo said what he thought he would. 'Omg. He's going to say he hates me and he never wants to be my friend again. I should have confessed before so at least he knew before he left me!' He thought.

 "Ricky I love you." Changjo blurted out. Shocked Ricky's eyes opened wide and the tears he'd been holding in began to spill over his very red very chubby cheeks.

"OH MY GOSH! Ricky are you ok?" Changjo asked. 'Oh no. Is he crying because of me? Because I confesses to him?'. Ricky smiled a watery smile and nodded happily. 'Probably trying to assure me even when I'm the cause. He's so nice.' Changjo thought

"Yes I great,amazing!" Ricky said jumping on Changjo who was surprised by this sign of affection he had thought that Ricky wouldn't want to do this anymore. In fact he had expected pity not a hug. 

"What the---!!!!" Changjo tried asking before being interrupted by a pair of soft lips. They were so soft and sweet. He felt like he was in one of his many dreams about this beautiful boy. except so much better. This was like warmth had exploded from his mouth and spread all through his body. Warming his cracking heart and filling it with love once again. He was kissing an angel. He was sure of it now. Ricky was an angel. Finally Ricky pulled away from Changjo who was still in shock from kiss. Ricky was blushing and giggling behind his hand while occasionally touching his red kiss worn lips.

"I love you too. In fact I've probably loved you since debut." Ricky said sincerely. His cheeks were warm and red. 'Just like his lips'

"How? That's not possible you like L.joe hyung. He won you a Teddy!!! IT'S HUGE!!!" Changjo said surprise and unbelieving of what he just heard. He was star-struck. He had prepared himself for rejection and frankly this wasn't it!

"I don't really like him Changjo. I-I just wanted to make you jealous. I wanted to know if you felt the same as I did about you. I wasn't sure anymore because you never reacted to anything I did. I tried flirting but I'm horrible at it and it just leaves us feeling awkward even if you don't know why. So I thought maybe just maybe if I got you jealous then I'd finally know if you liked me the same as I'd always liked you." Ricky said he seemed a little sorry about what he did, but now he knew Changjo really had loved him all along. Changjo smiled at the blushing boy and this time he initiated the kiss. This one was just as sweet if not sweeter than the first. It was slow and new. Like a spark of life. In the cuteness haze surrounding them as they kissed they could vaguely hear their hyungs ohh-ing and ahh-ing in the background. Changjo pulled backed and pulled Ricky's head to lay on his shoulder under his jaw. Every once and a while his breathe would ghost over  Ricky's ear causing the cute boy under him to shiver and giggle against his neck uncontrollably.

"Next time you go out I'm going to take you on the perfect date and win you a bigger bear than L.joe hyung ever could." Changjo whispered kissing the back of his ear sweetly. Ricky laughed hoping that what his new boyfriend said would come true very soon.


(A/N: As I said before I'm sorry for not updating it earlier. I hope you guys like it because I lost the original and I had to improvise at the last moment so basically all of this is off the top of my head. So sorry if there are any mistakes I have no beta and I didn't go over it. Comment please with your opinion I'd like to improve my writing style.)(Just went over it and if i may say so It seems better.)

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Chapter 1: So sweet! I like this story so cute like the ChangRick couple :') Thank You Author for writing this Story for us :)
Chapter 1: oh ah Background hahaha -
Changrick cute > <
i like
CosmoQueen #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww so sweet!!! Write more ChangRick please!!!
Chapter 1: ChangRick is so cute!
Chapter 1: Adorable!!!
RandomShrooms1045 #6
Chapter 1: Aw... so floofy like Sherm...
Chapter 1: aaawww ... cute ...
Update ....