



They sat opposite one another at the breakfast table. Rain trickled down the glass panes, mixing with the soft jazz music floating from the stereo in the living room. The nook being occupied was white and cozy with a rustic wooden tabletop.

Thunder rolled through the early dawn sky.

Ryeowook tightened his grip on Donghae’s fingers, keeping the entwined extremities close. “Are you sure this is what you want?” He looked up with concern, eyes flickering uncertainly. The pen rested underneath his right hand, poised for its task. “This is risky to say the least. Furthermore, I can’t say that I fully agree.”

“We live a very dangerous life,” Donghae responded softly, “nothing is set in stone – most of all our futures. Do you expect happiness at the end of this trail?” He smiled pityingly, “From the very beginning of our journeys, we made choices and one of those choices was giving up an easy life with a fairytale ending.”

“There’s not even a chance to hope for that, though?” Ryeowook asked with more desperation in his voice than he had wanted to show.

Donghae paused and then sighed, unlacing and then lacing their fingers together again. “That’s beside the point right now. Sign the form. Otherwise, our joint bank account won’t be relinquished at that time.”

“I’m just—”

He pressed a finger to Ryeowook’s lips, shaking his head gently but firmly. “Don’t. Just do it, Ryeowook. If you don’t right now, there’s a hell of a lot more pain in store in the future.”

Slowly, he picked up the pen, taking a deep breath. “You know that I trust you right?” Ryeowook pressed the tip to the paper, looking up at Donghae, “…with that said, you must also know that I don’t want to let go of you. You’re the first person who has ever been there for me like this…you understand me best.”

“As true as that is,” he smiled, leaning forward, running his fingers through Ryeowook’s hair, “It won’t change this situation. This is all for the best…it’s a precaution and completely necessary. I won’t let anything bad happen to you so long as I can help it.”

“Even when you’re buried six feet under?”   

“If I’m lucky enough to have a proper burial,” he scoffed, dark humor trickling between his lips.

Ryeowook cast his eyes to the paper, quickly signing it. Letting out a heavy breath, he sank back in his seat, holding Donghae’s hand ever harder. “Imagining it is enough to make me feel pain.”

He rubbed his thumb gently across the back of the male’s hand. Leaning down, Donghae pressed his lips to the smooth skin, “…I know.”




“My, my, aren’t you little?” a beautiful man by the name of Kim Heechul remarked, eyeing Henry blatantly. He circled the stiff-backed boy, reaching out to brush his shoulder slightly. “Very, very small…”

“Uhm…what are you doing, Mr. Kim?” Sunggyu questioned uncomfortably. He watched in half-horror, half-amusement at the observatory persona Heechul had taken upon examining his new friend.

“Studying this cute creature,” he drawled, “can’t you tell just by looking, boy?”

“I’m Henry,” he stated without anyone’s asking. Carefully, he backed away from Heechul, adding, “it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kim.”

“And how would you know if it’s nice to meet me?” Heechul frowned, dropping gracefully down onto a chair. “I hardly think that you would know right off the bat. Have kids been talking about me again and that’s how you know?”

“N-No,” Henry blinked, looking confused and worried. “Excuse me, but where is Jungmo-hyung? I thought he was just getting something from the backroom.”

“Oh, right,” the teacher nodded absently, “that boy is incredibly handsome. Don’t you agree, Henry?”

He nodded slowly. “I guess he is. A lot of people compliment him every day.”

“What do you think of that new teacher, Mr. Cho or something?” Heechul cocked his head. “I think he’s rather attractive – a bit of a sourpuss, but nothing so terrible, I think.”

“Yes, Mr. Cho is very cool,” Henry stated, “he’s handsome among the teachers…I think you’re the most beautiful though, Mr. Kim.” He flashed a wide grin, earning a stifled laugh in return.

Heechul stood up, coming over and patting the boy’s head affectionately. “Ah, we really will get along during your stay here.” He glanced at the backroom. “Go get Jungmo. I’m sure that whatever he’s looking for isn’t there. I’d rather him not mess around with my stuff any longer.”

Henry nodded, pulling Sunggyu along with him.

They stepped inside the closet like space, glancing over their shoulders to check if Heechul was there. “What are you looking for again?” Sunggyu asked softly, confused.

“Nothing really,” Henry assured vaguely, “maybe something that could possibly be dangerous…or weird.”

“Well, Heechul is a weird guy in general,” he said slowly, “I don’t think you’ll find anything normal back here, to be honest.”

Jungmo straightened, closing a dusty box of papers. “There’s nothing.” He peered at Sunggyu, giving him a slight smile. “Perhaps he’s not as weird as you think?”

The boy cast his eyes down for the briefest of moments before shrugging and laughing it off. “Hmm, guess you’re right. Should we get going then?”

Heechul’s voice called from outside. The trio exchanged looks, and then headed back out. Henry fell back a step, mumbling to Jungmo, “Not him, right?”

“Nope,” he responded under his breath.



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Chapter 51: Oh my god kyuhyun realy poor
Chapter 51: Nooo!!! What?!?!?! I can't!!!!! Waeeee?!?!? This can't be true!!!pleaseeee :( Uri kyuwook can't have this terrible ending! :(
I have to admit, you're sooo good at creating suspense! Half the time I had no idea what was going on and had to re-read it >< so many deaths :(
4ever_kpop_love #3
Chapter 14: Now that I've gotten a bit into the story, I have to say that your mind must be just add brilliant as Kyuhyun's in this story. How else could you have written it so fluidly and baffling? I thoroughly enjoy reading it. Kyuhyun's manipulate powers, Ryeowook's apparent "ignorance" of right and wrong, it's all very intriguing. Haha I should be sleeping but I can't help but read more, very well done ^_^
Chapter 51: OhmyfreakingGod!!?!?!?!??
I DON'T...
I CAN'T...
Okay sidenote I so freaking called it! I knew it was Sunggyu!!!
But back to my spazzing disbelief..
velvetinnocence #6
Chapter 51: Wait what?
Wow everything happened so fast...I totally didn't expect it.
Um firstly about Sunggyu being the sadistic murderer, he didn't seem like it at first. So that was a little shocking.
Next, I can't really believe Ryeowook just accepted Kyuhyun that easily, I mean I thought Ryeowook will keep denying his love for Kyuhyun...but I guess he just can't resist Kyuhyun eh? Hehe
There's gonna be a sequel right? I'm very much looking forward to it!^.^ I hope no one dies. :) thanks authoring for the update!:D
Chapter 51: What~? NUUUU!!!;A; TT^TT ;n; :'(
Chapter 51: omaigod no ;;
Chapter 48: I absolutely need to go back and re-read this story so far. I think I forgot some parts during your break and it's totally too good to be forgetting!

Favourite line - 'You’re probably going crazy if you think I am ever going to prioritize the lives of millions over Ryeowook'.

It's so weird sometimes to try to link this Kyuhyun with the Kyuhyun from the very beginning. But even saying that, you can kind of see that he's the same and I love that he is. I'm excited for any kind of interaction, Kyu needs a break surely . Anyways, time to read back!