Drabbles and Short Stories

Too Late

She is my life. My world. She gave meaning to my life. I don't know how I could survive without her. Yes. She is that important to me.  Just seeing her with other guys - laughing, playing, talking - it feels like a knife through my chest. I couldn't stop the pain though I wanted to. I didn't know what she did that made me fall head-over heels for her. I don't know if she loves me back. But now I do


She's walking down the aisle, holding a bouquet. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Perfect, in her own way. The white gown she's wearing glistens but her smile more radiant. When she reached the altar and said 'I do' I knew she just made HIM the happiest man alive.

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Chapter 5: I am spitless TT~~~~TT
Chapter 4: langya ka! bakit pangalan ko ginamit mo TT~~~~~~~TT
Chapter 1: Why do you leave so many spaces? XD Anyway, update please~~