born to hand jive

born to hand jive


All Kikwang wanted was a nice old-fashioned romance he sees in 50-style movies. Going out to drive in theaters, milkshakes, bowling and breaking out into songs when it was least expected. Leather jackets, sunglasses, and motorcycles attracted him as he pointed out to Yoseob for the hundredth time while watching Grease. 
When he first met Doojoon he didn't seem like the type of guy that would be into all that old fashioned stuff. And Kikwang was shocked when Doojoon showed up in a motorbike a few weeks later after Kikwang mention he loved that. Doojoon cracked a smirk showing that mysterious aura underneath his helmet and sunglasses. Doojoon placed Kikwang's helmet on his head the shorter boy feeling excited but scared over the choice of ride to their date. Kikwang made sure not to let go Doojoon's leather jacket as the boy sped up. 
"Yoseob-ah he's making my dreams come true. Doojoon took me to a nice 50s diner and we had hamburgers and milkshakes!" Kikwang said excited remembering the night placing his head on his palms.
Yoseob sighed and dropped his food onto his plate before he faced Kikwang. 
"Just make sure he doesn't break your heart that happens to all the movies you've seen." Yoseob replied before he picked up and continued to eat his lunch. 
Kikwang pouted at the negative thought. "Doojoon isn't that kind of person. I saw all the bruises when he took off his jacket. Yoseob-ah he tried hard to learn how to ride that motorbike."
Yoseob rolled his eyes as Kikwang screeched when Doojoon back hugged him.
It has been a few weeks since Kikwang and Doojoon have been seeing each other. It was a Saturday night and the moon and stars shined brightly, illuminating the dark sky. 
This time Doojoon appeared in his mom's car but he made sure not to mention that; yet Kikwang hinted when he sat in a nicely lilac scented car and when he the radio, trot blasted from the stereo. 
Doojoon found a working drive in theater not too far from town and after buying popcorn and drinks for Kikwang they began to cuddle in the backseat as they enjoyed the movie playing. Kikwang was actually a bit frighten that Doojoon wanted to do more than cuddling as he knows what happened a lot during drive in movies. 'Yoseob was right I should really stop depending in all those movies'. Kikwang shouldn't judge Doojoon like that. 
After the movie was over Doojoon began to drive Kikwang home trying to beat his curfew. Kikwang was enjoying all these dates but he still felt that it was all about him. 
Once they arrived at Kikwang’s house, Doojoon walked up to the door and kissed him whispering into his ear that he hoped he had a nice night. 
Kikwang nodded and smiled at Doojoon as he began to leave Kikwang reached for his sleeve. 
"Doojoon, I love how you are doing all these stuff for me but it is not all about me. Let us do stuff you like too." Kikwang smiled at him he wanted to know more about Doojoon, more about the man that swept him off his feet.
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Chapter 1: simple yet soo sweet! ♥(//∇//) imagining dukwang enjoy sweet things like this together is soo romantic!! uah! ♥٩(๑´3`๑)۶ naisuu work author-nim!! ♥
kira_angel #2
Chapter 1: Haha Stupid Kikwang ~~ :“> Doojoon so sweet ~~ T^T I just love an old romantic too ~~ T^T

P/s: Can i trans this :P Into Vietnamese :P