Some thing was going wrong


Hi cuties! I’m back.^_^


Really really Sorry for the late update.

First I caught a bad cold and I couldn’t write even a single word and after that I became a little lazy to continue writing my story!!kekeke!

Any way! now I’m here with the next chapter! I wish you read and enjoy…then write comments. I really love your comments.<3


Thanks for the single vote :)… *bow*





One year later



“Don’t stand there like a statue!!Come and help me!”  Pil kyo shouted.

“I can’t!!!” Jung  hyuk said simply. He was standing still  just looking at pil kyo chopping the logs for firewood.

 “You are such a spoiled prince!”Pil kyo  shook his head from left to right and laughed at him.“BUT you have to get used to rural life if you want to live with me for the rest of your life” He added after a short pause.

“Live…with you? You let me live with you for the rest of my life?” Jung hyuk asked happily.

Pil kyo stopped working and turned to jung hyuk . “you don’t have anywhere to go…!and I'm alone here!we can live together”he said shyly. " But... you cannot escape from work!”  He crossed his arms and looked at jung hyuk frowning.

“Yahhh…I’m still a prince!!!How you dare to talk to me like this huh?” Jung hyuk said jokingly and stepped closer to Pil kyo.

“You have to know that I’m the king of my own little cottage.”Pil kyo answered with A nice smile on his lips.

Within a second he felt Jung hyuk arms wrapping around his waist. He hugged him and landed a peck on his cheek.

“Yes…your majesty” Jung hyuk murmured in to his ear.

“w..what are you doing?”

“Nothing… just want to say thank you!”

“There is no need to thank me like this, let go of me!”Pil kyo said weakly but he didn’t try to free himself and Jung hyuk dared to tighten the hug.

It was one of the last cold days of winter and how warm it was here in Jung hyuk's arms. Overjoyed Pil kyo raised his head and their eyes met. Pil kyo felt he was drowning…drowning in the ocean of emotion in his eyes. Jung hyuk didn’t say a single word.

there was no need to talk.

His eyes were talking to him.

 “Pil kyo…you know how much I love you?”

Pil kyo could hear them clearly even though Jung hyuk did not utter any of them.

“I love you too Jung hyuk…I love you too and I will tell it to you someday” he thought.

A few moments of silence passed. Pil kyo felt a single snowflake landed on his nose, then the second and the third one…and finally countless snowflakes slowly drifted down from the sky. The snow was falling heavily now.

The atmosphere was wonderful!

Pil kyo in his dear friend’s arms...

Just the two of them alone on a snowy day of winter!

They were enjoying every second of it and they wished it would never end,

But it ended… !

All the sweet thoughts and feelings ended when they felt the presence of a third person there.

“Ehem…” they heard a sound of someone coughing

“h-hi hyung.” that was Choong jae. Jung hyuk and Pil kyo separated quickly and greeted him.

“h..hi…” they said in unison with blushed faces. Jung hyuk went toward Choong jae and tried to smile at him.“how is the baby?” he said kindly.

“He is ok!”Choongjae answered coldly without looking at him. There was a short pause and then Choong jae started to walk toward Pil kyo. He stood beside him and took a short glance at Jung hyuk.

“I need to talk to him.” Choong jae put his hand on his shoulder. “alone!” he said frankly.

“I- I’m going to leave now…” Jung hyuk bowed his head and passed across them sadly, within no second he went to the cottage and disappeared behind the door.

“I came here to talk to you upon something important” said Choong jae.his voice was colder than the weather.

“What is it?”

“It’s about you…and him”

“About us?then talk!”

“Here?under the snow?!Let’s go to a warm place.”



Inside the cottage Jung hyuk was standing in front of the window. He was looking at the two men leaving. For a moment the last sunshine fell upon the two men’s body; then the glow faded. Now the sky was like a pool of blood…red and gloomy.Pil kyo and Choong jae, with several feet of twilight between Them strolled into the village. they disappeared after few minutes and the only thing that remained was their footprints on the snows. Jung hyuk sighed and rested his head on the wall.

“Why I feel so worry?”  He put his trembling hand on his restless heart.

“Be calm….don’t worry nothing is going to happen!He will come back soon don’t worry”








The dark night came.

Choongjae and Pil kyo were sitting at the tables in a cold and uncrowned tavern. It was extremely cold but pilkyo’s cheeks were flushed by anger

“It’s almost a year hyung….” Choong jae said angrily.

“I know…But I can’t…I can’t let him go!” He almost shouted and few people in the tavern turned back and looked at him frowning.

“But you should…! There are so many rumors about you and him being in weird relationship with each other!”

“But you know better than me that none of them is true.” Pil kyo turned his face to escape from his eyes.

“If there is nothing…so why don’t you ask him to leave? Why?”

“Why should I do such a thing to him? He doesn’t have anywhere to go and I don’t want to let him go either!” the last sentence escaped from his mouth.

“Why you don’t want to let him go? Tell me hyung… honest”

“well…that’s b-because…” pil kyo didn't know what to say.

“hyung tell me….why?”

“Because …”


“I think I… I ….”

“You think you love him am I right?”

Pil kyo didn’t say anything.

“You love a man? You understand it? It is not acceptable in this village….in anywhere…” Choong jae banged his fist on the table.

“I-I know but I can’t stop it…I have tried hard to ignore it!but I can’t!” He held his head between his two hands. “ I can’t!”

“So you have to let him go to forget him and your ridiculous feelings about him.”

“Ah shut up! That’s not ridiculous” Pil kyo stood up angrily. “I’m wasting my time to talk to you about things that you don’t understand. I’m going to leave now.”

Choongjae held his hand and forced him to sit.

“Sorry hyung…don’t get angry…sit down please let’s have a drink and then you can go….”





The fire was dying down. Jung hyuk threw another log to the fire and stared blankly at the flames.

"Pil kyo…where are you?" He murmured sadly and glanced at the door hopelessly.

That was the first time during this one year of living with him….the first time that he was alone. with out him being there.

"Pil kyo…." He repeated his name over and over again "come back please."








“I have to go….Jung hyuk is waiting for me…he is calling my name” Pil kyo tried to stand up but he failed.

Choongjae didn't pay attention to what he was saying. he held the drunken man in his arms and took him to his own house. He laid the man down on the ground and covered his body with a blanket, then sat behind him with a gloomy face. He was thinking about the things Pil kyo had been said when he was drunk. He was thinking about Jung hyuk….Mun Jung hyuk….the son of king….about the prime minister….

"I have to do something to end this relationship before it’s too late…I have to travel…I have to find the minister and tell him junghyuk is still alive…I have to get rid of him….sorry hyung…but I have to separate you! I do all of these things just because of you and my family!" He said slowly to the slept man.





Jung hyuk waited for Pil kyo the whole night but he didn’t come back!

Now he was sure that something was going wrong.





Don’t be mad at Choong jae….he thinks he can help Pil kyo by doing such a thing! Centuries ago it was not accepted to love a person of the same gender!!It is still not accepted by many people up to know!!!kekeke.



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balicucha #1
Chapter 8: I wish you'd spare some of your time Authornim to continue writing this beautiful story. Fighting!.....
hyesungric #2
Your story is good. Why you don't update it?
hyesungyoochun #3
Chapter 7: Omooo eric's letter T^T
czarheyda92 #4
Chapter 8: NOT AGAIN!!!!!NOOOOOOOO!!!
Chapter 8: eric will die... again?? please no T.T
Chapter 8: Happy for pil kyo...he found some one to be happy with.
And I will kill you eleman if you kill Eric at present time again :(((
orangeonigiri #8
Chapter 7: this is so good :)) you captured their essence appropriately ^^ waiting for updates. i felt like the emotions were reaching out to me. updates juseyo!~ ^^ aren't the other members gonna make a cameo? some WooDong maybe?
orangeheart #9
Chapter 7: Ouchh this is a sad one. Hope next chapter will hape more loves. Anywayy Welcome back! :) i will wait for the next update.
Chapter 7: Yay, you're back, thank you~<3 <3
But, this is so sad :'( I cried so hard, and my family saw it.. They got panicked, kkk~ X(
I really hope that they'll gain their happiness this time.. And please, don't make the chaser a bad guy D':

Waiting for the next chapter, fighting \(^o^)/