That Night After The Game

Shut Up and Kiss Me!

Infinite had just get back to their dorm after finished filming the Couple Game for their Second Invasion Concert. Seems like they had so much fun today. They sat on the floor; some laid down in the living room and started to recall every scene on that Couple game.

"You know that when Dongwoo hyung was singing Hoya's part in Paradise, at the end of it, he looked like a embarrassed idiot!" said Sungjong with a loud laugh followed with the others, pointing at Dongwoo. The one who became the subject just laughed with his derp face.

"Yah, Lee Sungyeol, are you mean it when you said my lips is sweet?" L asked still chocked from the laugh.

"dumb! you know I mean it, right!" Sungyeol smacked back of L's head. And the rest still lauging out loud.

"you two were gross ew that kissing time when you did pepero game, in front of this little kid oh my god I wish I hadn't seen it." Sungjong said in a shiver.

"Don't be too dramatic, Sungjong. You're not under age anymore." L rolled his eyes as he crammed his hands into his jacket.

All of them were laughing loudly and mocking at each other, while there was a one person that looked unamused and not interested in the conversation sitting in the corner of the room, far from the other's sight. Head leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes, tried to clear his mind. Inhaling deeply, tried to relax his body.

"Hey, Hyung! What are you doing there alone?" Hoya shouted, seemed like he noticed the missing of one member.

"I..just tired." The brunet-haired man replied, eyes still closed.

"Well, you better get washed and go sleep, Gyu-grandpa."

"Look who is acting like he care." Sunggyu rolled his eyes and he got up and went to his room.


The room wasn't dark, the light already . Woohyun must be bathing now, he thought.

He started to take off his jacket and lay down on his bunk.

"Ah~ why is this feel comfortable." Once again, he closed his eyes, almost drifted away. He snapped back and suddenly the thoughts popped up in his mind, the thoughts that bothered him since they went back.

Why he did that?

It's annoying me!

Don't you know I hate being teased?

You can just do it, act that it was like an a—

He jumped out to a sit position. The thoughts suddenly scattered with the presence of Woohyun came from the bathroom with only towel wrapped around his waist. Water rolled down from his still wet hair through his nose, then his lips, his tempting neck, his bare chest, to his y chocolate six-packed abs.

. Sunggyu who still glued his eyes on the creature presence, unawarely swallowed hard at the sight before his eyes. Like this was the first time he saw it, he didn't even blinked, though it wasn't the first time. Just something inside Sunggyu's head found it more tempting than it used to.

"Hyung, are you going to take a bath?" Woohyun finally gave a voice.

Sunggyu startled and he immediately changed his facial expression to his I-don't-want-to-talk-to-you look. He back to his lay down position and ignoring Woohyun's question.

Woohyun started to feel annoyed with the older boy's reaction. "Hyung, you've been ignored me since we went back! What happen with you, seriously!"

Sunggyu still remain silent for a moment. He took a quick glance at Woohyun's tempting body.

"Hyung!" Woohyun yelled in a whining way.

God, you Woohyun. Why you yelled like that? It become more tempting you know.

And Sunggyu couldn't hold it anymore. He turned his head to face the annoyed Woohyun and yelled. "You know, YES I mad at you! Why? Because you teased me!" he cried in a frantic tone. "You know, I hate being teased! Earlier when we did that pepero game...... Oh come on you know what I mean, right!" desperately said as he keeping his pride with not said it bluntly.

Woohyun looked puzzled for a moment, before he realized what actually Sunggyu mean. Woohyun still remain silent and staring at Sunggyu.

Sunggyu who started to feel uneasy with the silence looked at the younger boy. Frowned his head, didn't know what was the meaning of Woohyun's intensive stare.

When suddenly Woohyun jumped on top of him.

"W-why whywhywhywhy are you?" Sunggyu stuttered because of the sudden attack.

"Yah get out of me!" nag nag nag.

"No, I'll give what you deserve." Woohyun finally spoke up with that cold and smirked.

"Huh? W-hat? A"

Before Sunggyu could finished his words, Woohyun eagerly captured his pink lips.

"This. Is what you want, right?" Woohyun mumbled in the kiss.

Sunggyu who was dazed for a moment finally melted in the kiss and began to kiss him back. the older man's lower lips, asking for entrance. Sunggyu traced the chocolate abs with his fingers seductively, making the younger boy shivered.

Still couldn't get in to the older's mouth, he instead pulled away from him.

"See, you no fun!"

"What?" Sunggyu confused.

"That. You won't open your mouth." Woohyun walked away as he went to the closet to grab clothes.

Sunggyu who couldn't think of stuffs just ran over him and grabbed him by wrist and pinned him against the wall. He pressed his already swollen lips to the boy beneath him. The boy just smiled.

Suddenly pulled away, Woohyun. "Let me put my clothes at least."

"NO! just shut up and kiss me, NOW!"

And they locked their lips in a deeper kiss. Both swolen and red. Tongue battle began, and Sunggyu let Woohyun dominate it. He his upper cavern and Woohyun swallowed the older's breathy moan. They walked towards the bunk with Sunggyu on top.

Sunggyu finally got what he wanted and Woohyun got punished for teasing him.



A/N : LOOOOL this is supposed to be posted days ago, but I kept it in the draft because I wrote it with my phone and all scattered. Just now I get the chance to edit it on my beloved PC because the exam have ended yesterday.

LMAO I got inspired by the Second Invasion Couple Game xD and with that, this failed oneshot is born =_= OTL I'm sorry.

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Chapter 1: wiiii!! WOOGYU i liked that game 7u7
Chapter 1: Cuute ^^ i liked it~~~~ ^o^ woogyu ♥
Chapter 1: Nice ^^ i enjoyed it :D