My Nickname...

Snookie Bear

CL couldn’t believe the girls were calling her for an emergency meeting right now. Out of all the times, they had to call her out, why now! She had an important date with her boyfriend Son Dongwoon in a couple hours and wanted to look extra special for the date. He told her that he had something he wanted to tell her, but wouldn’t give her any hint to what it was. CL told them she couldn’t come, but they insisted that it was a life or death situation. So CL forced herself to go to their regular meeting place. The ice cream parlor they’ve always met at since they were little girls.

“Hey girls,” CL said trying not to sound annoyed.

The girls seemed to be in an intense conversation when CL was walking up to them. But when CL greeted them, they all said hi and went quiet. CL looked at each one of them suspiciously and they wouldn’t meet her gaze.

“What’s going on,” CL finally asked.

They all looked to each other not knowing what to say.

Dara finally gave in and blurted out, “CL, we think you should break up with your boyfriend!”CL looked to Minzy and Bom and they both were nodding their heads in agreement. CL couldn’t believe they were asking her to do such a thing. She was so deep in love with Dongwoon. He’s the best thing that ever happened to her and he treated her so well!

CL felt hurt that her friends would want to ruin her happiness. “Why?!” CL asked as she looked at all of them in disbelief and couldn’t help but cry. She covered her face with her hands embarrassed that she couldn’t hold in her hurt feelings and said, “How could you guys say that? I love Son Dong Woon, you all know that!”

Minzy was by CL’s side giving her a side hug and said, “Because CL…”

CL could hear that there was something wrong in Minzy’s voice and couldn’t help to ask saying, “Because what?!”

Bom slowly lifted CL’s hands away from her face saying, “Because we caught him cheating on you!”CL couldn’t believe her friends were playing such a sick joke on her, couldn’t they see she was already crying.

She glared at all of them saying, “Why are you guys lying to me?!”

Dara sighed and she went to CL’s side also saying, “CL, this may be hard to hear but there’s more.”

Bom cut in saying, “Yeah, and…and he also calls her snookie bear.

”“WHAT,” CL shouted. She shook her head crying hard and said, “He said that was my nickname!” CL then looked to her friends saying, “Are you sure?”

Dara nodded saying, “I saw him the other day when I was out shopping. I passed by a jewelry store and he was in there. I was curious to see what gift he would be picking for you and then…” Dara paused then continued saying, “But then I noticed there was another girl with him! I stayed put not wanting to make assumptions. But then the store clerk brought out a ring and that girl with him tried it on! Son Dong Woon put the ring onto her finger and the girl looked at it. She then squealed like a little girl saying it’s perfect as she hugged him! I tried to listen in, but all I heard him say was snookie bear and the girl was all smiles as he looked at her,” Dara shook her head in disgust saying, “And I almost thought I was going to get a sneak peak of your gift!”

CL continued to cry saying, “Really?!”

Dara nodded her head saying, “Yeah, wait to you hear Bom.”

CL then looked to Bom with tears streaming down her cheeks saying, “What happened Bom?”

Bom gave CL a half smile saying, “Well…I was out yesterday, eating with my family at the new restaurant up the street and guess who was sitting a couple tables over from me?!”

“Let me guess, Son Dong Woon,” CL sobbed.

Bom nodded her head saying, “Yeah, I noticed he was sitting at a table for two. There wasn’t anyone there, but a purse. I looked at it, and it didn’t look like any of yours. I also knew you were at work, so kept an eye on him. Minutes later, a beauty walked in and sat across from him. They talked and laughed the entire time! I tried to listen but could only catch a few words. As they were eating I saw the girl reach out for his hand and he accepted it in his. She then smiled at him and told him that she loved him. I was so shocked that I almost spilt my food on me. After I moved my food out of the way, I leaned in to hear him say snookie bear to her!” Bom was so angry and said, “He’s lucky I needed my knife to cut my food, or I woulda throwin it at him!”

CL had never felt so heartbroken but wanted to hear everything and said, “So I guess Minzy saw him last?

”Minzy nodded her head saying, “You know how I love going to the gym to work out? Well I was walking out to see Son Dong Woon dancing the waltz with some girl in the dance room.” Minzy shook her head at the memory and continued saying, “I watched him dancing with the beauty across the dance floor. The two seemed to be enjoying themselves a little too much. I noticed that they were coming out for a drink of water and hid myself. I listened to their conversation as they were coming out. The beauty smiled at Dong Woon and asked snookie bear? He laughed as he nodded his head and asked her if she liked the nickname. She laughed at him and said that she loved it! The two them went back inside the dance room and began to waltz again laughing and enjoying each other’s company!”

CL put her hands over her chest as the words her friends said started to cut deep into her heart. CL cried and cried as she thought of her beloved Son Dong Woon betraying her.CL looked to the time to see she had an hour left till her date with Son Dong Woon. Without a word CL stood up and walked away not responding to her friends calling after her.

She went home and cried as she took a shower. She knew that she had to break up with Dong Woon, but how could she be so blind to not see that he was cheating on her? He gave her no signs of him wavering nor did he treat her bad. It was the total opposite. From all the time CL spent with him, she felt like he loved and adored everything about her. But she guessed her instincts were wrong.


CL looked in the mirror dreading what was going to happen. She heard the doorbell ring and she looked at herself dressed in sweats. “Well, if I’m going to dump him, might as well do it comfortably!”

CL answered the door to a well-dressed Son Dong Woon. He smiled at her saying, “Are you ready?”

CL forced a smile saying, “Ready then I’ll ever be!”

Son Dong Woon looked at CL confused saying, “Are you sure you wanna go out wearing that?”

CL glared at Dong Woon and said, “What?! Are you ashamed of going out with me if I go out like this?!”

Dong Woon put his hands up saying, “Whoa, no it doesn’t matter to me.” He then gave her an apologetic smile and brought a bouquet of roses to her saying, “You look beautiful no matter what you wear!”

CL hated herself for wanting to reach out and kiss him for saying that. You always say the right things, she thought to herself. CL shook her head and took the flowers from Dong Woon and placed it on the counter. She locked her door and saw that he held out his arm for her to take it, but she just walked past him saying, “Let’s go!” CL knew that if he had touched her she would break down and cry. But she was determined to stay strong, stay tough, stay CL!

Dong Woon and CL drove in silence for a while. Dong Woon could sense there was something wrong and said, “What’s wrong CL? Are you alright?!

”CL glared at Dong Woon and coughed a laugh saying, “What’s wrong?! Nothing’s wrong!” She shook her head saying, “First you don’t like how I dress now, you say I look sick!”

“I didn’t mean that…” Dong Woon tried to say.

CL put her hand up saying, “Save it!”

The rest of the way they drove in silence till they reached their destination. CL got out the car and saw that they were at the new restaurant Bom, Dong Woon, and the mystery girl was at yesterday.

CL was angry that Dong Woon would dare to take her to the same place where he cheated and said, “Do we have to eat here?!”

Dong Woon came around the car and said, “What’s wrong? You don’t wanna eat here? I just thought that you would wanna come here since it’s new and all.”

CL folded her arms saying, “So you just assumed that I’d wanna come here without asking me? Wow, Dong Woon you’re so considerate,” CL said sarcastically.

“I’m so sorry CL, you’re right! I should have asked. If you don’t wanna eat here we can go somewhere else. Where do you wanna go,” he asked.

CL shook her head saying, “Whatever, we’re already here. Let’s just eat here!” CL acted like she didn’t want to be there, even though she had been dying to go there since it opened. As they took their seats at a table for two, CL thought back to what Bom had told her. CL called the waiter saying, “Excuse me, can we get a different table? I would like a table with more room, preferably a table that is more than seated for two!”

After the waiter left to go find a table, Dong Woon leaned over the table and whispered to her saying, “Why do we need a bigger table, it’s only us two?”

CL gave Dong Woon a cold stare and said, “Well, maybe I’m a little hungrier than usual and I need more space for my food!

”Dong Woon nodded his head smiling and said, “I see, I’m glad you’re not a salad girl. I don’t have to worry about you starving yourself at least.”

CL couldn’t believe that Dong Woon was taking all the crap she was giving him. She started to feel bad that she was doing all this to him, but then reminded herself that he was a cheater!

After dinner Dong Woon took CL to a beautiful dance hall. She didn’t want to go in, but gave into Dong Woon after he got onto his knees to beg her. She felt uncomfortable being in sweats and all the other girls were in nice gowns. CL felt everyone staring at her as she danced with Dong Woon. CL looked around for an escape and she saw that there was a flower garden outside.

She felt embarrassed and said, “Can we…can we dance outside? I think it would be more romantic dancing underneath the moonlight,” CL lied.

Dong Woon smiled down at her and said, “That’s a great idea!”

CL dropped Dong Woon’s hand and quickly walked outside into the flower garden. She was so glad that it was dark outside because she felt tears coming to her eyes. CL and Dong Woon walked outside in silence for a while.

But suddenly CL heard Dong Woon stop and CL turned to look in his direction saying, “Why’d you stop?”CL tried to see what he was doing, but it was too dark.

“CL,” he finally said. “I..I don’t know how to say this. But there’s something I wanna tell you.”

CL knew all too well what he was going to say and she cut in saying, “Before you say it, let me tell you something first.” She paused as tears rolled down her cheeks. Gratefully it was too dark for him to see her crying and she said, “Let’s break up!”

Dong Woon walked closer saying, “What?!”

“Stop, don’t come any closer,” she said as she started to sob. “You know you almost fooled me!”

“What are you talking about CL,” Dong Woon asked.

She was hurt that he was acting stupid and shouted, “You know damn well what I’m talking about!” She shook her head saying, “I trusted you! How could you have done that to me?! I thought you loved me?!” CL’s legs gave in and she dropped to her knees crying.

Dong Woon was at her side in an instant and he asked, “What are you talking about CL,” with concern in his voice.

CL pushed him away saying, “You know what I’m talking about!”

Dong Woon then hugged her tight saying, “CL what are you talking about?”

CL was too drained to fight back and cried onto his shoulder saying, “How could you, how could you do that to me?”

Dong Woon tilted her head to face his saying, “What are you talking about CL? Please tell me what’s going on?”

CL could see Dong Woon’s eyes glistening underneath the moonlight and could see the concern in them. She turned away saying, “You…you cheated on me!” CL then held herself crying as she finally told him what was bothering her. “How could you have cheated with me?”

“Cheated on you? When,” Dong Woon asked.

CL glared at Dong Woon saying, “YESTERDAY! First at the jewelry store, then the restaurant you took me to, and then at the gym! Don’t play stupid my friends saw you with some beautiful girl yesterday!”

Dong Woon quietly listened to CL’s explanation. After CL was done explaining, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“What? Really?”CL was hurt that he would laugh at something so serious and she said, “You think it’s funny messing with my heart like that?!

”Dong Woon shook his head and helped her up. He walked her to a nearby bench where there was better lighting so he could see her. He kept laughing and said, “No, that’s not why I’m laughing.”

CL looked at him confused and said, “Why are you laughing then?”

He smiled at her and said, “That girl you saw, your friends saw was my twin sister! You haven’t seen her yet because she studies abroad! I wanted to tell you about her when she was here in person!”

“What ?! So what about you calling her snookie bear and telling her I love you,” CL asked still not believing him.

“No, no. I explained to my sister about how my nickname for you is snookie bear,” he said. He then smiled saying, “She likes the nickname I gave you!” He then looked at CL in disbelief saying, “What you don’t love your family?”

CL blushed when she realized what she said. She defended herself saying, “I don’t believe you would take your sister ring shopping!”

He then caressed her face and knelt by her saying, “That’s because she has the same ring size as you.”

CL got nervous as she saw him kneeling before her. “What are you doing,” CL nervously asked.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box with one hand. He held CL’s hand in the other saying, “CL, I know that tonight wasn’t the best night for you. But let me make it up to you for the rest of your life,” he said as he opened the box to a ring inside. “Will you marry me?”CL cried as Dong Woon took out the ring from the box.

She looked down to herself saying, “I look a mess and I was so rude to you today. Why would you wanna marry me?”

Dong Woon squeezed her hand saying, “It was all a misunderstanding snookie bear! And didn’t I tell you it didn’t matter what you wore?! You look beautiful no matter what you wear!”

In a split second, CL's heart forgave him. CL knew that he was telling the truth and felt the love he had for her. She bent over and kissed him and as they kissed she whispered, “Yes, I will marry you!” She kissed him with so much passion and laughed as he placed the ring onto her finger. She couldn’t believe at how foolish she was to not trust Dong Woon’s love, after all, she was his one and only snookie bear.


Author's Notes:

Yes I know I'm super cheesy, but I can't help it if I <3 cheese LOL! Message...don't assume it make an -out of u-and-me. I learned that saying in high school haha. And yes I also write about the other 2ne1 girl's as well, so don't be too shocked hehe. Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 1: CL-Dongwoon ?

Oh God.. I couldn't believe that my another fave couple exist in the fluffy fanfict like this..

And.. I REALLY LOVE the ending !! It's very sweet.. ! Make me melt.. Dongwoon-ah..CL-yaa.. play in WGM please.. you two match !

I like it ^^