the love letter

The love letter ; Shim Changmin style a.k.a Dr Shim

My dearest,

Here i am trying to write a love letter to you, and my first one at that too. Thus i proceed with the normal flattering that is suppose to happen sometime into the love letter *so i’ve heard from others*  Here goes nothing then.

To my doppleganger, my joker , my batman ,

You give me premature ventricular heart contraction with every smile of yours. You made my sympathetic systems kicked in with all the sweats secreted , body heat elevated and hyperventilations undergone.

My decreased distensibility of aorta doesn’t really help with the tachycardia felt by, my suddenly cardiomyopathy heart. You reduce me to a mess of tremors;  shaking and trembling with all the neurons that you’re connecting with those activated optic nerves. Showing me the spectrums of the world all in vivid colours translated by my occipital.

And as the sudden rush of beauty strums through me, i feel like submitting to the recessive dyskinesias and just dance to my tuneless Sydenham's chorea, while trying to ward of your attention of my Systemic lupus erythematosus ,everytime we link hands.Everytime you are being exceptionally clingy, everytime you feel the need to make me feel normal . But normal when I’m with you,is anything but anything other than adequate pulse volume. Being Normal with you is being diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The build up of pressure in my chest assaulting my senses. A sudden presences of esophageal fistula everytime I want to say that my cardiac undergoes changes when I think of you, us.

Because you are the reason behind my cadiac hypertrophy and everytime the pathophysiology is drawn for my diagnosed illness there is always you behind the aetiology.


Attention Doctor Shim please report to the NICU now as the ward round is now starting…



And I’ll end this, with a move of orbicullaris oris especially for my baby to seal my confession.



Shim Changmin


And a tall figure was seen hurrying away from a folded blue paper , a vibrant entity on his well arranged desk filled with thick-muscle-developing books,and mind numbing equations of sickness factors and complications alike.

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Chapter 1: i need google translate to understand all these complicated words lol btw i love it~
Chapter 1: This was... if the other person is not a med student, we are all in trouble. Aigoo, changmin! >_<
Chapter 1: tat was indeed very medical kind of love letter... im sure many hv done tonnes of google search to understand wat u actually meant there.. haha!! good job..

btw r u a medical-field-related student?
good job!!!
Chapter 1:

dr shim, when she asked for the love letter~ XD
Chapter 1: okay, i already started to laugh since the 'doppleganger' part.. ==''

and the 'move my obicularis oris' part, PUAHAHAHA!! XDD

yep, totally medical term jokes!! try give this to your pilot bf and he'll go O.o! or there will be lots and lots of history of searches in google~~ XDD