To Become Poetic

A Writer's Perspective

Hello everyone. It's been a while, but yes, I'm still alive.
Though I'd never really left, I've merely been lurking in the contours off to the side.
So hopefully by now you've become quite familiar with your own writing style.
Now it's time to enhance, refine, and further this literary mile.

This chapter's title is not so specific that it deviates from narratives.
It's nothing more than a metaphor, that improvement itself is imperative.
So let's not waste time pondering on pointless subjects like one's personal limits.
Push yourself to that threshold and overcome it! Yeah, that's the spirit!

Broaden your lexicon, twist sentence structures, get funky with dialogue exchange.
You'd be surprised at just how many ways one statement can be rearranged.
Trade "strange" with "obscure", "friendly" with "amiable", ..."L-O-L" with "laughed out loud."
Have verbs in place of prepositional phrases, though some exceptions are allowed.

But please don't attempt to over reach the boundaries of your literary scope.
You've written enough by now to determine your level of writing, I hope.
Just remember, while we strive to improve, we won't rival Shakespeare in a day.
...Or weeks, or months, or years, you get the point. Just trust me on this, okay?

Anyway, one point I'm trying to make is for you to try something new.
As much as we'd probably like to think, peers aren't with us all the way through.
We try on our own and ask opinions of others, that's just how do it here.
For me, I'm attempting to rhyme, though I'm still rusty at it, that's quite clear.

Whether we revere Dickinson or Frost, their writing is set in stone.
We can read their works, write in similar styles, but our work has to be our own.
Without further ado, I'll leave you with this, just write and write and write.
Sooner or later, you'll find your peace, and may all your days be bright.

A/N: Okay, so the very final line is a bit...well, definitely is "white christmas"-ey, but you get the point. I tried something new and obscure for myself by attempting rhymes and poetry, now it's your turn to do the same, just probably not to as extreme of an extent.

This actually turned out to be more optimistic and less comical/snarky than I intended, so I shall remedy this imbalance by giving you the reason I told my brother as to why the SwissGear brand is my go-to brand when it comes to backpacks.

"Just like Swiss cheese is awesome...SwissGear is awesome."

Nothing more needed to be said.

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Try something new! Just make sure that "something new" is NOT ignoring the latest chapter :]


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Chapter 6: I'm so relieved I've been doing it right all these time, with about 2,000 words per chapters!
Chapter 9: Wonderful! Now if only we could make most of the AFF people who need to read this read this
This is wonderful. I think this deserves more subscribers and views. Wait till I recommend this in my shop :)

Anyway, are you accepting affiliate? If so, I would really appreciate it if you'll consider adding me.
I don't usually add but can we be affies?
Thank you very much.

Good Review Shop
Chapter 8: Yap, *raise hand* I'm one of those writers that has the disease lolol
Thanks, I guess, I just need to write even if I don't update any of my stories

You made me laugh, and I needed a laugh

lmao can't stop laughing
Chokes because of laughter. No, really. I did just nealy die.
Well this was a shock to get an update from you.
The italicized writing had me thinking what the fu--- But then the mushroom got me. Not literally; thankfully.
It makes me wonder what goes through peoples mindss. O_e
found this in the random story, it really works for me lol
kept finding lots of things lol
I'm guilty as charged of having so little words per chapter lolololol<br />
I have to mend my ways lololol *smile*<br />
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