Happy Together


               A freshman college student named   “Lee Jin Ki”  was playing his guitar again under the tree. He was accompanied by his guitar because he was always alone. No one wants to make friends with him because his classmates told him that his weird because of his addiction to chickens..      


             A freshman high school student named “Lee Tae Min” walking around the campus without anyone with him while sipping his banana milk..


           A senior varsity student named  “Choi Min Ho” was a popular guy inside their campus. He was known because of his good looks and with the fact that he was a MVP player when it comes to basketball.


          A senior student named “Kim Ki Bum” or better known by everyone as Key. He was Min Ho’s friend and classmate.


         Also a senior student anmed  Kim Jong Hyun”. He didn’t knew anything about his studies because all he has a care about was all about his voice lessons. When he wasn’t on his good mood, he’ll just go to the recording room and bring out all of hurt that he felt.


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