Icy Fall

Icy Fall

You and one of your friends were walking down the street on a winter afternoon. You were having a conversation about the pleasure of running. Your friend was saying that running was really pleasurable, that it could be useful, while you were saying that running was only a pain, and in worst case scenario, you'd rather die than run more than five minutes. Well, it's not that much that you hate running, it's more the fact that there is no real use to it in your life, and to be fair, all the situations your friend gave you, running wasn't the best idea.


You see a bear? Running would kill you more than saving your life. Anyone with a basic knowledge about bear should know that. Throwing your food at it is actually a better choice.


You are late for something important? Well then, you'll be late, running might actually just stress you out. It happens, being late, so why running? Plus, if it was that important, why didn't you leave earlier, in case that something might happen?


A serial killer is after you? Well, running for twenty minutes might not really save your life. Hidding would be a better choice, now would it?


You friend seems desparate to make you realise that it can be useful.


-What about if you see your bias, and the only way to get him to notice you would be to run?

-Then I'll take pictures and squeal at home. No way I'm running. Plus, if he was in front of me, I'm pretty sure the crowd would stop me from running anyway!


You take a step forward with a quicker pace, since it's cold outside and your hands are freezing. You had no idea it would be that cold, so you didn't have any gloves with you. Doing so, you didn't notice the patch of dark ice. Your foor slipped and your body with it. You fell on your , then your head hits the ground. You don't feel anything at first, everything is black and you have no idea of what is going on. Images run through your head, and as they pass by, you forget about it. The pain at the back of your head is what wakes you up, or actually makes you realise that you wake up. You can feel hands on your face, warm, holding it still.


A little moan comes out of your throat. You have the worse headache ever. You can feel the presence of two different people next to you. One of them is surely your friend, but the other?


-Hey ________, are you okay? Please say something!


You moan again.




Since when your friend knows korean? You open your eyes, only to see that you are probably dreaming right now. Seriously, it's impossible that this face covered with a mask is who you think it is. Your friend cannot tell because your friend doesn't like the music you are listening to. Anyway, the only thing you can see right now is that guy's face, and as your mind gets clearer, you still don't want to believe who is there. It's probably only in your mind, anyway.


It seems like it's his hands on your cheek, and as you blink, staring right at his eyes.


-Are you okay, he asked with a broken english.


You nod. That voice...You know that voice. How the hell can he be here, seriously? He was so covered up by clothes, it could be anyone, and to be honest, the chances that you'd meet your bias in the middle of that empty street was impossible. He helps you to get up, your friend holding you up with a big smile on her face.


-You scared me there for a second, ________.

-Sorry, you said. I didn't see the ice...My head hurts.


The guy rubbed the back of your head, gently. They both helped you to walk for a while. The guy didn't say much, and though you had an idea of who it was, you couldn't bring yourself to ask. Once he saw that you were okay, his eyes lit up, and you could see the mask move a little. He was probably smiling...Why couldn't you just see it? You bow slightly.


-Thank you, you said, your mind too messed up to try your beginner level korean.

-Be careful, he said.


His broken english was so adorable, you missed what he said, the words not making any sense for you.


-Uhn, you said, tilting lightly your head.


He lower his mask, thinking that it probably didn't help you understand. Doing so shows a little peek at his blonde hair. He repeat what he just said, his voice clearer, but the words just go from ear to ear without meaning anything. There was no mistake there, you knew that face too well from all the lives and pictures you saw on the internet.


That is Eunhyuk, there is no doubts about it now. You turned toward the guy, a little unsure still.


-I'm sorry, you said, your voice a little shaky.


His soft brown eyes went right at you, looking into your, his mask hanging from his ear. You can perfectly see his blonde hair now, hidden under the big hood from his coat and a little by his fluffy scarf. You can also see some of his defined jawline, and even more his pinky plump lips. His cheeks and tip of his nose are a little red, enough to make you shy for a few seconds. Your curiosity is to strong, though, so you finally ask him if he is Eunhyuk, trying your best not to screw up his name. You want to leave a good impression, of course. Your friend is staring at you with a weird look You don't really care, you need to know.


His gummy smile appeared in front of you, little wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. You were lucky that your friend was still holding on to your arm...and him too, because you would have fall again. How many times did you dream of meeting him, and now that he was in front of you, alone with you and your friend, who wouldn't give a damn about him, you didn't know what to say. You smiled a little, your blushing face not showing much because of the cold. He looked like an overly excited dog, and that only because you knew him.


He nodded.


You got mad at yourself for no having any of your Super Junior Cds with you, or anything that he could sign on. You soon forgot about it, thinking that you were probably one of the rare fans who would have the chance to be this near so long next to your bias. You wanted to squeal, but you were so surprised, no sound were coming out.


-Hey, ________, get over it!

-Can I take a picture with you?


He looked at both you and your friend, not sure of what you both said. You two were talking fast, it was true. You took out your cellphone and showed it to him, acting like if you were going to take a picture before asking again. He nodded with his gummy smile again. Your friend took your cellphone and walked backwards for a few steps. Hyukjae grabbed your neck, gently, and pulled you next to him, lowering his hood. The top of your head was touching his cheek and you could feel the warmth go throught your own coat. At least he couldn't see you blushing furiously.


You friend took a few pictures, just to make you happy, then walked back at you. Without you noticing, your friend took out some paper and a pen from your bag, handing them to Hyukjae. He nodded. He didn't need to be told what to do, it was kind of obvious. He signed the lined paper, adding a few comments in korean and the few words in english he was able to write correctly. He handed you the paper and smiled again.


You three started to walk again while Hyukjae was taking out a sheet of paper. He showed it to you, asking you with his broken english if you knew how to get to the subway station.


Of course he was lost.


You nodded, smiling.


After walking him there, your friend following you with a big smirk, he bow to you two and hugged you, thanking you in korean. You were smiling like an idiot, way too happy for your own sanity. Even your friend got a hug from him, unable to turn it down. As he walked away and waved goodbye to you and your friend, you tilted a little your head, smiling.


-See? I don't need to run to catch my bias.






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spoliarium98 #1
Chapter 1: It was pure coincidence, honey hehehe
Chapter 1: That was cool! Nice one-shot!
Chapter 1: cool story! love it! write more! :D