Chapter 1

as time goes by...


My name is Cho Kyuhyun, 26 years old, a registered Doctor but i chose not to live by my profession, so i currently own a coffee shop.


I trusted her, but all my trust was put into waste.

It's not that she betrayed me on purpose but after the incident I promised myself, never to trust my heart to anyone again.

The things I encountered are enough for me to turn into a cold hearted beast.

people always say that you will only know a person's worth once she's taken away from your care but what if....


Okay let me tell you my story,


8 Years ago [flashback]


I studied in Seoul Middle School, I was a normal tenager, pretty popular because of my looks and wit.

I had my set of friends, Minho, Changmin, Lixu and I.

Well not to boast but Minho, Changmin and I are actually the most handsome boys in our entire school.

That's not actually something to be blunt about but yes, the three of us could pass the criteria of "Mr. Perfect".

A lot of girls are fond of our wit and handsome faces but we managed to stay on the ground and be normal students.

Minho, Changmin and I are best of friends since birth.

Well our fathers are also bestfriends since birth so we practically grew up together.


Even if we are bestfriends we are still different in some aspects,

I am the handsomely- smart one, Minho is the handsomely- sporty one and Changmin is the handsomely- thoughtful one.


As for Lixu, she is the only girl in the group,

unlike Changmin and Minho, I only met her in middle school,

it just so happened that she was assigned to sit with us and her personality clicked with our own so it was easy for us to be attached to her in a short matter of time.


Lixu is an avid fan of Super Junior, she's very simple and genuine. and like the three of us, she also tops the class in academics.


So,  the four of us were glued to each other in middle school. We made sure that we were grouped together in every group projects and if not, we made a covenant to help each other out.

We spent all our breaks, weekends and holidays together.


So we all top in class when it comes to academics, I was the best in Math, Changmin is the best in Science, Lixu is very good in English and Minho rules over History.

We made it clear to each other to learn from each other.

But in middle school, not only academic things can be learned, you learn mot only not to communicate with other people but you also learn how to fall in love.


I was aware that the three of us were slowly falling to Lixu's charms, you cannot blame us, Lixu is not hard to love, specially when you get to know her.

Lixu may not be as hot as the girls who kept on flirting us, she may not have the striking beauty in the outside,but she was special in the inside, she was simple and genuine, she was pretty in her own way. She has an aura that can make you fall for her and her eyes are to die for, when you look into her eyes, you can see pure sincerity. she makes you feel things that cannot be ignored.


Not long after, Lixu and I became extra close. we managed to develop a special connection and being the good buddies they are Changmin and Minho made a way for us to be together, so Lixu and I became a couple, we lived in an almost perfect relationship. We were both deeply inlove with each other and we had a lot of plans in the future.

We all went to college together, My relationship with Lixu became deeper, I gave her all my firsts and she also gave me hers.

As time goes by my life became dependent on Lixu's,

i was madly in love that i cannot imagine life without her anymore.

until something happened that turned my almost percect life into a drastic one.



yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy people I'm Back, please do comment on this.. :))





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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 2: O.o im sorry that you had to go tru many things! Fightinggg~
samisami #2
Update TT......
Chapter 2: it's fine i will wait...hope you can update
wintertmm #4
Chapter 2: Hope ur grandma get well soon . Like the first chap really want to know what happened, who captured Xu Xu s heart
iloveJiyongoppa #5
Chapter 2: It's okay. I hope your grandma recovers well and that you can get on soon. I like the first chapter and I thought it was really cute that the guys didn't fight over her and that Lixu and Kyu shared all of their firsts together. Hwaiting author-nim
Chapter 2: i like this story..
i will wait !!
Chapter 2: it's oke dear i will wait with all my heart