Chapter One

Dreaming Of Me?

First...Second...Third...Fourth... Okay, it was the fifth day... Of what you ask? Well, in Kyuhyun's head, it was the fifth day he wasn't able to fall asleep. He didn't know what and he didn't know why, but something was keeping the maknae from falling asleep. And pretty much everyone knew, Kyuhyun loved sleep. It wasn't as important as Starcraft (which is why Kyuhyun ignored sleep to play games), but still was listed pretty high up in his list of priorities.

As the maknae walked out of his room, breathing as heavy as ever. His body wasn't easy to lift, his eyelids were heavy, but he somehow couldn't manage to fall asleep.

"Hyung. Jungsoo Hyung." Kyuhyun called out with a sigh. He made his way to the couch and sat there against the leader. It was early in the morning. Well, not that early. It was 9:30am.

"What is it Kyuhyun-ah?" Leeteuk asked, a little worried about Kyuhyun's condition.

"I can't fall asleep these days, I'm just awake for no reason!" Kyuhyun exclaimed loudly in reply, Leeteuk stared at the other. Something was going through his head when the maknae spoke such words.

"...Well, they say when you can't sleep, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream." Leeteuk muttered quiet, Kyuhyun looked interested.

"Really?" Kyuhyun questioned innocently, Leeteuk simply chuckled.

"I'm not sure, that's just what they say." Leeteuk replied, Kyuhyun nodded.


Kyuhyun decided to test the theory out.


That night, Kyuhyun couldn't sleep. Just like all the nights before that. He stood up from his bed and sighed, the cold was making him shiver once again. Kyuhyun didn't look at the time as he stood up. Perhaps a warm drink would help out. Kyuhyun opened the door of his room and headed towards the kitchen befoere hearing someone's voice.

"...Kyuhyun..." The maknae heard someone say, he looked around. Kyuhyun turned to see no one there. Who was calling him? As he thought, Kyuhyun suddenly remembered what Leeteuk told him. When you can't sleep, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream. Kyuhyun's eyes widened as he turned to where he heard his name.

Eunhyuk's room.

Quietly, the maknae opened the door of his elder's room to see him sleeping peacefully through the darkness. Kyuhyun walked closer to Eunhyuk and stared. How was he supposed to know if Eunhyuk was dreaming of him? Kyuhyun didn't have any special superpowers or anything. Really, the only option was to ask.

"Hyukjae-ah~" Kyuhyun spoke, shaking his older hyung. He sat on the edge of the other's bed, watching. Through the darkness, the maknae saw Eunhyuk turning his head to Kyuhyun, eye's widened. But soon, Eunhyuk began to glare.

"What is it? It's two in the morning!" Eunhyuk exclaimed in an annoyed way, Kyuhyun simply ignored it and innocently stared at the other.

"Were you dreaming of me?" Kyuhyun asked. A simple question. But a question which left Eunhyuk stunned. He stared back at the maknae with a surprised look on his face.

"...What?" Eunhyuk asked hesitantly, wanting to hear the question again just in case he had heard it wrong.

"Were you dreaming of me?" Kyuhyun repeated, his expression as innocent as ever. Eunhyuk quickly gave a twisted expression.

"...Um, why are you asking?" Eunhyuk asked back.

"Because Jungsoo says if you can't sleep, you're awake in someone else's dream." Kyuhyun told the elder. With the mention of Leeteuk's name, Eunhyuk tensed. The leader was causing trouble again.

"...Why did you choose to come to me?" Eunhyuk questioned, Kyuhyun looked away with a slight pout.

"Well, since you kind of said my name in your sleep..." Kyuhyun trailed off, Eunhyuk's eyes widened.

"...I did?" The dance machine asked in surprise, Kyuhyun nodded.

"Yeah. I heard you say my name, so I figured you were dreaming of me... Were you dreaming of me or what?" Kyuhyun asked once again, Eunhyuk gulped just slightly before answering.

"...I wasn't dreaming of you Kyuhyunnie." Eunhyuk finally said, Kyuhyun stared with a somewhat hurt look.

"Huh..." The maknae hummed, pouting slightly. It didn't take long for Eunhyuk to notice. He raised a brow at the other.

"Disappointed?" Eunhyuk teased smugly, Kyuhyun simply shook his head and glared lightly.

"No. Not at all. I just wonder how I'm going to fall asleep now..." Kyuhyun muttered in a somewhat curious way. Eunhyuk shrugged.

"So are you going to leave?" Eunhyuk asked as Kyuhyun stood up, the maknae nodded.

"Probably." Kyuhyun replied. But before the maknae could reach the door, Eunhyuk stopped him.

"..Wait, Kyuhyun-ah." Eunhyuk called.

"What?" Kyuhyun replied.

"Now that you're here, you might as well sleep in my bed." Eunhyuk muttered, Kyuhyun raised a brow.

"...Should I?" Kyuhyun asked.

"If you want. But remember it's cold outside. And it's about 2:15am right now." Eunhyuk reminded the younger.

"Um..." Kyuhyun hummed.

"Are you staying or not?" Eunhyuk questioned, Kyuhyun thought for a second. He was going to get a drink... but Kyuhyun quickly scrapped the idea.

"...Fine, whatever. As long as you don't take advantage of me in my sleep." Kyuhyun muttered, Eunhyuk chuckled quietly.

"As if I would." Eunhyuk scoffed as he lifted the blanket for Kyuhyun to enter. The maknae simply grinned his little grin, joining the other in warmth. Once Kyuhyun laid down on the bed, Eunhyuk spread the blanket between the both of them.

"...For the first time in a while, I feel sleepy..." Kyuhyun whispered as he pressed his head against Eunhyuk's chest, he couldn't remember the older being so muscular. But then again, maybe that was because Kyuhyun never really payed attention to it.

"Then you better hurry up and fall asleep." Eunhyuk spoke in a mocking tone before laughing quietly, Kyuhyun laughed as well.

Soon, Kyuhyun fell into slumber. Finally. He needed sleep. Kyuhyun became unconscious of the world and soon entered his dreamland. A land filled with games and food. Eunhyuk closed his eyes as well, but did not yet fall asleep. After about 3 minutes of pretending to sleep, just to check Kyuhyun was sleeping as well, Eunhyuk lifted his head and rested it on his hand. He stared at the maknae's peaceful expression, using his other hand to trace the delicate features of Kyuhyun's face. He smiled silently, whispering words Kyuhyun would never hear.

"...As if I would ever tell you I dream about you..."


"Kyuhyun, did you manage to fall asleep?" Leeteuk asked as the maknae stumbled out of the hall and into the kitchen. It was the morning, about 10am or so. Kyuhyun smiled slightly with heavy eyelids, sitting at the table once he had made his way to it.

"Yeah, just last night." Kyuhyun mumbled quietly, Leeteuk smiled.

"Well that's good, I thought we might have needed to take you to the doctor's." Leeteuk said in a slightly concerned way.

"Me too. But you said that I might have been awake in someone's dream so I checked. I went into Hyukjae's room to see if he was dreaming of me. He said my name in his slep after all. But when he woke him up, he said he wasn't.." Kyuhyun muttered. Leeteuk laughed at this and tried not to smile too much. It worked.

"So, what happened after?" Leeteuk asked as he drank some water.

"Oh, I was about to leave but then he said I might as well spend the night in his room. It was 2 in the morning after all." Kyuhyun spoke with a lazy and satisfied yawn.

"So you slept with Hyukjae and fell asleep?" Leeteuk asked simply, Kyuhyun shook his head.

"We just slept in the same bed..." Kyuhyun quickly spoke in reply, a light blush crawling up to his cheeks.

"That's what I meant." Leeteuk quickly said, realising the unintentional meaning behind his words.

"Whatever." Kyuhyun muttered as he felt his sleepiness coming back. And with that, the maknae quietly left and headed towards his own bedroom. Once Kyuhyun had entered his room, Eunhyuk exited his room and appeared.

"...So, you and kyuhyun slept in the same bed last night?" Leeteuk asked, a strangely too innocent aura beginning to radiate off of his body. Eunhyuk gently glared at the other, walking closer.

"Hyung, don't act so innocent. I know you planned that." Eunhyuk muttered through his gritted teeth. Leeteuk simply laughed at the response he received from the other.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help a dongsaeng with his unrequited feelings." Leeteuk said as he began to peel the skin of an apple with a knife. Eunhyuk rolled his eyes at his hyung, as if this would help.


This was meant to be a oneshot... but I decided to turn it into a fluffy chapter fiction~ No angst or anything, just a cute story I guess. ^^

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972 streak #1
Chapter 2: I'm so happy that the dream became a reality. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story.
Juliet8 #2
Chapter 2: hahaha so fluffy!
ohmysuperjunior #3
Chapter 2: i love you leeteuk lol
he's such a protective mom xD
Chapter 2: Puahahaha. Leeteuk the er. xDD
Chapter 2: Haha!! Soo cute~ continue it please? Really love protective Leeteuk!
Chapter 2: wkwkwk... i like that..
teukie.. why you take kyu away... let him sleep with hyuk...
Chapter 2: Lol.....the ending was epic!!!!!! Hahahahahaha...I enjoyed reading it very much...
Chapter 2: Wkwkwkwk,, over protective teuki,,,
Poor eunhyuk,,
Chapter 2: Are u going to continue this?? Can't wait till the members know about it too
Pls continue
Chapter 2: Ngawwwwwww~ this was so adorable! I'm loving the over-protective Teukie :) Thank you for updating!