Love is...

What is Love?

At the Mall, Sara and Kei were looking around but then suddenly Sara saw an arcade and she was going inside but Kei was so slow so she suddenly grab his hand and went to the arcade.

"Wai-wait!!! Sara, why are you pulling me?" Kei curiously asked.

"Because you’re so slow..." she was irritated when saying it. "Don't forget you’re older than me. You should look after me" while looking at him seriously. "Okay! Okay! Don't get angry all of a sudden, Princess Sara" Kei said it then he sighed

When they came at the arcade "I should just sit here and watch" Kei said while preparing to sit at the bench. "What?" Sara was confused but she grab his hand and pulled him somewhere.

"Nope! You should play with me. Why don't we have a dance competition by this" she said it while pointing at the Dance Revolution. "No way! I'm not playing" he denies.

"So it means that I'm a winner and you’re a loser" she was confident making Kei said in a long response "Eh?". They were looking eye to eye and Kei smirk "You’re on!!!"

Both of them started to play  Dance Revolution and after a few minutes many people in the arcade were watching them play and how amazed they are But in the end both of them got the same score.

They were exhausted, making Kei removed his hat and many people that watched them were having a commotion about him.

"Ne! Look! He looks like Inoo Kei" the girl said, "Inoo Kei in Hey! Say! JUMP" the other girl implied. "No way! Inoo Kei is much cuter than him" another girl explained.

Sara heard their conversation and she notice that he removed his hat but the girl suddenly said to her friends "Why don't we ask him instead" they agreed to her and they were going to talk to Kei but Sara was confused and she suddenly shout “IDIOT!!!"
"Eh?" Kei was curious but many people were surprise as well but she suddenly grabbed his hand and run but some of them were chasing them. Sara saw a photo booth and went there with Kei as there hiding place

"Kei are you an idiot?” she scold him "What if they know you’re really Inoo Kei then it will be a big trouble because you’re with a girl. They’ll start to make a rumor about you" she explained but started to cry.
"I’m really sorry Sara! I can really be an idiot sometimes" Kei replied while patting her head and started to comfort her “I’m really sorry! I don't want to get you involve and besides you’re our best friend so nothing must happen to you" he explained.

He look at Sara "So don't worry” then he smiled at her, but he cried a lot and suddenly hug him so tightly but he was surprised but he didn't stop her from crying. Kei hug her back to comfort her

"Hm? I don't know why but I keep asking myself when I was a kid 'What is Love?' all about?", "Now I know what love is... But I never knew that this is what it feels like..."

"I should just make it one-sided love or else Yamada will get angry at me", "But how did I fell in love with her in the first place...", "Well I don't need to remember it as long as I have feelings for her then it's okay" he was smiling while thinking about it
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yey! thanks for the update! :))

poor Kei-chan.. hinding his feelings for Sara just so Yamada will be happy. :((

and Ryutaro! gosh! you're being a bad boy now huh?
Sarapyon #2
@crufjeff: Thank you for the comments *O* Sorry that it took so long to update -_-

@kakkoi04: Yeah! Kei-kun ^O^
They were looking eye to eye and Kei smirk "You’re on!!!"<br />
Competitive Inoo I see, with a smirk, mmmhmmm.<br />
Oh gosh, that was close. It would be fun to see an artist you like just dancing his heart out at a local arcade centre XD <br />
What do you mean Yamada will scold him?! Isn't he older?! XD<br />
Good luck with the next chapter Sara Unnie! I'll be waiting :]
1st chapter~<br />
I say, I keep imagining Inoo in that outfit in the poster. Gah morning walk with a white shirt <3 *coughs* Okie, enough fan girl comments.<br />
AND AHH so adorable with... Sara? Is that you.. @_@ *pokes* YAH... XD <br />
I like Hikaru in here! He gives out a brother-ly like aura X]<br />
The dialogues are a tad bit confusing though since you put them in one paragraph regardless how many people were talking in it. <br />
Oh my gosh my name is up there XD<br />
EEEEP! Reading now!