You're Perfect To Me

But I'm Fat......


After a few minutes I start to calm down and stop crying. I lost in my own thought when suddenly someone grab my shoulder.


"Yah, what are you doing in here?" It's Jinki.

I can't say anything. I mean I can't tell him why am I in here because it's the last thing that I ever gonna tell him. So I just shrug my shoulder.


"Done crying already?" He ask, makes me shocked. He suddenly turn my body so I can face him. Then he wipes a tears on my cheeks.

"You know that you'll look fragile but cute at the same time when you were crying. But I like you to see you when you're happy ans smiling cause you'll look more beautiful and more cute at that time." He said and smiling to me while wipe my another tears.


I'm too shock to reply to what he said.


"Why are you crying over those silly and nonsense comments? Or do you actually believe in what they said about you? Did you ____?" He asks me.

What?? How did he know? Is he a magician?

"Wae? Surprised? Ani ____-ah, I'm not a magician cause I'm just a normal guy who secretly been in love with his best friend since forever but too afraid to confess her cause he's afraid his best friend wouldn't love him back." He said and makes my jaw drops because of what he said.


IS HE SERIOUS??? IS HE JUST SAYING THAT HE'S BEEN IN LOVE WITH HIS BEST FRIEND?? WITH ME??? I mean. I'm the only best friend that he has.


"Mwo??" I said, still manage to not pass out cause this sudden situation.

"Wae? Don't you hear me? I said I've been in love with my best friend. And YES, I'm fall in love with you ____-ah." He said again.

"Chincha...?" I said, no, it sounds like I whisper to myself but he hear it.

"Don't you believe in me?" He asks.

"No." I said and he gasp cause too shock of my answe.

"WAE??" He ask and pout and it just makes him sweeter than ever.

"I don't know.." I said.

"But I really do LOVE YOU ____!!

"But I'm fat." I said, looking down, facing the ground.

"So what?" He said and pull my chin up so I can see his beautiful face.

"So what? You don't deserve me Jinki-ah. You deserve someone else, the more skinny one, the prettier one. Not the fat girl like---" But my sentence has stopped cause Jinki crash his lips against mine. I really shock so I can't resist or fight back to avoid the kiss. I wanna 'reject' his kiss but I can't! His lips are so soft and irresistable. His kiss is so soft and cute. Better than I've always imagine. Yes! I've been in love with him also, but I always try to 'push' this feeling, and I fail. I never told him cause I'm afraid it just one-side love, cause you know that it's not just me who chase him and wanna be his girlfriend, but almost all the girls in the school have a same dream as mine. Finally I gave in and I kiss him back. I feel like I'm flying to a nine-clouds. And I really wanna time to stop so I can enjoy it any longer, but unfortunately it's not gonna happen cause after a while we broke the kiss.


"Please don't say such a bad thing of yourself like that ____-ah. Do you wanna know why? Because you're not like that." He said.

"But why me?" I still feel insecure about myself.

"Why?? Oh God, ____! Don't you realize that you're perfect? You have a great personality, your smile is so beautiful so that's why I'm admiring it. You have a smart brain and an awesome attitude. You also have those very beautiful and perfect eyes, although too bad you can't using it to see the true beautiful in yourself. So, tell me why won't I fall in love with you with all of the perfectness that you have??" He said, and his words just made me blush like a crab.

"____-ah, please listen to my words. I LOVE YOU, for the way you are not for the way you look. Because it's useless to have a great look in the outside, but inside you have an ugly and bad things. So, please ____. Appreciate yourself and respect yourself, especially your body. If you can't respect yourself, how can someone else have a respect on you?" He said and kiss my forehead. Making me blush because of his actions and makes me feel ashamed cause everything he said is true.

"Mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae." I said and feel tears stream down my cheeks.

"Yah, stop crying you silly girl. And don't apologize to me. Apologize to yourself." He said.

"Ne. Gomawo OnDubu." I said and hugging him.

"Aaah.. I love it when you call me OnDubu..." He said and hugs me back.

"Wae?" I said, still in his embrace, although I know he won't give me an answer, like always.

"Cause I feel so special when you call me OnDubu. You're the one who call me that way, and gonna be the only one who can call me that way." He said as he broke the hug and pinch my red cheek who already blushing because of what he said.

"So, ____-ah, what's your answer?" He suddenly asks.

"What answer?" I ask him back.

"Yah! How can you forget it? Do you really do not want to be my girlfriend?" He said, a little bit hurt and give me another pout.

"Eh?" I just too shock cause he suddenly shouting to me.

"Okay, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Listen to me carefully this time. Arasseo??" He said again.

I just nod my head.

"Well, it's been so long since I have this feeling for you. The feeling named LOVE. I hope you feel the same and can accept my feeling. So Cho ____, would you be my girlfriend?" He said and grab my hands, makes me blushing like a hell.

"Why wouldn't I?" I said and look at his so-happy-expression.

"Thanks Jagiya." He said and hugs me, then he broke the kiss and makes me face him. Our face going closer but suddenly the bell interrupt us and he groans makes me let out a little laugh.


"Well, maybe I'll kiss you later. Now, kaja." He said and hold my hand.


We start to walk to our bext class. When we reach the class, everybody look at us like usual, well, I'll correct a little, everybody look at Jinki like usual. And their expressions changes into shock when suddenly Jinki kiss my cheek after we reach our place where we usually sits. And makes everybody gasps.


"What happened to him?"

"Is he insane?"

"What the hell is he doing?"

"What's going on in here?"

"Did my eyes already blind?"

"Is he just kiss her?"

I can hear all the question clearly and it makes all of my confident that I have earlier fade away.


"Wae?" Suddenly Jinki said. "Does kissing my girlfriend's cheek is a crime now?" He said again.

And everybody go insane and you can hear their gasps everywhere. Even they give us an I-don't-believe-it or are-you-kidding-me look.


"And please leave us alone and mind your own business. And for those who said I always with her cause I pitied her is a big mistakes cause I'm not and it was the most stupid thing that I've ever heard. I LOVE HER and that's why I always want and try to be or around her every single time I can. I LOVE HER for the way she is and I LOVE HER no matter what other say about her or even about our relationship!" He said while give one of a group of girls a death glare.


Right then the teacher comes and makes every student sits on their place. I take a look at Jinki and whisper "Thank You." to him.

"You're welcome and jagiyah, saranghae.." He whisper back to me and make me blush once again.

"Nado." I mouthing to him cause the teacher already start to explain the subject that we have this week.


Well, I may not the most beautiful girl in the world, but with Jinki around me, I don't know why but I feel like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. Maybe it's because he treat me like I'm the one. I'm so proud to can finally call myself as a Jinki's girlfriend. And I've promised to myself to treat my body right and built my confidence cause I deserve to feel myself beautiful no matter others say. Lee Jinki-ah, jeongmal gomawo, saranghanda..

[A/N Well that's it Readers. I hope you like it. And forgive me if it's  or even worst.

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Chapter 2: Too many feels man....too many. T_T So beautiful. Please write more Onew centric one shots! You've got a fan in me~ <3 KAMSAHAMNIDA for the amazing story!
Chapter 2: All my feels are out if the window ;-;
Unniii, gomawooooo!!!! <3333
Chapter 2: I love it! It's magnificient! Well,it's just the same way like me LOL,wish I can be Ondubu girlfriend. - 3 -