
Picture Imperfection


“Pleased to have you in the class, Hwajin. You’re just in time to join us in this project. You need to choreograph a short dance number and be able to teach it to the rest of the class.” Mr. Jung explained.
Hwajin nodded and took a seat with the rest of the students. Some of the students started talking to her… mostly guys. Donghae rolled his eyes at how she was acting around them. Tessa took note of this and formulated another plan.
Mr. Jung dismissed the students to get a start on the project. Tessa grabbed her ipod and scanned her playlist to find a song to choreograph to. All while she’s searching, she hears Hwajin’s whiny voice.
“Bear with it, Tessa-yah, just bear with it” Tessa mumbled to herself as she kept searching for songs.
Donghae glanced back and forth between Hwajin and Tessa. He noticed the fire in Tessa’s eyes as she looked at Hwajin.
“What’s up with you?” Eunhyuk asked as he nudged Donghae’s shoulder.
Donghae shrugged, “You know how in the typical romance stories, the ex shows up unexpectedly and tries to ruin the current relationship?”
“Yep” Eunhyuk nodded in understanding.
“That sums up my weekend” Donghae replied.
“Is your ex that new girl?” Eunhyuk asked.
“That would be her… but she’s a two-faced anyway” Donghae casually said.
That threw Eunhyuk through a loop, “I’ve never heard you insult someone so casually for as long as I’ve known you”
Again, Donghae just shrugged. “Eh… but knowing her, she won’t last a week in this school”
“Academics or talent?” Eunhyuk asked.
“Both” Donghae immediately replied. “But I think her main concern is Tessa”
“Did you tell her she was your girlfriend and got extremely jealous?” Eunhyuk smirked.
“No” Donghae bluntly answered, “It was when she dropped by my house unexpectedly that all hell broke loose”
“What happened?” Eunhyuk asked as he started looking for songs on his ipod.
“Hwajin caused a scene at my house the other day and guess who was across the street when the commotion was made” Donghae sighed.
Eunhyuk started to understand, “So Tessa saw you talking to Hwajin? Maybe she’s the one that’s jealous”
Donghae rolled his eyes, “You’re always making strange assumptions”
“Do you even know Tessa’s the jealous type?” Eunhyuk made a mischievous expression.
“You say it like it’s fact” Donghae commented.
“That’s because it is” Eunhyuk pointed out, “You gotta remember that I’ve been friends with Tessa since second grade”
Donghae then realized Eunhyuk had a point, “I suppose you have known her longer than I have…”
“You sound depressed… But you should know that–”
“Hey there, you” Hwajin plopped herself between the two and smiled.
‘I can see why Donghae doesn’t like her’  Eunhyuk thought. “Any reason why you’re interrupting our thought process?”
“I wanted to talk to you” Hwajin smiled.
“Cut the act and don’t even think about flirting with my best friend” Donghae glared at Hwajin.
Hwajin pouted, “What makes you think–”
“You did the same exact thing when we dated… it’s getting old” Donghae didn’t even try to make eye contact with her and looked over at Tessa.
Hwajin kept pouting and Eunhyuk was impressed that he could keep a cold attitude.
~~~~****~~~~****~~~~ ~~~~****~~~~****~~~~
Tessa was casually heading out the school building when she was met with Hwajin.
“So if it isn’t the demon that corrupted Donghae’s mind” Hwajin greeted.
Tessa didn’t care for her, but she stopped to look at her. “Why are you bothering me so much? It’s not like I’m competition to win Donghae’s heart.” ‘Because I already have it’  she thought the last part.
“I honestly don’t understand what Donghae-oppa sees in you” Hwajin darkly said. Tessa still had a bored expression but Hwajin continued. “You dress like a slob, your makeup is terrible, your hair isn’t even all that pretty, your eyes are an unattractive color, and you don’t even act like a girl”
Tessa blinked at her, “I don’t suppose you want to mention that I’m adopted and don’t even have Korean blood, or mention that practically all of my friends are guys, don’t you?”
Hwajin started fuming, “How are you so special to Donghae-oppa?!”
Tessa quickly looked left and right to make sure Donghae was nowhere in sight, “Because I didn’t have to try so hard to get in his heart”
With that, Tessa brushed her shoulder as she walked away from the school grounds. A few moments later, she heard heavy footsteps behind her followed by a small shout. “Tessa-yah!”
Tessa turned over her shoulder and saw Eunhyuk coming to a stop, “What’s up?” she probably sounded angrier than intended, but Eunhyuk didn’t mind.
“I need to prove that I’m right to myself” Eunhyuk nodded to himself.
“Umm… okay?” Tessa was confused.
“What are your honest thoughts of Hwajin?” Eunhyuk asked as he started the tape recorder that was behind his back.
“Plain and simple: she’s a ” Tessa casually answered as they continued walking.
“Explain your answer” Eunhyuk demanded.
Tessa glared at him but replied anyway, “She’s stuck in a very bad fantasy world and she’s making the fantasy a fact. I don’t mind trying to make your fantasy world into reality, but you have to realize that you can’t make it fact by saying it is”
Eunhyuk nodded, “That sounds reasonable… so what about her clinging to Donghae?”
Tessa rolled her eyes, “Although I don’t know the full story, just the one I heard from Donghae’s brother, but I’m pretty sure she just wants to use him again. Or maybe… she sees how popular and successful he’s becoming and wants him all to herself again”
“What about her hogging up his time?” Eunhyuk asked.
“It’s starting to piss me off” Tessa bitterly replied.
“Would you say you’re… jealous?” Eunhyuk smirked.
Tessa was surprised but immediately glared at him. The look on Eunhyuk’s face asked Are you?
A few moments later, Tessa caved in. “Alright! I’m jealous, okay?! I’m getting jealous of that eating up his time. I’ve wanted to talk to him ever since we filmed the music video but with her sudden appearance, I can’t do that. So yes, I’m jealous”
Eunhyuk hit stop on his recorder, “That’s all I need to hear”
Tessa then saw the tape recorder, “You jackass… you recorded that?!”
Eunhyuk just flashed his gummy smile and started running. Tessa was going to chase him but she caught sight of Donghae across the street. ‘Did he hear any of that? If so… I probably won’t do anything about it’  she thought.
Tessa started walking towards her house as she got lost in her thoughts… completely unaware of the danger that’s awaiting her.


Cliffhangers... hate those yet?
What could be this danger? Could it be related to Hwajin or could it be something completely different?
So Hwajin is annoying everyone and their mother. (Like you didn't see it coming) but it causes something Donghae didn't really know about Tessa... she gets jealous. Despite having a lot of guy friends, she get jealous easily. The main question: Who's going to make the move?
What's going to happen next? You'll find out next chapter!!
Currently listening to: I Got A Boy - Girls' Generation
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Chapter 25: Yes please do a sequel! I love this story. It was really cute/funny
Chapter 14: EvilKyu, will u make Donghae jelly? If u are, ur evil and brilliant indeed. Sweet!
Chapter 11: Update soon please~~!
Elvira #4
Chapter 8: This just keeps getting interesting in each chapter. Good Luck finding a Prom dress, and that is a sweet way of asking someone to the prom.
Elvira #5
Chapter 7: ooooo!!! This story is getting good, i really though you were going to say they were twins for a second there.
Elvira #6
Chapter 6: this story is really good, and definalty wondering when donghae is going to wake up and realize he has feelings for tessa.
Chapter 1: Awwww, cute!