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It's funny how much we expect in life. When things don't go our way, we tend to run away from it. When lies decided to deceive people, that's when you know who's there and who's not. Trust may not be as strong or maybe there's no trust at all because before someone can trust they must trust themselves. Smiles have turned fake and the words “I'm okay” have been over used. Being pressured with school, balancing the stress, and adding drama. The words “I love you” have lost its meaning as well as the concept of love. Over your years you've noticed how the tears have stopped or maybe not. As crying is a sign of weakness but it's also the sign of strength.


In our world, society has taken over. Girls stop eating just to lose weight, guys are jerks just for their stupid ego. Girls wear pounds of make up just to impress guys or to feel pretty. Guys act like they don't care, like life is the easiest thing for them. In reality they just want to fit in, satisfying society. But this may be totally wrong, maybe there is someone out there who doesn't care one bit for looks and maybe there is someone out there who doesn't care of their stupid ego. Tell me someone, someone reply to me, is there someone out there like me?


Thanks for littlesera who made the awesome poster. Check out the graphics shop CLASSYSTUDIO.


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Chapter 8: No Woohyun! :(
Chapter 6: Hoya holding a girl's waist!!! *le dead* :'(
-loveable- #3
I really love your story line as well as your writing. I love Hoya's character. He's so cute and shy around girls, and Sunggyu and Dongwoo as the noisy friends who tried hiding behind a tree (that sounds like my friends). And I can't wait to see how the relationships turn out. I love Woohyun's nickname for her 'Devil', and how Hoya thinks of her as the exact opposite. Update soon.
Chapter 5: Lol Gyu and Dongwoo xD
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl what woohyun said was so sweet tho </3 but I want her to end up with Hoya lankfjhdsjfgjfbkjbd
Chapter 4: I hope she ends up with Hoya no matter what!!!!! Awesome story by the way;) please update soon^^
Chapter 3: Awww!!!! <3 Hoya you cutie <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Love it so far!!! Hoya's so cuuute<3<3
Chapter 1: Ooh sounds interesting~ please update soon^^