Shopping with B.A.P

My Hippity Hoppity Heart


"Noona time to wake up" Zelo sang while jumping on my bed, I groaned and looked up at him with a stare to make him stop. "Wow noona isn't a morning person, mianhae I'm just excited about going to the shops" he said sitting down at the bottom of my bed with a saddened face, I immediatly fellt guilty and hugged him

"Mianhae Zelo, I'm just not the type of person that likes to go shopping" I said quickly, I heard him laugh and he took my hands before running into the livingroom... there stood infront of me were three of B.A.P's stylists, one of them stood out from the rest. "MINJI" I yelled before running into her open arms

"Oh my word I've been dying to see you again" she sang but then she pulled me back and noticed my small bun, "omo they said she cut your hair but darling, what did she do to you?" she said pulling my hair out of it's tie, she'd cut it so it just touched my neck and there were clumps that she'd missed that reached my elbows... She embraced me in another hug and walked with me to my bedroom with the other two stylists. "This is Min, she's from Busan and this is Yoona who's my little sister" she said putting her hands on a girl's shoulders... YEY SOMEONE WHO MIGHT ACTUALLY BE SMALLER THEN ME... She had a cute light brown bob cut with LARGE black eyes with long lashes, her skin was about a shade darker then Daehyun and she had a small mole on her right cheek.

"It's nice to meet you, I know I dont look it but I'm 19 so I think I'm your unni?" she said in a high pitched voice... 19!!!!!! HOLY WOW... I nodded and bowed respectably

"It's my birthday next week" I said scratching the back of my head shyly, then Min came forward and took my and before bowing like an English guy would in the 18th century.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Ahn Min, 25 years old and from Bucheon" she said before letting go of my hand and straightening up, I held back my laughter and smiled not knowing what to say

"So B.A.P told us to come down and give you a make over because of what Morgan had done, so we're here to work our magic" Minji said wiggling her fingers, I blushed and sat down on my stool. They'd covered my mirror while they worked on my hair and makeup, though the whole process they tried to talk to me to calm me down but to be honest I was totally freaking out the whole time.

"Okay we're done" Min said clapping her hands, Minji and Yoona took hold of the cover which was over the mirror, "you ready to see the finished look?" Min said with a HUGE smile, I nodded nervously and they dropped the cover... WOW... Is this girl... actually me??? My shoulder length hair was wavey and styled kind of like Fei from Miss A in their I Dont Need a Man music video... They've put smokey eye makeup on and a little bit of blusher and foundation... I looked completely different... I hugged Minji and the others

"Oh my gosh thank you so much, thank you thank you thank you" I said as quickly as I could but they looked at me with a sly smile

"We're not done yet, B.A.P wanted us to help dress you AND we've got to come shopping with you" said Minji happily, I slumped my shoulders and threw my head back while groaning

"Oh my god kill me now" I whined, I REALLY hate shopping, Minji and Yoona helped me into some clothes they brought and Min had to go to a schedule. Luckily they put me in some faded blue skinny jeans and a red white and black chequered shirt, also they got me a pair of brown heeled ankle boots that laced up at the front... I felt so tall in them YEYY

"So let's go show the boys" Yoona sang while clapping her hands... how can this girl be older then me? She's adorable. We walked through into the livingroom where B.A.P were watching TV, I walked through and the first one to see me was Jongup who was drinking water when he saw me, his eyes widened and he choaked on his water. Then the others looked my way and opened their eyes as wide as saucers, Daehyun got up but just stood there speachless and frozen. I blushed and cleared my throat making them snap out of it, Daehyun walked over to me and instantly took my face in his hands and kissed me. When he pulled away he threw me a breathtaking smile, my face burned when I realised that B.A.P was still looking at me. Daehyun noticed and let go of of me with a sly smile... he meant to make me embarrassed... grrrr.

"Noona you look really pretty" Zelo said getting up from his seat to give me a hug, Yongguk stood up and sighed with a frustrated face making Himchan shake his head

"Yongguk what is your problem? She looks really pretty so go and compliment her" Himchan said pushing him towards me, Yongguk blushed and avoided my eyes while clearing his throat

"You... You look really grown up, just... just dont dress like that everyday, you'll attract unwanted eyes" he said thinking about boys that would try their luck with me, he put his hand in his other one and cracked his knuckles. "If they touch my daughter I'll put their lights out" he grumbled making me giggle, but then Yongguk looked at Daehyun with a warning face. "If you try to make her do anything she doesn't want to then I wont hold back just because your in B.A.P" Yongguk said pointing a finger, Daehyun and I blushed at the same time remembering... ahem... I tapped my cheeks to cool them down and cleared my throat

"If we're done embarrassing me here can we actually go shopping?" I said in a voice that I hoped covered that special secret, Jongup's head snapped up and he looked at with a sad face... he'd noticed... he shook his head slightly before looking at Daehyun with a face like thunder. Yongguk and Himchan took my arms before leading me out of the door, Daehyun and the others followed them as they stuffed me into the waiting company car. The rest of B.A.P got in and so did Minji and Yoona as we set off to the CEOX mall... let hell begin.

"Okay I have the list here, do you want to see it" Minji asked me holding out a small notepad, I shook my head quickly and took a step back. "Fine, okay boys lets go and get this girl some clothes" she ordered the boys, Jongup and Daehyun took my arms so I couldn't escape this horrible torture

"Come on it's not that bad" Jongup joked, I pouted and struggled against their grips but they're too strong

"WAAAAAHAAAAAA" I whined while trying to sit on the floor, "please let go of me" I yelled but they dragged me into where Minji and Yoona were waiting, when the boys let go of me I tried my luck again and ran for the exit but Jongup wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I kicked trying to get out of his grip but he put me in Yongguk's arms and then I knew I wasn't going anywhere... wahahahahaha...

"Okay lets get on with this" Yoona said looking at the list, Youngjae, Himchan, Minji and Yoona went off to get some clothes while I was held captive by Daehyun, Yongguk, Zelo and Jongup. For the next 30 minutes they dressed me up like a doll and decided whether or not I should by them, but then never showed B.A.P my clothes because they said that I should wait to surprise them.

"Let's go to the other shops now" Minji said when we were done, and yet again Daehyun and Jongup took my arms to lead me to the next shop... by now the word had gotten out that B.A.P were out shopping and a few fans were gathered around us with phones

"You can let me go now, I wont run away" I pouted to Daehyun and Jongup who instantly let go, I walked with them into a dress shop making my stomach churn... I hate dresses...

"Oh isn't it your birthday soon?" Yoona said when I was alone with her and Minji, I nodded and thought about the date adn counted on my fingers

"Um it's in two weeks I think, I'm two weeks older then Jongup and it's his birthday on wednesday... OH MY GOSH I NEED TO GET HIM SOMETHING" I said throwing my head back in frustration, how could I forget his birthday

"We'll get him something while the boys get their dinner if you want, your salary is pretty big right? Your and intern AND a trainee right?" Yoona said checking a price tag on a pink floor length dress which made my eyes hurt, luckily she didn't pick it up.

"Yeah thats right" I said relaxing a little, then Minji's eyes sparkled making me worry, she took my arm and dragged me to the end of the shop where a white dress stood put from the other dresses around it... Minji looked for my size and pulled it out excitedly

"Oh my gosh Yoona get her in the changing room this instant" then I was whisked away to try this daring dress on... after I'd put the dress on I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror because Yoona said I should wait until my birthday to wear it, Minji got me some white sequin heels and a white gem clutch bag.

"You look absolutely beautiful" said Yoona and Minji while holding each other's hands, they jumped up and down before getting out their phones. After they took a few photos I took the dress off and put my normal clothes back on, we brough the dress but they told the store to deliver it to Yoona's apartment so the boys wouldn't notice. They also made me try on and buy a dress for Jongup's birthday which I deffinitly DIDN'T want to wear, it was a red silk dress with a low back and halter neck and a slit from just above my knee to the floor... I'm so not wearing that...

"You girls ready for dinner?" Yongguk said when we walked out of the shop, Yoona winked at me before looking down at the list

"You boys go without us, we have to go to a very embarrassing shop next, if you know what I mean" she said winking at Youngjae who blushed and nodded, they left for their dinner while we went looking for Jongup's birthdya pressent

"Taesung-ssi said that he's throwing Jongup a secret birthday party, its a secret from the fans and also from the rest of B.A.P so only you, me and Yoona know about it" Minji said skipping happily, she took me into a jewellery shop and we walked over to the men's section. We spent 10 minutes looking and 20 minutes arguing with each other, Minji thought that I should get him some earrings and Yoona said I should get him a new watch but I knew that he wouldn't like them so I chose to get him a new black beaded necklace with a golden skull on the bottom. He likes beaded necklaces. After buying it... we... actually... did... go... to... AHEM a very embarrassing shop, when they said that I was going to buy every type of clothing... they actually meant it

"This is so embarrassing" I said blushing as they dragged me through the door into the shop... the lingerie store

"Let's get her measured first" Yoona said to Minji before dragging me over to the counter, "hello can we get this girl measured please" she said to the counter girl who nodded. They took me to get measured but I didn't go without a fight... but... I was too small to escape them. After I was measured they looked at all the embarrassing stuff making me collapse on the floor with a bright red face, WHYYYYYYYYYY

"Oh come on Daehyun will be thanking us that we took you there once he sees what we got you, and we didn't get you anything too embarrassing and flashy" Minji laughed JUST before we got to B.A.P, Jongup and Daehyun heard them and blushed before holding out some wrapped kimbab... I shook me head, my stomach still doesn't feel upto eating.

"Can we go now or do I have to go through more torture?" I asked Minji who sighed and put a hand on my shoulder

"Sadly, yes you do" she said smiling, I groaned and threw my head back in frustration, Daehyun took my hand and we followed Minji and Yoona into another shop... at the end of the day I was completely exhausted and drained

"Thank god we can go home now" I said skipping towards the car but Jongup took my hand and pulled me away from the others

"Wait a moment Eunyoung, can I talk to you? I wont try anything I promise" he begged, I nodded and he let go of my hand. "I was going to wait till your birthday but I dont think I can wait" he said laughing shyly, he took out a small box from his pocket and hesitated. "Um.. it's not anything expensive but, um when I saw it I... I kind of thought of" he mumbled before opening the box to show me a beautiful locket

"Oh my gosh Jongup, it's beautiful" I said putting my hands over my open mouth, it was a silver locket with an engravment of turtle on the top with an emerald stone for the eyes. He blushed and took it out of the box which he put in his pocket

"Turn around so I can put it on then" he mumbled with a red face, I laughed and turned around. His hands appeared from behind me and let the locket drop before cliping it around my neck, I turned back around and gave him a hug. He hesitated but hugged me back and sighed, "I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you before, I can see that your really happy with Daehyun but..." he pulled me back so he could look into my eyes. "I will never stop loving you, I really cant help how I feel and I'm really sorry for that, I'll stop forcing you and I'll just wait... no matter how long it takes I will wait" he said brushing the hair from my face. I sighed and took his hand from my face

"You'll be waiting a very long time" I mumbled before smiling up at him, I let go of him and walked back to the car

"What were you two up to?" Daehyun said with a worried smile, I held my locket out for him to see

"He gave me an early birthday pressent" I said before blobbing out my tongue, Daehyun flashed me a smile before raising his eyebrows

"I also have your pressent but you have to wait till the day to get it" he teased before putting an arm around my neck, Jongup finally jumped in next to me and closed the door. Everything was quiet until we got to the dorm, Minji and Yoona went home and Zelo went to bed after supper. "So Jagi are you going to show me what you've got or do I have to force you?" Daehyun said after helping me carry my bags into my room.

"You will have to wait I'm affraid, Yoona and Minji will kill me if I showed you without them here to coordinate it" I joked but then he closed and locked the door, I smiled excitedly as he walked over to me with a seductive stare

"Well there is one thing you can show me" he said ing my shirt to reveal my white vest top, he dropped my shirt on the floor and smirked, "I remember this morning that this" he said pulling on my bra strap, "was blue this morning but now it's black with lace" he trailed his fingers down my arms to my hands producing goosebumps. "Now are you going to show me or not?" he whispered in my ear making me giggle, he kissed my jaw once before flashing his teeth in a breathtaking smile......


So guys how did you like this chapter? I tried to make this chapter more happy and funny... I'm not that funny :( but anyway I hope you guys liked it and if it's not too much trouble can you guys help me come up with a name for a new character? I can't tell you who this character is but... I think one of you know already... I'm stuck on a name, so the character is a guy and he has light brown hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, tall, he's really kind and protective... so if you guys have any oppinions then I'd like to hear them :) so please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Chapter 50: No it is not ..something will happen
Chapter 5: Her alarm is BAP's warrior, lol, mine too!
Chapter 49: don't worry !! I will support you until the end .... and I will wait :)
JenniferHan #4
Chapter 47: "only one shot only one shot " himchan you are Amazing
jongup jongup jongup jongup WHAT YOU WILL DO ????

nice chapter I can't wait
JenniferHan #6
Chapter 46: i think this chapter was great, a lot of things happen heree! cant wait for your next chappie X) hwaiting!!
megann07 #7
Chapter 45: what a very long and nice update authornim.. im so happy because many things happened in this chapter :) thanks and more power :)
Chapter 45: Thank u
I feel sorry for jongup :'( :'(
Why she choose dea not jongup
I want jongup :'( :'( :'(
*i want to cry*
I love jongup so ......(cry~)

But this fanfic is good i like it
Thank u for ur update
Update soon
Please ~~~
Chapter 45: omo he let her win?! he's so kind I hope he won't get punished for it later...great story author-nim! can't wait for the next update!~
ohshytsitzmarina #10
Chapter 44: i am so gonna beat up the Moon Jongup! >:[