
after school and a new family

Bekah open her eyes when she heard click sound,mean the door of her room that shared with Soyoung,Raina and her new room mate  Yume has been closed.She sat up straight on the comforter.Luckily their bigger than others.They have no bed but they used thick comforter as their bed and layed it on the floor.Thruthfully it much better than bed..Yume switch to their room because of the troublesome couple.Whenever she think about that weekend,Bekah will still laugh and it will enlightened her day.


'Can I ask something?out of nowhere Yume emit a question.All of them stop talking and looked at Yume.

'Shoot honey.'said Jungah while patting Yume's head.She took her seat besides Kahi.

'Did everyone last night?'with Yume's unexpected question all of them spat their food.The pure maknaes couple frozen.

'Why you asked that?'Soyoung ask her back with a chuckle.She's not surprised,because she heard it as well.

'Well,it's really loud last night.I got kicked out and had to sleep on couch.I really want to change my room.'

'Why would you do that?'asked Lizzy.Those who spat their food clean up,and continue stuffing food.

'So,I won't be in your way if you want to 'sleep'.'replied Yume sarcastically with her plastic smile.

'I hope I can change my room mate,which non-couple.'said Yume while stuffing french toast into .

'You can switch to our room.Our room bigger,but no bed.Sorry.'Raina made a fake guilty face.

'Deal.'answered Yume.


It's been two weeks she switch her room.Being the light sleeper,one day Bekah realized Yume always sneak out in the middle of the night with her backpack hang on her shoulder.Tonight is not an exception.But when it's morning she will be home.

'Where did she go actually?Vita Ora?'still in dazed Bekah question herself.She decided to keep it to herself and back to her sleep.


'You just spread her scent,we'll rock them.'Sun Jo handed Yume a small bottle.

'Let's get in our position.'Amber looked at Yume.Both of them nodded as a sign they're ready.

'Let's go.'Amber squeaking Sun Jo's arm.

'Take care.'soon they depart.Yume watched her friends dashed through the black night.She looked at the bottle in her hand before she closed her fist.

'This is war.'


'Don't Sun Jo.Don't.'Sun Jo slapped her own face to get rid of her sleepy feeling.She turned to Yume.The latter used a long ruler as a support.She stucked the ruler on her forehead avoided from fall on her desk,with pens in her right hand.Lately the three of them too tired to even lift a spoon.Sun Jo shook her head and look to the front.Their mathematic teacher quite pretty.Thought Sun Jo.But it still made them sleepy.Sun Jo took out her ruler and stucked on her forehead,then he drift away to his dreamland.

'Bang!'a loud thud could be heard in the classroom.Automatically both Sun Jo and Yume lift their head while rubbed their forehead.They look at each other while frown.Just then they heard someone cough.

'Sit up straight.'said the teacher.Yume and Sun Jo stood up and bowed as an apology.Know that they're in wrong.Their classmate didn't dare to look at them.They hold their laughter.

'My head hurt.'whined Sun Jo.

'I think mine will explode.'said Yume weakly.Sun Jo turned to Yume.He put her backhand on Yume's forehead.

'You got fever.'whispered Sun Jo sternly.

'Yeah.I forgot to wore mask.I'll go to our place later.'still with her weak voice replied.She barely can open her eyes.Her head hurt so much.


Raina and Bekah ran to the toilet when they hear sound,that seems like someone throw up.Both of them just came back from their schedule.

'Is it you Yume?'asked Raina.She knocked the door several times,followed by Bekah.

'Are you okay?'Raina still asking.

'!They're home.Yume flush her puke,then wash up before she opened the door.As soon as she open the door both Raina and Bekah barged in.

'I'm okay.'Yume pulled both of them out from toilet.

'You're hot!'cried Raina worriedly after she layed her hand on Yume's neck.Yume grinning.

'I know.'she force a weak teased smile.However it made she earn a hit on her forearm.

'Stop joking.Why you didn't tell us?'Raina keep nagging at her.Bekah didn't say anything.Yume didn't bother to fight back.She walked to Nana and        Lizzy's room,to take her backpack.

'Yume I'm talking to you.'Raina seized her backpack.

'I'm okay.It just..the weather.You don't have to worry.'gently Yume took her backpack.

'I need to go somewhere.Don't tell them anything.I don't want to worry any of you.Just focused on your schedule.I'm going first.'convince Yume.Still Raina hold her wrist,force her to stay.Yume sigh.She didn't feel like argued with anyone on that time,but Raina really annoyed her.

'Bekah unnie.Please help me this time.I'm in rush.'Yume loose Raina's grip.Quickly Bekah stop Raina from following Yume.Yume walk downstairs as soon as possible.

'Bekah!What are you doing?She's not well and we need to take her to the doctor.'yelled Raina.Bekah was taken aback,Raina never yelled at her or anyone.

'She said she's okay.Let her be.'though she want to stop Yume too,Bekah just couldn't bring herself to do so.She could sense Yume were hiding something from them,and she will let time reveal that 'something.'

'We can't just let her go.What if she faint somewhere?She's under our custody.'

'She'll be fine.'convince Bekah with a smile.


A week passed since that incident.As Yume asked,both Raina and Bekah didn't tell anyone about it.Finally their precious day off come.Weekend.The only days they could gather together had,breakfast,lunch and dinner together.Since their comeback,they barely could spend time for each other.They always get home in the middle of the night and everyone went straight to their bed.Luckily their company not as big as SM,JYP,and YG or they had to spend their year on plane.Being the mother of After School,Jungah prepared breakfast together with Soyoung and the maknaes couple.

'I didn't see Yume for a week.Our schedule so hectic.'suddenly Jungah spoke.

'Not just you omma.All of us.'Kaeun also stated.

'Though I'm her roommate,I didn't see her too.All I see is my respective comforter and pillow whenever we reach home.'Jungah just smiling.As she talked Soyoung tasted the mushroom soup that she made.

'Almost done.'said Soyoung.The maknaes help the two women by organized bowl,chopstick and glass on their dining table.

'We're almost done.Eyoung go wake up them.'command Jungah.Eyoung went upstairs and wake each of her members.After that she went downstairs.A few minutes passed,and all of the members took their seat.

'Last one.'when they see the boiling mushroom soup,all of them started to drooling.Soyoung and Jungah took their seat.Jungah look up and started counting.She nodded after make sure all of her members are there.

'Wait.Where's Yume?all of them looked at each other when Jungah asked them.Bekah and Raina looked at each other worriedly.

'She don't want to eat.'lied Bekah.Raina glared at her.

'She must eat.Don't eat yet.I'll go wake her.'Jungah was about to left her seat,but Bekaj stopped her.

'She's tired.Let her sleep more.'once again Bekah lied.

'She's not here.'suddenly Raina spoke out.Bekah looked at Raina with 'what the hell' look.

'She's not co..'before Raina able to finish her word,Bekah covered .

'I just remembered she went for jogged.'Bekah cut off Raina.

'Let's eat.'said Bekah with a smile.She tried to reassure Jungah that started to stared at her.Raina still glared at her.

'Aish,that kid.She broke her promise.Anyway let's eat.'cheered Kahi.She pull Jungah to sit.


'Any better?'Amber took the empty glass.Yume nodded.

'You should be careful.They might find you too.'once again Yume nodded.Sun Jo wiped Yume body to lessen the heat.

'Did Junghwa call you?'carefully Amber asked Yume.

'No.'replied Yume.

'It's impossible she forgot your birthday.'

'Amber stop it.I'm okay.It's just a freaking birthday.'


i need to wrapped up this ff quickly








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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 43: coool awesome fanfic an update please i want more more
Chapter 43: YAY AN UPDATE!
i never thought it would end like this...
I'm lost in words =_=
One of my best Fanfics ^-^
Chapter 43: 안돼 i want more ;; i want more yume
Chapter 42: OMO OMO OMO *^* asdfghjkl
Chapter 41: omo omo omo....
but ummm.... no memory.. ._.
Don't worry yume~ i'll buy a 4GB memory for your brain LOL
kidding .-.
keep your work all the way to the top author-nim!
Chapter 41: ahhh finally some of my bedtime story here ㅋㅋㅋsomehow I feel like there's still sort of mystery left ㅋㅋ but nice xD.. i'm waiting for the next!!!
Chapter 41: @MONDCHAN its a good thing rite?hahah
@the-nnn i think its too long already.if i make it on going i'll messed it so badly.
@Jung-Jiwoo woooooooo,u're so into it.thanx.
@YuriWorldRp sobs.i'm glad u miss her.thanx.
Thanx guysssssss.i do appreciate ur comments
Chapter 40: i have to say im hooked with this fict ;; i miss yume already! Keep updating author nim!
Chapter 40: I Knew Raina unnie won't let this go away easly!!
Uee unnie... GO FIND YUME NOW!
All of A.S should do that ._.
but uee unnie is the most important ^-^
i'm sooooooooo into this.... gomawo again Author-nim~
Chapter 40: This fic is so good, i'm hooked T___T but it seems like it'll come to an end soon @_@