Lessons in Dying


Kris has always been the bad boy. Drinking, girls, and fun. Everything was perfect for his current plan of living.

Until, of course, he learns the hard way that life has a price. There are things he was chosen to do.



Can they be controlled?

His teacher is mysterious beyond description, but there is a lot to be learned from this teacher.


Pain is all I remember.

What happened, anyway? My mom...I need to tell her that I didn't mean what I said. She needs to know that I love her. I need to hold her as she cries from the painful words I said to her.

As my heart is weighed down with all this regret, I suddenly feel very...light. I feel as if I could float away.

I am floating away.

"Don't be afraid," I hear a voice gently calling. "I have been waiting for you for a very long time."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Open your eyes," comes an answer from right in front to me.

I open my eyes, and there before me is...what is it?


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Chapter 11: You did such a great job with this story!! Thank you :)
Sandraa #2
Chapter 11: Wow that's gunna be a while until the nxt Death. Lol had a little star wars moment when kris' dad revealed himself XD aha this was good! Too bad I cudnt see his visit to his family but ah well ;p
Chapter 7: This story is good. Keep up the good work, author-nim :D
I like this a lot... Please update soon! :D
Bang-Jello #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^