You're Weird, I like you

Jay Park Scenarios

Have I told you today how beautiful you look?’

‘Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?’

‘Aww come on can’t a guy compliment his girlfriend’

‘No, it’s weird’

‘Oh so you don’t like it’

‘It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just I prefer big, tough, manly Jay’ You laughed at your own words knowing full well you’d over exaggerated a little with them. Jay didn’t seem to mind though, he loved it.

‘Hmm is that so? So you like it when I do things like this’ He his bottom lip and bit on it in a ‘y’ way and you smirked.

‘Maybe, maybe not’ You stated, sipping your cooling coffee.

‘What about when I do this?’ He began slowly but surely lifting the hem of his wife-beater showing more and more of his toned stomach.

‘NOOO!’ You yelled. ‘Put it down. I don’t want to see that’ You were smiling but you were deadly serious. He knew damn well that his stomach was a weak spot for you and he just loved to tease.

The shirt was just passed his belly button when he started to sway his hips sensually.

‘Oh my God Jay what are you doing? Do you realize how stupid you look right now?’ You laughed, pushing him away. ‘This is embarrassing. I often wonder why I agreed to being your girlfriend’

‘It’s because I’m aay’ He stated, putting emphasis on the ‘aay’ part.

‘Did you actually just say that? That’s it I’m going in here. Goodbye’ You walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, the smile still plastered on your face. ‘Oh God why?’

‘Nooo you can’t leave I’ve not finished yet’ Jay stormed in to where you were sat, wife-beater still around his belly. You burst out laughing at the sight and your laugh triggered his. ‘Noo you ruined it. I was doing so well and you ruined my poker face. You must be punished’ Jay launched himself towards you tackling you down on the couch. His fingers tickled your sides and you thrashed around trying to make him stop.

‘Jay no stop it. I will kick you in the face. No joke’ You screamed, crying with laughter making it hard for him to take you seriously.

‘Not until you admit that I’m just so irresistible’ He put an accent on that only made the situation worse. You could barely breathe from laughing so much.

‘Okay, okay I hereby declare that my boyfriend Park Jaebeom is so irresistible I can never take my eyes off of his luscious body’ You managed to oblige and the tickling ceased.

‘See that wasn’t so hard was it. You’re not to bad yourself either babe’ He stated and you wriggled from his grasp.

‘I will kick you Jaebeom’ You teased, making him chuckle. He hugged you tightly and you gave up trying to break free.

‘I love you _______-ah, never forget that!’ He exclaimed with a more mature and serious tone.

‘I love you too Jaebeom, I love you too’

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The-Irem-World #1
Lol aaaw that was cute ><