


Seohyun Yonghwa

Seohyun opened her eyes, surprising Yonghwa was in front of her. He continued to stare at Seohyun's face, but he didn’t  say anything. Seohyun confused with his  ​​gaze, he never looked at her intently before.  Finally he opened his mouth.

“Seohyun, is it true?”, Yonghwa gave her the test pack.

“Oppa, you have seen it… oppa, I…”, Seohyun didn’t dare to look at Yonghwa face directly, she was scared with his sharp gaze.

“You’re pregnant … and I … I don’t what to do now.”

Seohyun socked with his words, how could he say that?

Did he really hate her?  He wasn’t happy with this news. Tears couldn’t stop flowing on her face.

“Oppa, do you hate me that much? Oppa please try to love me oppa?”, Seohyun shake his body.

“I’m scared Seohyun …”

“Oppa, please I’m pregnant now oppa , I’ll wait for your love oppa even thought I have to be patient.”

“Hyun, I’m sorry …”

“Oppa, why did you marry me? You made me the happiest woman in the world at that time but now … oppa you’re so cruel to me, is it because Yoona eonni come again to Seoul? Oppa please be honest with me.”, Seohyun cried in front of him.

“Hyun, please don’t be like this …”

“So, what have I to make you love me oppa?”, suddenly Seohyun fainted in front of him.

“Hyun, wake up please …”, Yonghwa lift Seohyun’s body and took her to the hospital.


Jonghyun Yoona

Jonghyun hugged Yoona from the back and she leaned her head on his chest.  He kissed her temple again and again. He never dream like this before, he has Yoona as his girl friend now.

But the happy moment stop when Yoona’s phone rang.

Kring …. Kring ….

“Ah, my phone.”

“Yoona please stay with me, I still want to hug you.”

“Jonghyun, I have to pick up my phone.”

“Arasso, arasso ….”


***On the phone line

“Yobboseo ….”

“Yoona, this is me ,,,”

“Yonghwa, how could you….”

“Please, don’t ask me anything now, Seohyun in hospital now.”

“What? Okay … I’ll go there.”

Yoona quickly took her bag, she forgot about Jonghyun who watched her.

“Yoona, where are you going?”

“I must go to hospital Jonghyun, my sister sick again.”

“Okay, I’ll drive you.”

“Thank you Jonghyun.”


*****Seoul Hospital*****


Doctor came out to talk with Yonghwa after checking Seohyun’s condition.

“Are you her husband?”

“Yes, I’m, my name’s Jung Yonghwa.”

“Okay, Mr. Jung your wife condition is very weak, she got so much stress.”

“How’s her dieses and pregnancy doc?”

“Mrs. Jung’s body condition isn’t like other women, she is so weak … so her pregnancy is so risky, you have to take care of her and don’t make her stress.”

“Thank you doc”

Doctor left him alone, he was very regret.

“Argghhhh, this is my fault … you’re a coward Jung Yonghwa!!”

Not long after Jonghyun and Yoona arrived at the hospital. Yoona ran and slapped Yonghwa’s face immediately.

“What were you doing to my sister Yonghwa?”

Jonghyun tried to hold Yoona’s anger but she was too angry to his best friend.

“Yoona, please you know this is hospital…. You need to calm down.”

Yonghwa wiped his face which got a hit from Yoona, but he didn’t accept her action to him now.

“So you said that everything was my fault? You’re so egoist Yoona, you are the one who make your sister suffer because she married to me.”

Yoona surprises with Yonghwa’ words..

She was wrong and admitted that, but Yonghwa.

“Yonghwa, is it so hard for you to forget me?”, said Yoona to him.

“I try Yoona, I try ….”

“So try again Yonghwa, I’m happy with Jonghyun now… I hope you can be happy with my sister too.”

“Yoona … Seohyun is pregnant now, she has my child on her womb now.”

“So, what’s the problem now Yonghwa? You will be a father soon.”

“Yoona, I’m scared if I can’t love them.”

Yoona couldn’t say anything again, she loved Yonghwa a lot. She tried hard to not cry in front of him.

“We have to stop Yonghwa, I must see Seohyun now.”




Yoona saw Seohyun from the window. She didn’t dare to see her like that again. She sacrifice her love for her sister life but she only made her sick again.


-Jonghyun Yonghwa-


“So how long you like her?”

“haha, you’re curious Yong … to be honest I like her since we were still senior high school students.”


“yes, I love her even thought you and Yoona were in relationship at that time.”

“Jonghyun, sorry …”

“Don’t worry my friend, I’m okay with that and Yoona is my girl friend now.”

“You’re lucky Jong, at least you get your love and me?”

“But she still loves you, Yonghwa.. and I know you know that but you just pretend.”


“Yonghwa I know you very well, you love Seohyun too but you’re scare.”

“You’re really my best friend Jonghyun, I’m scare to love Seohyun because I don’t want to lose her like I lose Yoona before.”

“You’re greedy Yonghwa, you love both woman and luckily both of them love you, you know I’ll try hard to make Yoona love me, you must forget Yoona if you want to love Seohyun fully, you must try to love Seohyun.”

“of course, she is pregnant now .. I don’t want to lose her and my child, thanks Jonghyun.”




The next chapter will FULL of LOVE MOMENT FOR BOTH COUPLE










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Bitesnail #1
Chapter 3: I can't understand this story in the beginning junghyun married Seohyun and now Seohyun married yonghwa?
huyns2yongseo #2
Chapter 14: I hope Seohyun will never forgive Yonghwa easily. Please let he suffers
yongseo2011 #3
Chapter 14: Si, unni por favor actualiza te lo agradecería bastante
memelodies #4
Chapter 14: Please do authornim!!
jesc09 #5
Chapter 14: Yessss please do continue!
Chapter 13: whooooooo a fast update
update sooooooooon
fighting !
sawa93821 #7
Chapter 13: thanks for the fast update again ^^ two years later I wonder what will happen to them, looking forward to the next chapter
yoonda #8
Chapter 11: i kinda happy whrn yoongiee is misscarriage kk~ way to go jonghyunn <3<3<3 jongyoon pleaseee
Chapter 12: update soooooooooooon
fighting !
it's wise for seohyun to leave him for now , he kind of her her to no end , and she mustn't take it easy ( hahahahaha i'm so evil to yong )
i wonder what will yonghwa's reaction be when he knows about her departure
twistedtruths #10
Chapter 12: this is really interesting ! update soon^^