Listen to Your Heart

My Sister's Gift

Yoona POV

I knew that Sica-unnie had grilled Yuri-unnie very hard before dinner so I tried to lighten the mood throughout the time we ate.

However that seemed unnecessary as Tiffany-unnie and Sooyoung had tease the two of us without mercy. Although Jessica-unnie had remained silent as she observed Yuri-unnie and I interact with each other.

Due to the uncomfortable dinner, it created a thick awkward atmosphere in the car and if there’s one thing I loathed, it was an uncomfortable atmosphere. I cleared my throat hoping to start a conversation.

“Ummm... Yuri-unnie?”


“I just wanted to apologize for Soo and Fany-unnie’s behavior. They love to make fun of me.”

Yuri’s laugh rang in the car. Even her laughs sent my heart in frenzy…
Gosh what was wrong with me?!

“I don’t mind. I can see they care a lot about you,” said Yuri.

We drove for several more minutes in silence until we arrived at her apartment. I decided it would be best if I walked her to her apartment, so I made sure to follow her upstairs. Once we safely reached her door, I bade her goodbye.

“Thank you for coming out tonight Yuri-unnie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you for the great dinner! And yes I’ll see you tomorrow!”

I smiled knowing I would see her again tomorrow and started to turn away, when suddenly I felt Yuri-unnie grab one of my arms, stopping me in my tracks.

“W-w-wait Yoona, I have to tell you something…” stuttered Yuri.

I gave her a confused expression and waited for her to continue.

“Y-Y-Yoona… I need to tell y-y-y-you something.”

“Yes Yuri-unnie?”

“I-I-I… I know this is going to sound strange since we’ve only known each other for a few weeks. But honestly I don’t think I can keep it a secret anymore…”

Omg! Is she like keeping a disease a secret from me? Is she secretly not well?!?!? OMO~ what am I going to do?!?!?!

“Is something wrong unnie? Are you not feeling well?” I asked panicked.

“Aniyo! I’m fine… I just need to tell you something… Something important…” said Yuri-unnie frantically trying to calm me down.

I inhaled deeply and tried to compose my racing heart.

“I’m listening unnie.”

“I know that you know that I’m a huge fan of yours but I swear to you I’m not acting on pure lust… Yoona-ah I really care about you… and after that night in the park, all I want to see is you happy. I want to make you happy Yoona…”

“I love you, Im Yoona.”









!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O


Umma! Appa! Hyo-unnie! Hyuk-oppa!

What am I supposed to do?!?!?!

Y-y-y-yah! Im Yoona calm down! For a sec… let’s process this logically…
Do you like Yuri-unnie? Well… I’m not sure but I like spending time with her… but is that the same thing is l-l-l-loving her?!?!
What am I supposed to say? Do I break her heart? Can I break her heart? Do I want to???

NOOOOO!!!! I don’t want to see her hurt T^T…

But, but, b-b-but… what am I supposed to say~?!?!?!

“Y-Y-Yoona… are you okay? Y-y-y-you’re turning purple…”

I had forgotten to breathe in deep breaths. I took some time to inhale deeply before looking back at Yuri-unnie.

She was looking at her feet flushing bright pink, “I-I-It’s okay if you don’t have an answer right now… I can wait…”

“I-I-I’m sorry Yuri-unnie, but this is happing too fast… I-I-I really need to go now…” I stuttered before running to the car, leaving Yuri-unnie standing at her apartment door.


I couldn’t sleep that night….

We were staying over at Jessica’s place tonight.

After putting Minna to bed, I lay in bed in my pajamas, unable to fall asleep, as my thoughts would not leave me. My heart continued to race quickly even if it had been hours after Yuri-unnie’s confession.

I groaned and rolled onto my back, using my arm to cover my face. It was still flushed red as the confession rang in my ears. I buried my face in a pillow.

What am I supposed to do???
I mean Yuri-unnie is pretty… she’s kind… she’s helpful… and it just feels easy to be with her, but… is that to say that I love her?
Maybe I only lover her like how I love my close unnies? How do I tell the difference from romantic love and sisterly love?!?!


I thought back to what Soo said earlier…

“You pabo! Obviously you're in love! The way you've opened up to her, the way you're craving for her company, the way you've let her into your heart, the way you smile when you think of her, and most importantly the way you're confused right now... you're so mixed up in your emotions about her that you don't know how you feel! YOU'RE CRAZY FOR HER YOONG!”

“Yoong? Are you there?” asked a voice from outside my room.

Jessica-unnie poked her face into my room.

“Hi unnie,” I greeted her weakly.

“What’s wrong Yoona? Are you not feeling well?”

“I don’t know what to do unnie… I feel sick…”

Jessica-unnie hurriedly rushed to my side and placed a hand on my forehead.

“You don’t have a fever though… do you want medicine?”

Before I could protest, Tiffany-unnie came chuckling into my room.

“Silly Jessie, she isn’t that kind of sick… our DeerYoong is LOVE sick…”

“Love sick? Yah! What do you mean by that Fany?”

“I’m right aren’t I?” questioned Tiffany-unnie. “Yuri confessed to you tonight right?”

I groaned again and hid my face in Jessica-unnie’s arm.

Tiffany gasped excitedly, “Omo! I knew it! Yah~ Im Yoona! You are such a heart throb you know that? Having a gorgeous girl like that confessing to you… what did she say?!”

“Unnie!” I moaned in embarrassment. “Don’t make me repeat it! It’s embarrassing…”

Tiffany-unnie chuckled, “Well then… how did you respond?”

Honestly I didn’t know it was possible to turn redder than the dress Soo was wearing tonight, but I somehow managed to do it…

“I-I-I ran away…” I stuttered softly.

The room filled with silence as I waited for Hell Fany to explode.


I nodded meekly.


“B-b-but I didn’t want to give her false hope if I was wrong and I also didn’t want to make rash decisions… I didn’t know what to do unnie…”

I pouted and added quietly, “I don’t even know how I feel about her.”

Suddenly a hand started to comfortingly my hair.

It felt like Hyo-unnie’s, but I knew that wasn’t true….

Not anymore.

I looked up to find that it was Sica-unnie. She was gently caressing my brown locks and for once, she had a gentle and soothing expression on her face. Sica-unnie gave me a small smile and that’s when I lost it… the tears wouldn’t stop flowing down my face.

“Shhh~ it’s alright Yoong…” whispered Sica-unnie.

“Omo~ Yoongie! Please don’t cry, I was just teasing!!” cried Fany-unnie.

My tears completely soaked through Sica-unnie’s shirt as I buried my face into her chest.

“I-I-I-I don’t k-k-k-know what to d-d-d-do! I d-d-d-don’t even know w-w-w-what I f-f-f-feel…”

“Why are you crying Yoongie? Did Yuri hurt you?” asked Jessica-unnie.

I shook my head vigorously, “Y-Y-Yuri-unnie has been n-n-n-nothing but nice to m-m-m-me… and I-I-I ran away from her c-c-c-confession! N-N-N-Now she p-p-p-probably h-h-hates me!”

I heard ruffling of clothed and assumed it was Tiffany-unnie rushing to my side.

“Oh Yoongie~ there, there shush… Yuri doesn’t hate you sweetie! She loves you remember!”

“B-b-but I ran a-w-w-w-way!”

“Forget what I said before Yoong… I’m sorry if I confused you…”

“Yoona-ah,” rang Jessica-unnie’s voice calmly, “let’s forget about the whole confession thing for a sec alright?”

I sniffled and looked up at Jessica-unnie’s big brown eyes.

“What do you really feel about Yuri, Yoona-ah?”

“I-I-I… I liked spending time with h-h-her… she m-m-makes me happy. B-b-but does that mean I l-l-love her???”

Jessica laughed, “Yah~ Im Yoona! How would I know the answer to that question? Only you know if you truly love her or not…”

“W-w-w-what am I g-g-going to d-d-do???” I sobbed again.

“Oh Yoong~… what are we going to do with you?” said Tiffany-unnie as Jessica-unnie embraced me in a hug.

“You silly deer…”


Jessica POV

Tiffany and I spent most of the night comforting Yoona as she couldn’t stop crying. She finally fell asleep sometime during the early hours of the morning with Fany snuggled up next to her.

I was relieved to know that Yoona hadn’t run blind into a relationship. She was confused, as she should be. Fany and I had protected and shielded her for so long. It was natural for her to be so confused.

Fany and I were in the kitchen drinking our coffee and reading the paper when Yoona finally came down from bed. It was already 10 am. Luckily Soo had taken Minna to school with Chansung, so it was just the three of us in the house.

“Good morning Yoona!” greeted Tiffany cheerfully. “Do you want… OH MY GOD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR FACE?!?!”

I desperately looked up from my newspaper and coffee to see Yoona’s face for the first time that morning.

In short, it was a disaster. She looked absolutely awful. Her eyes were bright red and swollen. Yoona’s normal creamy milky skin was pale and the color of sickness. To make it worse, she had black bags underneath her eyes, making her look like a panda.

“Oh geez Yoona… what did you do to your face?” I asked, hurriedly walking over to examine her face up close.

“Does it look that bad?” she asked weakly as her voice was hoarse.

“Gosh Yoong! Did you look at yourself in the mirror before you came down?!” asked Tiffany.

Yoona nodded feebly, “I tried to cover my bags with makeup but it didn’t work. Eye drops didn’t work either…”

“We have a photo shoot for the whole day today Yoona! What are we going to do?” squealed Tiffany.

The deer sighed deeply as she slumped down in one of the kitchen chairs.

“I’m really sorry unnies. I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

I exhaled sharply, “I’ll have to reschedule the photo shoot for today. There’s no way make up is going to cover all that and no amount of Visine is going to get rid of those red eyes. Tiff baby, can you make some tea for Yoona? That’ll help with her voice.”

“Thanks Sica-unnie…” whispered Yoona.

“Don’t thank me just yet Im Yoona,” I say chugging down my coffee as I knew the morning would be filled with extremely angry phone calls.

You better make this up to me Yoong.


Yoona POV

After drinking the tea, Tiffany-unnie marched me off to bed where she told me I wasn’t able to get out until I got some sleep. She must’ve put something in the tea because I slept soundly for a good two hours. It was noon by the time I woke up and I was extremely hungry.

I made my way to the kitchen to find Fany-unnie eating rice, seaweed soup, and a variety of side dishes. She smiled at me as I walked in.

“Morning sleepy-head, there’s still rice in the cooker if you want some.”

“Thank unnie,” I said and grabbed a pair of chopsticks and a bowl.

I dug into my meal and thoroughly enjoyed myself, almost forgetting how to breathe as I stuffed my mouth full of food.

“Where’s Sica-unnie?” I asked breaking the noise of munching and swallowing.

Tiffany-unnie frowned slightly, “She had to go in and talk the director but she said she’d be back in time for dinner…”

I frowned as well, “I’m sorry for causing trouble unnie.”

Tiffany-unnie quickly smiled, “It’s not your fault Yoona-ah. ‘Sides you deserve a break. What do you want to do today?”

I set down my chopsticks and looked at Fany-unnie.

“Can you take me to visit Hyoyeon-unnie and Hyuk-oppa?” I asked quietly.

Tiffany-unnie gave me a gentle smiled and nodded.

“Of course Yoongie, we’ll go right after we eat alright?”

I nodded and went back to finishing my meal.


Tiffany-unnie waited for me in the car as she wanted to give me some privacy. I appreciated it and headed my way over to the headstones with a large bouquet in my hands. Making sure to wipe to dirt off of the stones, I began to talk.

“Hi there Hyo-unnie, Hyuk-oppa…” I say as I place the bouquet of flowers on their headstone.

“I didn’t bring Minna with me today. She’s at school actually, but she’s doing just fine. She misses you though… we both miss you two.”

I smile thinking of my niece, but quickly remembered why I was here and what I was here to do. I cleared my throat.

“Hyuk-oppa I need to discuss something with Hyo-unnie really quick, it would be nice if you could give us some privacy… thanks oppa, I love you.”

I sighed taking a deep breath, “Unnie… I have a problem. T-t-this girl I met… she confessed to me…”

“I think you know her though Hyo-unnie. It's Kwon Yuri… she’s Minna’s daycare teacher…”

“Unnie, I really don’t know what to do. I mean I think I like her enough but I don’t know if I can love her unnie… there’s going to be so many complications…”

I stared at the headstone for a while as I knelt down on the grass, feeling a gentle wind pass over me.

The sun was shining and it felt nice. The wind continued to play in my hair as I slowly closed my eyes. The sensation I felt was so similar to Hyo-unnie’s presence…

I swore that I could even hear her voice.

Yoona-ah… my silly deer, why are you worrying over something so trivial, didn’t I tell you the important thing to do in life was to follow your heart?”

“I know unnie, but I don’t even know what I feel…”

Tsk tsk… pabo Yoong~ that’s because you aren’t listening to your heart. Tell me exactly what your heart is saying Yoona-ah. Listen~”

“I-I-I… it’s… it’s sad unnie. My heart feels heavy very sad.”

Good, you’re finally listening… Now think about Yuri, what do you feel?

I thought about Yuri-unnie, her raven hair, the warm smile, the deep brown eyes, her cute way of stuttering, her laugh…

“She makes my heart flutter unnie. It feels so light and I feel happy when I think about her. It still hurts because I miss you and Hyuk-oppa but… unnie, she makes me happy.”

You know your answer now don’t you Yoona?

“I… I love her unnie… I love Yuri-unnie…”

That’s my smart deer! Now what are you going to do now?

“I have to tell her unnie! I have to go!”

Why are you still here then Yoongie? Go on! Follow your heart sweetie!

“Thanks unnie!”

Anytime Yoona-ah, I love you so much my DeerYoong, both you and Minna.

I got up from my knees and stood up, racing towards the car as the wind continued to blow gently.

“I love you too Hyo-unnie.

Yuri-ah… please wait for me…


So without realizing, I began typing this instead of my homework and here's an update...

Hehe~ it seems a bit rushed in my opinion... but I hope you guys still like it! Please leave me comments as I'd love to know what you think of our dense Yoona's realization ^^

Thanks to all my readers and subscribers for supporting this story! I love you all!

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 41: I just found this story caused by the JeTi tag...
But this stoty was really cute and good...
My deep condolance for the author... May her rest in peace...
Chapter 41: From the bottom of my heart Sry for your lost.its wa a wonderfull story. And how stupid im to read this beautiful fic so late....
hwang_fiqah #3
Chapter 41: So sorry for your lost.. :(
Chapter 41: I'm so sad I'm sorry 4 ur loss
I wish I can turn back time and read this earlier ;(
Chapter 42: I'm really disappointed in myself for not finding this fic earlier. And I'm sincerely sorry about decimo27's passing. I honestly wish that I could've said "Thank you for such a wonderful story" while she was still with us, but alas it wasn't meant to be.

Nonetheless, I'm glad that I stumbled upon such an amazing story and I know now that this will go down as one of my favourite stories of all time.
Chapter 42: :'(Man I should have found this story first! D': I wish I could say "Thank You" to decimo27. :') She's been a great author after all. In this case,I'll always remember her. :') And,I'm sorry for your great loss... :'(
V_Night #7
Chapter 42: Oh no! D: My condolences for her passing :( This story was honestly my favorite of all the SNSD fanfictions. I hope you have fun working through your sister works :)
Chapter 40: Aigoo, I wish I can turn back time and find this story earlier so that I could thank decimo27 for this story. =(

But, afterall, my prayers will be sent to her ^^ Again, I'm sorry for your loss. And, tell your unnie that she's awesome! This story is daebak! Remind me to add this to my favorite YY stories, okay?

Rest in peace, decimo. <3 and Thank you for a wonderful story ^^
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 39: i love it so much :D ♥ ♥ ♥ YOONYUL .. you can actually make a movie with this :]