Devils and Angels


As opposed to the conventional thinking, both devils and angels are important to withhold the peace of the mortal world. The devils use punishment on human when they do something bad while angels reward humans when they do something right. So, both devil's and angels have very different way of thinking. Kyuhyun is the most outstanding devil in hell while Ryeowook is a newly graduated Angel. In a collaboration between heaven and hell, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook were summoned to a high school on earth to recruit new members. They found their potential candidates, brothers Donghae and Heechul. They have to observe and help them become a better person before they can be recruited. As kyuhyun and ryeowook were educated differently, they had a hard time getting along with each other. In the process, they made new friends, got to know more about their respective roles and eventually, love! One live in hell, the other, heaven. Is it even possible?


Since i finish typing the story already, i decided to edit the foreword. 

Actually, i completely do not know where this story would bring me to. I do not have a plan in mind at first but as i type, the ideas flow and flow until i reach the story you have today. Many times, i do not know how my characters will react but my hands just follow my heart and they become what you read as today.

For those who are reading my stories, thank you for your support and i assure this won't disappoint you.

For new readers, look at the comments and you will know. Give me a chance:-)

A Note: For anyone who loves kyuwook but hasn't written any stories, please do so! Even if your english is not very good, please write. I realise that Kyumin stories have so many more... Let's help increase the number of Kyuwook stories!!!


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Chapter 26: I always like angel-demon KyuWook stories and it's sad there isn't much of them around. Of course, we all know who will always end up as an angel and who is the devil LOL I like how KyuWook love always blurs the line between light and darkness and in the end unite all realms ^_^
Chapter 2: I'm imagining Kyuhyun like Kuchiki Byakuya from Bleach.
Chapter 26: Wow!!! What an action packed story! So much fun to read! :D
And Such a sweet ending!!!
Chapter 26: Ummm.. What will be the name of the baby if Eunhae and Kyuwook get married? Ihihihihh.. I can see something going on there..
I don't know if I ever told you this, but do you know this is my favorite KyuWook story ever? Maybe it is because it was one of my first story ever read, but I love it and it will always be my favorite!
Chapter 26: Kyaaaaaa the happy sweet ending \^_^/
I think you ever go to hell or heaven cause I felt this story is real kkkk
Thanks 4 make it^^
Chapter 21: A demon + angel(maybe ex) = ? Kkkk
Mpreg my fav \^_^/
Chapter 17: JajjajgaddssGHHHyqreseass kyu wook... aihhh how can???
Poor wook :(
I hate min>_<
Chapter 12: Mwo wook went to hell @_©
Chapter 10: Yayyyy... finally kyuwook see each other \^_^/