☺Rules & How To Join☺

☮ Join us and Peace Out☮ Newly Open! ^O^ [ EXO & BIGBANG SLOTS AVAILABLE ]


1.) Subscribe to the thread before joining

2.)  and Yuri are allowed

3.) Character change is allowed once

4.) Only 1 account per person

5.) Keep the timeline NC16 , in DM.

5.) You're allowed to get in a relationship 3 days after joining

6.) This is a closed rp, follow only the members and real idols

7.) Password is the name of your bias

8.) Speak in brackets for OOC  () [] {}

9.) Please limit drama.


1.) Check the masterlist for your desired idol

2.) Comment below with the password. wait for verification before making the account

3.) Your username should be like this : @peace_name or @peace_(group)name

4.) Please mention the base and after you're verified, please add your bio as following :

verified peacemaker @PeaceoutRP | name of band | #liner | anything you wanna say

Follow the admins :


5.) Once you've created your account, remember to tweet the base admins ! See you soon ^^





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peaceoutrp #1
checked and updated

Can i be Infinite's Sungjong?
+ Myungsoo
peaceoutrp #3
checked and updated
*NOTICE* password change!

-kwon leader.
Chapter 2: May i book shinee'sonew and jonghyun
And exo-m's zitao?

Pass: jongyu
peaceoutrp #5
checked and updated.
-kwon leader
Chapter 1: Can I be Exo's Do Kyungsoo?

Gosh, so many otps but I lurve KaiSoo :3
peaceoutrp #7
checked and updated.

peaceoutrp #8
checked and updated the thread.

-kwon leader