I Found Love In You - The Epilogue

I Found Love In You



It’s been more than five hours since Jiyeon had been sent to the labour ward. And within those five hours, I seem to have difficulties in calming myself down. I am getting pretty impatient and I just can’t stop myself from fidgeting with my fingers. Adding to that, I can’t seem to sit still at all. In short, I’m just feeling absolutely worried for Jiyeon as well as for our baby. It’s been five long hours and I don’t know if I’m capable enough to wait any longer.

I could still clearly replay the scene when Jiyeon broke her water bag earlier. It was indeed such a confusing experience for me. We were having a quiet movie time, just the two of us, in Jiyeon’s apartment when suddenly she complained that she felt a little uncomfortable snuggling up with me on the sofa. So she decided to stand up to adjust her seating position when suddenly we saw water flowing down her legs. And not just that, the sofa was practically drenched and all I could do was to stare at the wet spot with wide eyes. But that was until I felt a very hard knock on my head. Looking up I saw Jiyeon glaring down at me before finally ordering me to take her to the hospital. And as I was busy driving, Jiyeon was also busy screaming profanities at me. I could tell that she was venting out all of her anger and frustrations towards me, since I was technically the one who had made her pregnant. But of course I was able to understand her perfectly and I knew that she was just acting that way due to the pain that she was feeling at that moment of time.

Shuddering, I realized that I learnt something valuable tonight – a pregnant woman can be very scary during labour.

“Why is it so long?” I grumbled out loud suddenly and all I could hear is a series of feminine giggles coming from right beside me. I glared at the figure of the petite woman sitting on my side but all she did was to shrug in return.    

“Jinki-ssi, you are one funny man you know.” Seohyun commented and I just frowned in response.

“What are you trying to say here?” I asked and again she giggled.

“Do you know that it’s normal for a woman to be in labour for long hours during her first pregnancy?” Seohyun asked and I just literally gaped at her. Of course I didn’t know that. It’s my first time anyway...

“Are you serious?”

“Of course. So all you have to do is continue to be patient okay? It might take even longer than this.”

I let out a long sigh before nodding. Seohyun has a point there. She seems to know quite a lot of pregnancy-related stuff...

“So did you inform Jiyeon’s parents already?” Seohyun asked again.

“Neh. I called them earlier, the moment Jiyeon was brought to the labour ward.” I said with a nod. That’s right, Jiyeon has met up with her parents once again. And that was after we reconciled and got ourselves engaged. I still remember how we had to explain our situation from the start all the way to the end just to make them understand. It wasn’t an easy task but we still had to do it. Fortunately her parents are the open-minded kind of parents and we were definitely lucky that they were pretty much able to handle all the explanations. But of course they were thrilled when they found out that Jiyeon was pregnant all these while and they also felt pleased to know that we were getting back together again.  

“What about your parents then?” Seohyun continued to question and this time I shot a weird look towards her. Isn’t it obvious that I would have done so in the first place?

“Um, yeah.” I answered anyway before realizing that I should just inform her of all the people that I’ve called so that she would stop asking me all these unnecessary questions. “And I called my best friend too. Choi Minho. I think I told you about him before right? He’s the one who had been helping me to find Jiyeon.”

“O-oh. Yes, you did mention him to me previously.” Seohyun answered, a little too quickly, before turning away from me. I raised an eyebrow when I thought I saw her face turned scarlet. Hm, maybe she’s feeling warm...






I turned to the side when I heard a masculine voice calling out the name of the man who is currently sitting beside me. I widened my eyes when I saw him taking huge steps towards Jinki and me. He looks tired but other than that, he still looks handsome just like as I remember.

“Minho!” Jinki greeted him with a brief hug. “I told you already that you don’t have to come. You shouldn’t rush here...”

“It’s fine. I wanted to come anyway.” Minho said as he pats Jinki lightly on his back. “You know I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

“Thanks man.” Jinki nodded.

“How’s Jiyeon now? Is she still in the labour ward?” Minho asked.

“Neh. She’s in there for a while already.” Jinki sighed yet again. “I’m seriously getting worried.”

“Have you asked the doctors or the nurses about it?”

“Yeah I did. They told me her cervix is not dilated enough and just told me to be patient until the right time comes.” Jinki shrugged. “But they did allow me to see her just now. But she was napping at that time and I didn’t want to disturb her.”

“Hm, then we should just wait for a while more.” Minho said and Jinki just nodded his head in agreement.

“Oh! Minho, let me introduce you to Jiyeon’s best friend, Seohyun.” Jinki suddenly announced and that totally made me jump in surprise. “Seohyun, this is my friend, Minho.”

I raised my head up slightly to see Jinki pulling Minho to stand beside him. I could feel myself feeling all jittery as I forced myself to look at Minho straight in the eyes.

“A-Annyonghaesaeyo. N-Nice to meet you M-Minho-ssi.” I stuttered rather stupidly before wincing in embarrassment.

“Neh, annyonghaesaeyo Seohyun-ssi.” Minho replied with a nod. His voice sounded cool and what surprised me more was that he was smiling rather brightly at me.

It had been so long since I last met him. I guess my anger towards him previously was the thing that made me want to avoid him at all cost. Even after finding out that Jinki and Jiyeon were both doing well together again, I still continued to ignore Minho. My mistake was that, I kept on blaming him for being untruthful towards me about being Jinki’s friend in the first place. I know it’s kind of childish to be acting that way but I can’t help myself. I’m just naturally self-centred!

“Uh, please continue with your conversation. I’ll just go get myself some coffee...” I muttered softly before making a move out of the waiting area. I seriously need to get my heart and mind composed.





“Don’t mind her. She’s one hell of a weird woman.” Jinki said as we both watch Seohyun leave the waiting room before heading towards the lift lobby.

“What makes you say that?” I asked as I continued to look at Seohyun through the glass panel of the waiting room. I can see her pressing onto the lift button impatiently.

“She’s been telling me some weird pregnancy stories ever since she came here three hours ago.” Jinki sighed and I just chuckled in response. Still the same old Seohyun that I know...

“Yah! What are you looking at?” Jinki asked as he too looked over towards the lift lobby which is now totally deserted. Seohyun has already disappeared into the lift.

“Uh? N-Nothing.” I shrugged, not wanting Jinki to suspect anything.

“Seohyun works in a law firm. A smart woman I must say.” Jinki said with a small nod. “And, she’s single at the moment.”

I turned my head to look at Jinki. He has a weird smile on his lips as he shot a meaningful glance towards me.

“She’s single, so?” I raised an eyebrow, knowing fully well what he’s trying to do.

“So maybe you know, you can try to court her, since you’re a single man too.”

I widened my eyes in shock before shaking my head. “You’re crazy.”

“What? It’s not a sin to court a single girl!” Jinki mused. “It’s not like I’m telling you to seduce someone else’s wife...”

“Shut up Jinki. Just concentrate on your pregnant fiancé will you!” I rolled my eyes.

“I know my job, so stop bossing me around.” Jinki retorted with a glare. “And Jiyeon’s going to be my wife soon!”

“As if I didn’t know that...” I smirked.

Just as Jinki was about to say something nasty in return, a nurse suddenly entered the waiting room. She took a brief glance at the two of us before finally speaking, “Which one of you is Mr Lee Jinki?”

“I am.” Jinki answered almost immediately. The nurse just nodded.

“How are you related to Ms Han?” The nurse asked again.

“I am her fiancé. You see we used to be married but we got divorced and now we’re getting married again!” Jinki responded in such a way that it totally made the nurse widened her eyes in pure shock. I on the other hand started to laugh uncontrollably. My friend is definitely crazy...

“Um, okay.” The nurse nodded her head slowly as she continued to look at Jinki weirdly. “I’m here to inform you that Ms Han is ready to give birth and she’s asking for you.”

“Oh! Oh my God! Jiyeon’s ready for birth!” Jinki exclaimed excitedly before following the nurse to the labour ward.

I let out a long sigh when I realized that I was all alone in the waiting room. It has been like this ever since Jiyeon came back into the picture. It used to only be Jinki and me every single time. But now, Jinki has long left me to find his happiness, together with Jiyeon and their newborn baby. And I know they have a new future to create together. Maybe it’s already time for me to find my own happiness as well. And I know the perfect person who is able to provide me with it.




I exited the lift and gave the ground level area a glance through. I grinned when I finally spotted her sitting on the rows of seat just beside a vending machine. I decided to take my chance and just head on over towards her. It’s been a while since I last saw her. Ever since that day when I explained to her the truth about using her to help Jinki find Jiyeon, she started to distance herself away from me. She always succeeded in avoiding me and it was really hard to meet her after that.

Then about a month later, I was sent to Japan for work purposes and by then I was starting to lose all hope in ever meeting her again. But of course fate can be a little funny at times. When I received Jinki’s call informing me about Jiyeon’s condition earlier, I was about to board my flight back to Seoul from Japan. The moment I landed, I managed to get home to drop off my stuff before coming to the hospital to meet Jinki. And it was such a pleasant surprise for me to be seeing Seohyun there as well. It’s like my prayers have just been answered! And just like that, I know that she is definitely the one who can give me that happiness I deserve!

“I really didn’t expect to see you here...” I started to say as I slid into the empty chair next to her.

“Oh! M-Minho-ssi!” She looked back at me, startled. I noticed how she has grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw her. I swear my heart is doing multiple flips right now.

“Um, so how are you?” I started to ask when I noticed that she is staring at me, not even moving a muscle. I let out a small chuckle before clearing my throat and it managed to attract her attention at least.

“N-Neh?” Seohyun looked away nervously when she realized what she has been doing.

“I asked, how are you?” I repeated.

“Oh. I-I’m fine. Thank you.” She nodded curtly and soon silence surrounded us once again. It had been so long since we last talked and somehow sitting here like this with her seems kind of awkward...

“Are you...”

“So you...”

We both looked at each other, feeling slightly stunned when we realized that we were about to speak at the same time. I can feel my face turning rather warm all of a sudden and Seohyun on the other hand was blushing rather heavily, till the point that I thought she looked almost similar to a tomato. Then out of nowhere, the two of us started to laugh, softly at first. But gradually, our laughter got a little louder and soon we were both laughing comfortably.

“Are you going to avoid me again after this?” I boldly asked, once we already composed ourselves from all the laughing we just had.

“Are you going to come after me again?” She muttered in return and I just frown.

“Does this mean that you’re really going to avoid me?”

“Hm, ani. I never say that.” Seohyun shrugged before gazing up at me shyly. Oh my God! Am I dreaming now? She’s giving a positive response!

“So I have a chance now?” I asked again, feeling a grin creeping up my lips slowly.

“Depends on how you see it.” She said while biting her lower lip nervously. “But I wouldn’t mind giving out that chance if you really promise to come after me.”

And at that point of time, I really can’t control my happiness any longer. I started to punch the air victoriously before finally pulling Seohyun into my embrace.

“You just made me the happiest man in the world!” I told her as I continued to hug her tightly.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you before. I was childish...” Seohyun sobbed. “I started to miss you after that! I’m so sorry.”

I pulled back from the embrace before wiping her tears from her face. She’s so sincere with her words. I can see it clearly in her eyes...

“Sssh... I understand...” I nodded. “And I’m glad that you’ve finally realized it now.”

“Minho-ssi, you’re so kind to me.” Seohyun muttered and I just grinned.

“You’re the kind one. Because you’ve finally accepted me.” I said again and Seohyun just let out a smile which almost caused my heart to beat five times faster than normal! And this time I didn’t waste any more time as I lean in slowly, pressing my lips softly against hers.

And this is how I prefer it to be – by sealing our promise with a kiss.






I wonder if I am dreaming right at this very moment. The minute I open my eyes, I am greeted with the sight of Jinki snoozing at the couch just beside the bed where I am currently occupying. I frown as I try to recall where I am and the events which had taken place just a few hours ago. I decided to pull myself up so that I can adjust myself to a sitting position, but immediately wincing when I feel the soreness coming from between my legs.

Almost on instinct, both my hands flew to my stomach causing me to widen my eyes in surprise. That is when I suddenly remembered about the birth process which I had just gone through.

Oh my God! My baby!

“Omo! Finally, you’re awake!”

I turn my head to see Jinki rubbing his eyes as he start to get up from the couch. I watch as he started to walk closer to me before planting a soft kiss on the crown of my head.

“Where’s our baby?” I start to ask him in a slightly raspy voice.

Jinki smiles wide while at the same time giving my right hand an assuring squeeze. “Don’t worry. Our baby’s alright.” Jinki answers calmly. “She’s in the nursery now.”

“Sh-She? We have a baby girl?” I utter excitedly. I can already feel the tears gathering at the corner of my eyes.

“Silly baby!” Jinki chuckles as he pinched my nose lightly. “You managed to hold her for a moment before you lose conscious.”

“Ah chincha?” I sighed. “Maybe I was too tired from all the pushing I’ve been doing.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re still the first person to have skin contact with her, well aside from the midwife that is...” Jinki says with a shrug. “She was crying pretty loudly just now but the moment she was placed in your arms, she immediately quiet down. It was such an amazing moment!”

I close my eyes as I try to recall those moments Jinki just mentioned. Surprisingly the memories seem to come back to me rather easily. I can still remember how she was trying to snuggle up to me as if she was trying to thank me for working so hard to give birth to her. I can still feel the softness of her baby skin against my own. And I can still remember how her small body seem to fit nicely against my arms... Oh yes, I am definitely feeling so thankful for having her...

“Lee Shinyoung...” I murmur as I open my eyes and smile.

“Yes, Lee Shinyoung. That’s the name you mentioned before you fell asleep.” Jinki nods with a grin.

“I want to see her now.” I tell him. “I want to see our Shinyoung now.”

“Ahrasso. I’ll get someone to send her here soon.” Jinki said I nodded.




I can hardly breathe the moment I lay my eyes on her. She is just too beautiful to be true! She is sleeping soundly in the baby cot, all wrapped up in a pink cloth. She has thick black hair adoring her little head and she looks absolutely adorable!  

I listen attentively as the nurse starts to explain to me the proper way to hold an infant. And soon she is already handing Shinyoung to me and thankfully I am a fast learner, and I manage to hold her safely in my arms. Once the nurse sees that I am comfortable enough with holding Shinyoung, she starts to teach me on how to feed. It is an embarrassing process at first as I have to like literally expose my in front of Jinki who seems to look rather pleased about it. Screw him. But once I watch Shinyoung latching her petite mouth onto my and drinking her milk deliciously, I seem to forget about the embarrassment. This is part of motherhood after all and I surely love every minute of it. And once I am done with feeding Shinyoung, the nurse bid us goodbye and soon leaves my room quietly.

“Now you really look like a mother.” Jinki says before pecking my lips softly.

I let out a small chuckle and say, “And you really look like a father.”

“Ah, I’m loving the title. It’s suits me nicely don’t you think?” Jinki grins.

“Stop it you!” I gave him a playful glare. “You’re going to wake our baby up.”

“Aww... Don’t be so mean jagiya. I’m sure our Shinyoung loves hearing her father’s voice.” Jinki continues saying as he gets comfortable sitting on the space beside me on the bed. He then wraps his arms around my body, hugging both me and Shinyoung tightly. I let out a satisfying sigh as I snuggle into his warm embrace.

“Omo! How cute!” Jinki coos the moment he sees Shinyoung yawning.

“Sshh!” I nudge him lightly, not wanting Shinyoung to get startle with his over-excited voice. But of course Shinyoung is not showing any kind of surprised reaction after all. In fact the only thing she does is to continue yawing for the second time before finally opening her eyes. Both Jinki and I are holding our breaths as we watch Shinyoung cutely blinking her eyes, trying to get use to the bright lights.

“Hey sweetheart!” I call out softly while gently caressing her cheek with my fingers. Shinyoung stares at me blankly as if trying to remember who I am in the first place.

“It’s me, your umma baby.” I tell her and she just lets out a small sigh. I bit back a giggle before finally leaning in to kiss her forehead softly. “Umma loves you so much!”

“Appa loves you too princess.” Jinki adds and he too leans forward to kiss our newborn lightly on her cheek.

And just like that, Shinyoung surprises us with a small grin adoring on her small face before finally closing her eyes once more.

This is what life is all about – happiness and content.



*5 months later*



Personally I thought that the second time is even harder than the first. Oh my God! I am definitely going crazy right. I swear I am already sweating buckets! And even with Minho’s presence as my best man by my side, I still can’t shake off the nervous feeling that is filling up my entire system!

“Relax dude! Your nervousness is getting on my nerves!” Minho exclaims through gritted teeth, not wanting to attract any attention from the guests towards the both of us.

“I can’t help it!” I tell him.

“And why is that?”

“What if she leaves this wedding at the last minute?” I ask.

“She’ll never leave. She’s practically bonded to you, heart and soul.”

“W-What if she doesn’t turn up later?” I stutter.

“She will turn up later because I know Seohyun isn’t gonna let her escape this wedding!” Minho says again, this time in a slightly assuring tone.

“Urgh! Fine. I can never win against you.” I sigh.

“Relax man. I’m not trying to win against you or anything.” Minho says. “It’s just that you should believe in Jiyeon just like I believe in Seohyun...”

I frown. “And what’s the link to that?”

“Uh... Uh... Aish! Just believe that she’ll come to you later, end of story!” Minho scowls.

“Sorry, I was just teasing you.” I laugh. “So when are you going to propose to Seohyun?”

Minho let out a small chuckle before blushing. “Hm, soon.”

“Better do it fast man. She’s definitely the right girl for you.” I wink.

“Let’s not think too much about me and Seohyun okay? Now it’s all about you and Jiyeon.” Minho grins. “Just concentrate on getting married properly this time without getting any divorce ahrasso?”

“Why you!!!”




Moments later, the wedding march song starts playing and soon the large wooden door at the back of the wedding hall opens. I can feel myself holding onto my breath as I watch a flower girl walking in with a basket full of flower petals while at the same time scattering them all over the red carpet. I look up ahead and soon a grin starts to form across my face when I see Seohyun walking in, looking all elegant and pretty. But it’s definitely not her that is making me smiling crazily like this, but instead it is all because of the presence of the baby in her arms – my daughter, Lee Shinyoung. She is the ring bearer for mine and Jiyeon’s marriage this time round.

As Seohyun is approaching nearer to the front of the hall, Shinyoung suddenly brawls out loud, surprising the guests as well as myself. The next thing I know, I have already taken her out of Seohyun’s arms and almost immediately she stops crying. I look down at my lovely daughter who in turn looks back up to me. She has her thumb in , finding solace in that tiny finger of hers, before snuggling deeper into my embrace.

I smile at the comfort my daughter is providing me before looking back to the front once again. And this time, I can see Jiyeon entering the hall in that flawless white gown of hers. Instead of smiling, she has that worried look plastered all over her face. But when she sees that Shinyoung is placed safely in my arms, she starts to smile in relief.

“I thought she was taken out of the hall.” Jiyeon whispers when she finally stands beside me.

“You think I would allow that? Of course not.” I reply in a low tone as well.

“Why did she cry?” Jiyeon is now looking at Shinyoung worriedly, totally ignoring the wedding minister who is giving his speech in front of us at this very moment.

“She saw me, that’s why.” I said.

“Oh, poor baby. She must have missed you.” Jiyeon cooed before leaning closer to my side to get a better view of our daughter. It’s true though. She has not seen me the whole day today and yesterday. And I admit that I miss my daughter too and I am kind of glad that she is finally in my arms again.

Soon the minister ends his speech and we are told to exchange our rings. Before the ring exchange, Minho is courteous enough to come forward to help me with Shinyoung. Surprisingly, she is willing to follow Minho without much cries and resistance at all.

The wedding ceremony continues with our vows exchange and also sealing our kiss as husband and wife for the second time ever. It is really a happy moment for me and Jiyeon as we are finally tied down legally once again. But of course this time is totally different. We are married not because of any arrangement made by anyone. But instead it is because of our own choices which come from both our hearts. We are now not only bonded by love but also bonded because of Shinyoung, our daughter, our child. And I am sure there will be more to come in the near future...




******THE END*******


Sorry for the late update... But i do hope you have enjoyed reading this two-shots.

Thank you so much for your support! XD






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Chapter 2: soooo cute
i like this story
jinki simo care to his wife
envy them
love this story
Chapter 2: I didn't know that this story has an epilogue! such a cute story, I like it so much :) and yay for minseo as the side couple, I've started shipping them for some time ♥
if you have any plan to write any minseo stories later, I'll definitely read it!
Chapter 2: Waow so fast ending al ready.
Krisyeolsdaughter #4
Chapter 2: HIHIHI LOVE IT! Onewwww <3
OnewLover11 #5
Chapter 1: I FOUND THE BEST IN YOU <3333333
my best two shot <33333 :DDD
too much love in this story it's make my heart *bom bom*
I found it Really cute and amazing AND I FELT LIKE I AM THE ONE WHO LIVE THIS MOMENTS <3333
Chapter 2: :') :') :') :') *tears of happiness* i really want to see Jinki as a father of a baby girl in real life after reading your fic.. AWWWWW i so love this <3 <3 Shinyoung is so cute :3 what a happy family :')
Minho and Seohyun are adorable together :)
Chapter 2: unnie..as always..i love this story of yours..it's so sweet..really..
mvpsiska223 #8
Chapter 2: HuwAaaaaaaa~~

Story update yeaaaahh~

Finally there's lee shinyoung in the world...
Happy family...

The love story between minho and seohyun is too fast.. But since it was only one shot with a great epilogue I can understand it...

And I'm missing jinki's choding with fluffy romance he had been.. ㅋㅋㅋ

But I love you had updated the story, since you are a super mega busy woman ^^

감사합니다 unniiii~
And stay healthy okayyyy ^_~
Chapter 1: such a beautiful story from you ♥
anticipating the epilogue! :)
Chapter 1: Truely awesome ♥♥♥ All your stories are indeed amazing! waiting for the epilogue ^^