
Love Or Attraction ?
As soon as Junsu and Yoochun reached home Junsu called out for his mother " Umma , i'm home " but she didn't answer back " Umma " Junsu said again a bit louder this time 
Yoochun took Junsu's hand and walked towards her room " Umma , are you in here ? " 
Junsu's face went white when he saw his mother laying on bed in quite a bad situation " Umma , are you okay ? " Junsu and Yoochun ran to her and hugged her " I'm leaving son " She said which was more like a whisper " No , chunnie do something " Junsu cried 
Yoochun held her and  took her out to the car and drove to the hospital very fast " Chunnie .. umma is not opening her eyes " junsu said between sobs " We are almost there baby " Yoochun said in panic 
" Umma stay with me , hold on we are almost there " Junsu said 
After Two Hours 
Changmin reached hospital along with Yunho and Kyuhyun . They saw Yoochun and Junsu at the front of emergency room . Junsu was in Yoochun's arms totally broken , he was crying terribily 
Changmin walked over to his hyung and asked " Hyung , what happened is she .... " 
Yoochun shook his head as a NO and Kyuhyun broke down into tears " This can't be " 
" Junsu ....  " Kyuhyun and Junsu hugged each other and cried 
" How ? " Yunho mouthed and Yoochun explained  " She was sick hyung and by the time it got worst , she couldn't take it any more but she didn't told Junsu that she wasn't feeling well and she just .... passed away " 
Changmin was in tears too . He was some what thankful that he didn't had to experince this moment this pain of losing his mother 
Yunho walked to Junsu " I am so sorry for your lost but please stay strong Junsu " he tried to calm the baby who just lost his mother 
Junsu couldn't think straight , he just wanted to kill himself and be with his mother again but something held him back to do something stupid to himself . It was Yoochun , his husband , someone he loves and someone who loves Junsu back 
Junsu cried in Yoochun's arms . He met Yoochun's eyes and realized beside his mother he has someone else now , someone he can depend on , someone he knows will comfort him and will be with him forever , someone he can call his family . Junsu suddenly wished to live a happy and peaceful life with only and only Yoochun 
Junsu hugged Yoochun more tightly ( If it was possible ) not wanting to let go . Yoochun was all he was left with
After a Little While 
Yoochun was sitting on a chair and Junsu sat on his lap hugging him and sobing " Su , baby lets go home ? " Yoochun said softly 
" No , i don't want to be alone Chunnie " Junsu mumbled but audible for Yoochun to hear 
" You won't be alone love , i will be by your side " Yoochun asured him 
Yoochun and Junsu left for Junsu's house while Yunho went home to take care of Jaejoong and Changmin went to Kyuhyun's house to comfort his best friend in difficult time 
Yoochun took right from the last signal ( traffic signal ) instead of left " Are we not going home ? " Junsu asked 
Yoochun just smiled and held Junsu's hand 
Few minutes later they stopped in front of the graveyard " Come love " Yoochun said 
They both sat in front of Mrs . Park Sora's grave ( Yoochun and Changmin's mother ) 
" Mother , we are back just as we promised . I know you are doing good but Su is sad mom , you know why right ? " Yoochun said and looked at his angel wife who started to sob again 
" Mom she will join you soon in heaven , so please take care of her . You take care of her and i promise to love and comfort Junsu for my life " Yoochun said and Junsu was so moved , he hugged his husbad " What would i do without you Chunnie ? " 
Junsu had his head on Yoochun's chest while Yoochun laid there on grass watching stars " You don't have to think about it because i am never leaving you " Yoochun pecked Junsu's lips 
" See Su , mom and umma are right there up on the sky . Shining on us brightly " Yoochun said pointing at the brightest stars 
" I love you Umma " Junsu whispered 
They went home later and Junsu was already sleep . Yoochun placed him on bed and kisseed his forehead 
Junsu said in his sleep " Umma .... umma .. " 
" Shh.... just sleep baby " Yoochun calmed Junsu and they both slept hugging each other 
KyuMin Side 
Changmin made coffee for Kyuhyun for the first time ever and sat with him on his bed " Kyu i'm sorry if this doesn't taste good " 
Changmin held Kyuhyun's hand and smiled " I was terrified you know . It was my first time watching someone lose their mother , i feel so bad " 
Kyuhyun smiled and said " It's okay Minnie . This is life "
Changmin nodded " I know but i'm so worried about Junsu " 
Kyuhyun moved his hand through Changmin's hair lovingly " Yoochun hyung is there so don't worry . I know this will be very hard but he will be okay with time " 
" Drink " Changmin said ( Asking Kyuhyun to drink coffee ) 
Kyuhyun took a sip  of coffee and made a bitter face " Is it really bad ? " Changmin asked 
" It's very bitter , i think you forget to add sugar " Kyuhyun said 
" No i added it " Changmin tasted his own coffee and said " Mine is totally fine , how is yours so bitter " 
" Here taste it yourself " Kyuhyun said giving his coffee to Changmin to taste . Changmin took a sip and said " I think your taste buds are rotten , this is totally fine Kyu " 
" Really ? Let me see " Kyuhyun took a sip again and said " Wow this is so good and sweet after you tasted it " 
Changmin blushed " Ya , you are too much "
" I came here to comfort you but i think you don't need it since you are so fine " Changmin stated 
" I am fine Minnie , i told you " 
" I should leave than " Changmin said 
" No , umm .... i mean Yoochun hyung will stay over at Junsu's place so why don't you just stay here tonight . It's not like Yunho or Jae hyung will be waiting for you like Yoochun hyung does " Kyuhyun stated 
" Hmm .... i should text hyungie and let him know i'm staying over " Changmin said with a cute pout and was busy texting his Yoochun hyung when Kyuhyun gave him a flying kiss secretly .... keke 
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nabilaukan ako sa "kyu make me pregnant".
fyharu151 #2
Chapter 32: "Kyu make me pregnant."



this fict is really sweet, and i love how yoochunie spoiled baby minnie sho much and their interaction!

I dont know how many times i want to kill Jae, he's sho meanie because his not-so-pure baby brother :( but i'm glad now he know the real truth and happy to see them become happy family now!

tsubakisworld #3
Chapter 32: Lol xD I really liked the Story^^ I just urge to kill jae a few Times -___-
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 25: I really want to Punsch jae
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 8: I hate jae >:(
Chapter 32: O_O it's done.
Chapter 25: im getting mad at Jaejoong. srsly. oh wait. im mad now. gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 2: Lol junsu, i can't hahahahaa