Don't Cry, Smile... & Remember That I Loved You.

Don't Cry, Smile... & Remember That I Loved You.

  "Minjung-ah..." Onew whined for the 9th time over the phone.

"What?" You hissed at him, ignoring his pleads and whines.

"You don't have anything to do later, right? Let's go out, can we?" He asked. You can feel the sincerity and sadness in his voice. You wondered what's wrong with him...

"Onew! I told you already, didn't I? I have to finish these projects that are lined up for me or else I'll never graduate!" You said, raising your voice for the very first time.

"Oh..." He uttered, "Minjung, you can finish those later on, right? I promise... It'll be quick!" He said in a cheerful voice, hoping you'd agree.

"Jinki! Why don't you understand? I need to finish these! Leave me alone first!" You pleaded, "I'll meet you up tomorrow! I promise!" You uttered and immediately hung up on him.

"Baby... I can't meet you tomorrow..." He whispered to himself as he held the pedant of the necklace you gave him on the 1st anniversary. He tried calling you again but you turned oof your phone, hoping that he would get the message to stop disturbing you.

The next morning, you tried calling him but his phone only kept ringing.

You texted him, "Onew-yah, I'm sorry about blowing off yesterday. Wanna go out now?" Hours later and he still haven't replied to your text message.

You tried calling him again, but to your surprise, Taemin picked up.

"Hello? This is Taemin! Noona! Onew Hyung... His heart rate is slowing down! I don't think he can hold it on any longer! Where are you?!"

You were momentarily dazed, "W-What are you talking about? Taemin-ah, stop joking around!" You panicked for a second. Then all the puzzle pieces finally came together and something clicked in your mind.

How he wanted to meet you urgently yesterday...

Why did he look so pale the past few days...

Everything seemed weird to you.

"Noona, I'm not joking! Hyung is in danger of dying! Can you come faster?!"

"Let me video call."

Taemin switched it to the video call,

"Onew-ah! Can you hear me?! Yah, don't scare me like that! This is not funny! I don't want to be in your prank anymore! This is serious! Wake up, wait for me! I'm coming over right now! Don't close your eyes! Wait for me, Jinki-ah!"

"Minjung-ah... Is that you?" His eyes opened slowly, his voice was powerless and airy. His lips were chapped and dry.

"Of course it's me, you idiot! Didn't you promise me that you'll stay with me forever?! Don't break your promise so quickly!" She yelled.

"This minute you're here and the next you're gone! You always leave me confused with my feelings that I-" She couldn't hold back her emotions anymore.

He was overjoyed to see her at her final stage. Crying for him.

Using his final breath, he choked a few words out, "Minjung-ah... Don't always have that cold face on... Don't cry, smile..." His eyelids were shutting.

"ONEW! WAIT! JINKI! NO! Don't leave me like this! I don't even know what's happening! Onew... Onew?"


You stared into the screen, still shocked. "Noona... He's gone..." Taemin whimpered. "He didn't make it..." He sobbed over the phone.

"What is going on?! Why didn't he tell me anything?! Huh?!" "Noona... I'm sure this voicemail will answer al of your questions..." Taemin sobbed for the last time as he hung up.

Minutes later, you received the voicemail that Taemin was talking about. You heard Onew's voice:

"Hi Minjung!" He said in a cheerful voice, but you were sure that he was sobbing. "Promise me that you won't cry? Okay... So... Yeah... I told Taemin if I didn't make it today, he will send you this voicemail. So, the story is... I had this fatal cancer for a year now... When we started dating, I was already on stage 3. The doctor said that there was no cure and I only had a year to live. Baby, I'm really sorry that I ket this from you. I'm just afraid that you will not be able to accept the truth... I can't find the courage to say it to you face to face. Promise me that you'll never forget me because I'll never forget you too. I love you so much, baby. And I'm so sorry to disturb you and be so annoying last night. I just simply wanted to spend my last day with the person I love and treasured the most... Don't cry, babe. I'm with God now, in his safe hands. I'll be beside you forever and always... Remember that I loved you, and I always will. Smile for me, okay? I love you so much. I'll wait for you here in heaven, okay?" 



When I'm gone, you wouldn't have to tolerate that annoying voice trying to tell you not to skip meals or to sleep early ever again. In future you also won't have anyone to nag at you when you didn't wear a jacket or when you are you are out alone late at night. From now on I can't be there waiting for your calls or to care about you anymore. And someday, my memories of you will sure to fade away. Your voice, your actions, how you look like. I might forget all of them as well. But even then, I'll always remember that I loved you.

Keep an image of me in a corner of your head. I want you to smile when you think of me.

 And like I what always said,

Don't cry, smile...

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Chapter 1: Why!?! Why so angstful?? Now I'll cry to death!! Just Kidding!! Hahaha! Nice One Dongsaeng!! *thumbs up* ^_~
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