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You Love , You Dance ❤

❖ Chapter 1 



"Aish. Why can't Minhyuk hyung get her himself ? Tch."

"Kyungie , Bomb hyung needs some rest. Now , let's go look for her." Jiho said , tightening his grip on Kyung's hand , in case his lover gets lost in the middle of the crowd.

"What do you mean , 'rest' ? We're the ones who did the rapping and composing ! He just needs to shake his bodeh. That's all. Not like it's that hard , anyways." Kyung rolled his eyes , before crossing his arms , pouting.

Jiho then pecked his lips , "Kyungie , you can't be that selfish." which made Kyung blushed crazily , of course.

"Ah ! Arasso , arasso. He said she loves to wear dresses , and she's obsessed with books ... ? Ew. A bookworm." Kyung protested.

"Ahah! A bookworm indeed. A beautiful one , in fact." Jiho pulled his lover along.

A girl wearing flowery dress was looking around anxiously , holding a thick book , while her free hand was gripping onto her green suitcase tightly.

"Ehm. Uh , miss .. Are you , by any chance .. is Lee Hyun Jae?" Jiho asked politely.

The lady looked up and blinked a few times.

"Nae? Yes , I am." she said.

"Ah~ We found the right one. Hyun Jae-shii , "

"W-w-wait ! You're not somekind of a .. uh .... a kidnapping duo , right ?!" she said , alert.

"Ah , no , no ! Hyun Jae-shii , you don't need to be afraid of us. We're Bomb hyung's friends." Jiho stated , before smiling sheepishly.

"Bomb?" she asked , tilting her head to her right.

"Ah , what he meant was that we are Minhyuk hyung's friends." Kyung explained.

"Ah ~ nae. So you guys are also part of the Block B group?" she asked , eyesmiling.


"Ah , Annyeonghasaeyo , Lee Hyun Jae imnida. Please treat me well." Hyun Jae bowed to them.

"Sure , sure. Before your oppa gets worried , let's go." Jiho beckoned her to come along.

Jiho helped carry her suitcase to the back of the car , while Kyung lead her to the backseat.

"Hyun Jae-shii , here's something important you must be aware of. Jiho there , is MINE. So , be careful. If you lay a finger on him , I won't hesitate to crack my knuckles on you." Kyung warned , furrowing.

:: ~ ::

"Kamsamnida , for sending me till here. I'll go in first." Hyun Jae bowed , smiling.

Jiho and Kyung smiled back at her , before following her in.

Hyun Jae realised this and turned around.

"Ouk , you're not going home yet?"

"What do you mean going home? This is home. Turn around and you see the rest of Block B." Kyung smiled.

Hyun Jae turned around , and oh my god. She just got the shock of her life !

5 beautiful guys sitting on the sofa , every each of them smiling sheepishly , well , except for one.

"Annyeong , Hyun Jae-shii !" goes the blondie one.

Well , who knows. An adorable guy like him could also have a deep voice ?

"Squeak !" Hyun Jae goes.

A blondie , a cutie , a ... kitty (?) , a .. wow. handsome guy. Last but not least , a sleeping beast. =="

"Is that Minhyuk oppa?" Hyun Jae asked , pointing to the snoring beast.

"Yeah. He's quite a sleepyhead. So , don't mi-" Jiho was cut by Hyun Jae's question.

"Do you have a spatula or something?" she asked.

"Yeah , sure." Kyung said , walking towards the tiny kitchen.

"Here you go." Kyung handed the wooden spatula to Hyun Jae.

"What are you going to do with that?" Jiho squinted his eyes , suspicious.

"Blockeu B , watch and learn. This is the way you wake up Lee Minhyuk. The NICEST way , in fact." Hyun Jae flipped her hair , smirking.

She tiptoed towards the sleeping figure.

*PANG !!*

"Hukkk ! Yah ! Who did it?!" Minhyuk looked around the room , and just realised that Hyun Jae was standing infront of him.

"...Oh , Hyun Jae-ah !" Minhyuk smiled sheepishly.

"Oppa. Am I going to stay here with all of you?" Hyun Jae asked.

"Nae , kind of. Sorry." 

"Ah , gwaenchana. Erm .. so , aren't you going to introduce them to me?" Hyun Jae asked.

"Easy. That orange-headed guy is Kyung. The one beside him is Jiho. This cute blondie is Jihoon. Beside him is Taeil , this kitty here is Yukwon , and last but not least , Jaehyo. Ahn Jaehyo." Minhyuk stated , proud.

Ahn Jaehyo ? Hyun Jae thought for a second.

This Jaehyo guys is quite familiar.

"You're quite familiar ..." Hyun Jae mumbled , staring at Jaehyo.

"We've met before. About ... 2 years ago? Yeah. I came to visit your mom that time." Jaehyo explianed , smiling.

"Ah , nae , nae." she nods.

"Ah ! For your safety , we're all gay. Well , except for me , of course. I'm straight as can be." Minhyuk warned , smiling proudly.

"Didn't you told me you're gay?" Hyun Jae frowned.

Block B widened their eyes in astonishment.

"Not I'm not ! Jaeeee ! That was ..... long ago !" Minhyuk panicked.

"No. You just called me last week , saying that you don't know what to do. You fell in love with a guy and all and say that you're gay. Dude , I'm not that short-minded." 

"YAH ! Y-you may have recieved the wrong number ! Anyways , come on. I'll show you your room." Minhyuk pulled Hyun Jae up the stairs.

Reached at the room , Minhyuk dragged her inside , shutting the door behind them.

"Yah. You can't just say like that about my ual orientation ! They don't know I'm gay. And I don't want them to." Minhyuk shook her shoulders.

"Why wouldn't you? They're all the same , anyways." Hyun Jae shrugged.

Minhyuk sighed , before turning back at Hyun Jae.

"Look , the guy I was talking about .. he was the one that I told you with kitty features." he explained , shuffling his feet.

"You mean Yookwon oppa? No wonder. You guys were the best of friends since high school." she nodded , pursing her lips.

"That is why. You can't let ANYBODY know about this , arasso? Just for your oppa? Please?" he pleaded , clutching his hands together.

"Hmm .. what do I get in return?" Hyun Jae raised an eyebrow.

"Oh , that. I haven't think of that , yet. What do you want?"

"Oh , I don't know .. maybe some-" she was cut off by Minhyuk.

"Fine , dancing lessons. I'll take care of it. See ya later , sis. Don't forget to come down for lunch , nae?" Minhyuk waved at his dongsaeng , before leaving the room.

"Assa ! Dancing lessons , coming through ! Then , I wouldn't be bored all by myself stuck in this house full of gays and ... well , gays." Hyun Jae talked to herself , crossing her arms.

"Composers too , you mean. Rappers , dancers. We're stars. Hip hop stars." suddenly a voice came from the door,

"Eh?" Hyun Jae turned around.

" I'm the lead vocalist and the face of the group. Nice to meet you again , Hyun Jae-shii. By the way , I'm not gay. Don't worry."  Jaehyo held out his hand at her.

"Uh. Okkaaaay. So , you're not gay. But , I don't get it why you're the face of the group. You're too quiet and all." Hyun Jae frowned.

Jaehyo then looked at his feet like there was something interesting about it.

"I know. I'm not interesting at all. I don't have much fans. I'm not that popular like the others , like your oppa. I'm just an addition to this group. They just make me the face of the group because they pitied me. All of them hates me. Even your oppa does. They always say bad things about me , no matter if it was on recording or outside. I had to act as if it was nothing and laughs at their joke and teasing on me. Even if it hurts." he explained , as he sighed.

"Well , no joke. You got the looks , and your eyes are quite attractive. What's so bad about you that they always teased you?"

"It's not for my looks. Its for my attitude. I would always act all man up and be a hyung to them. What they really want is that ... for me to be funny. Have fun with them and not all protective and all."

"Then , why don't you? Just create a joke , and make them laugh. Simple." Hyun Jae shrugged.

Now , tehy both we're sitting on Hyun Jae's bed , listening to Jaehyo's problem.

"The problem is , I can't. I just can't. Whenever I try to be funny , they don't laugh. Rather , they would twitch their eye at me like I was out of my mind. Which clearly explains that my jokes were all lame ones."

"I clearly understand that it's really hard to change yourself into someone you don't want to be. So , just be yourself , nae , oppa? I'll keep supporting from the back ! Hwaiting !" she then pumped her fist in the air.

"Thanks. I really needed that. Thank you so much." Jaehyo smiled at her , before standing up and leaving the room.

"Oh , don't forget to come down for lunch , nae!" he continued.

Hyun Jae chuckled and smiled. *Aish , he's too cute. They're just so cruel. I hope he would feel better after our talk.*



Well , there goes the first chapter. Please comment on what you think of it , nae? ^^ I'll try my best to improve my writings , so , yeah. (: Please do comment and subscribe. For the 7 who subscribed , THANKS SO MUCH ! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ! /throws hearts





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