Musicians are Dangerous


Jong up sighed as he looked at the script in front of him...How in the world did he get roped into doing this again? Oh yeah, Zelo decided that it would be fun to try out for the school play. Neither of them thought that they would get a part...much less part of the main cast! He looked over at Zelo, who was ducked behind his own script.


“Jongup...don’t kill me...I didn’t know that everyone else would .”

“Come one, just try out. We won’t get a part. It’ll be fun.”

“It wasn’t fun?”

“No! We go to an all boys school and we’re doing Romeo and Juliet!”

“It’s not that bad-”

“Zelo! I got the part of Juliet! How is that not bad?”

“It’s not like you have to dress up.”


“Wait...we have to dress up!?”



Jongup just stared at the younger male. Did he really have to ask if they had to dress up? He sighed again...He really didn’t want to do the play...But he already promised the director that he would do it...He just couldn’t quit, no matter how much he wanted to.


“So who’s playing Romeo?”


Jongup winced. He hadn’t though about that. “I don’t know.”

“Why don’t you go and ask?”

“Why don’t you?”

“I’m not playing Juliet.”

“No you’re playing my evil mother.”


“I’m still not going to ask.”

“Well I’m not going to ask.”

“I’ll buy you cherry tomatoes tomorrow.”


“You know you want some.”



Jongup snickered as Zelo went onto the stage to talk to the director. He was so easy to bribe. It was fun to hold his obsession with cherry tomatoes over his head. He looked at the script again. They were doing more of musical with dancing, singing, the whole shebang. Two of those things he was fine with. He loved dancing and the singing wasn’t to bad. It was a more modern take on the play. He barely noticed that Zelo had come back looking like he saw a ghost.




“You’re not going to like Romeo...”



“Why Zelo?”

“...Its Jung...Jung Daehyun...”

“Wh-wha-WHAT!?!? Romeo is who? Please tell me you’re joking...”

Zelo shook his head and looked at Jongup with sympathetic eyes. There really wasn’t anything wrong with Daehyun, but he was the most popular guy in school despite him acting like a jerk. Jongup knew Daehyun personally. They used to be friends in elementary school but as soon as they hit junior high they separated because of one thing...Puberty. Daehyun had started and well...The rest is history he often hung out with Yoo Youngjae, Bang Yong Guk, and Kim Himchan. They were the bad boy/popular people of the school. The bell rang startling Jongup out of his thoughts. This was going to be a long semester.


Jongup walked into class after waving at Zelo, who had biology that period. He walked past Daehyun, who was sitting in the front row with Youngjae, towards his seat in the bak. He really wished that he didn’t know who the ‘male’ lead was. He was already awkward around the guy. This just made it even worse! He pulled out his supplies, he had his english book and a few pencils...he wasn’t really planning on using any of it but doing this had become a habit. He folded his arms over the book and laid his head down. He just wanted to sleep through the rest of the class and go unnoticed.



Daehyun nodded and smiled at Youngjae.

“Aren’t you excited about the play?”

“heh. Yeah. It’ll be interesting. We don’t normally do this type of play unless the girls’ come over.”

“That’s why its exciting. Plus you have the lead. That has got to be the best role!”

“Say who’s the ‘female’ lead? I left before they announced it.”

“Oh, It’s Moon Jongup. He was pretty good. Cute too.”

Daehyun nodded. He really had no clue who this Jongup was. He didn’t really care.

“Oh look here he comes.”

Daehyun glanced at the male who came in. He looked like a brat. Though they all wore uniforms they had two versions. A Black and gold jacket, which Jongup wore, with grey pants and a Red and black jacket and black pants which Yong Guk, Himchan, Youngjae and himself wore. He saw that Jongup was the only one in the class who didn’t have at least one button, buttoned up. He shrugged it off. 

“See he’s cute huh?”

Daehyun looked back at the sleeping student and scoffed.

“Yeah as cute as a raccoon .”

He smiled when Youngjae laughed. He was the cute one.


It was twenty minutes into class when the director of the play walked into the room.

“Sorry to interrupt ma’am.”

“Oh you’re fine Mr. Park. I was just teaching my class. So of course it’s okay to just barge into my class without warning.”

The class snickered. Ms. Hyorin was pretty funny. She really didn’t like people interrupting her class.

“Okay, I get.” He said raising his arms. “No need to attack me, I just came to get two of my actors. They’ve been excused already, don’t worry.”

“Who do you need?”

“Daehyun and Jongup.”

Daehyun stood up, grabbing his stuff he moved to stand next to the director. Jongup on the other hand was still sleeping and had no idea what was going on around him. 





Mr. Park went and slipped the book out from under Jongup’s arms. This caused his head to fall flat onto the table with a BANG!

“Wha-OW!” He said hold his head. “What was that for?”

“You were sleeping.”

“You could have just shook me.”

“We tried calling you name.”

“That doesn’t work.”

“Obviously, if it had we would have been gone by now.”

“Where are we going?”


Jongup groaned. Why can't he just crawl into a hole and never come out.



Okay So I know I haven't even finished the other two stories that i have going but i couldn't resist writing this one down :D

Honestly, I'm not sure if i'll continue this but we'll see :D Let me know what you think!

Thanks a bunch for reading and subscribing! :D


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