Into Your Arms

The school day went by rather uneventfully. It turned out that Ellie had half of her classes with Ilhoon, and lunch with Ilhoon and Sungjae. Her lunch hour was somewhat crowded, but there was enough room for her to sit with Sungjae at his small table. The two chatted on about the differences between America and South Korea while Ilhoon remained silent, furiously scribbling away at his notebook as he tried to complete homework that he hadn't finished. Ellie found herself explaining that there wasn't so much of an empahsis on age and respect among peers, and that there was more of an emphasis on individualism. Sungjae seemed to be facinated by her words as he leaned in, listening intently to what she had to say. 

"So you're saying that it's really that different?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow at the girl. 

"Mmm." She nodded and smiled. "Really. Maybe you'll be able to go there one day, and see for yourself. I think you'll like it there."

"I want to go there now." Sungjae gave a small laugh before he shoveled a bit of rice into his mouth, chewing and swallowing before he spoke again. "You know, I think we had a guy transfer in from Chicago not too long ago...He graduated last year though. I'm still in contact with him, so I think I might be able to get you to meet him." 

"Hm? Someone from Chicago?" Ellie's eyes widened at the raven-haired boy's words. "I'm from Chicago!" She said brightly, overjoyed at the fact that she might get the chance to meet somebody who can actually relate to her. What was this guy like? If he was friends with Sungjae, surely he couldn't be that terrible. An impish grin spread across Sungjae's features as he watched his new friend. 

"Oh noona, you so want to meet him don't you?" He said playfully before he stood up and disposed of his trash before he reached across and stole the strawberry yogurt that Ellie had brought to school with her, opening it up and starting to consume it. For some reason, he was already comfortable enough around her to not really care if he looked like a glutton around her. She gave off this vibe that she really didn't care so much about appearences. 

"Well obviously." Ellie laughed, brushing a lock of hair around her ear. "It'd be nice to talk to someone who knows where I'm coming from. Maybe he could help me adapt to the culture shock..." 

"Well then I'll try to set something up for you, alright?" The younger boy nodded, smiling angelically at her.

"Thank you!" It was only then that her eyes traveled down to the nearly empty container of yogurt in his hands. "Hey! That was mine you punk!" She cried out in distress, smacking his arm a couple of times before frowning. 

"Sorry noona. It was calling out to me. I couldn't resist!"




There not much to be said about the rest of the school day, as things went rather blandly. That was something that always seemed to happen during the last classes of the day, regardless of what country one is in. Ellie stared out the window as her teacher droned on about something that she deemed irrelevant. At this point, the instructor had lost her long ago, her mind too distracted to focus on translating the quick speaking of the teacher into English. Maybe she'd end up having to find a tutor after all. But then again, google was always a valuable resource. 

"Ellie?" A voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she looked up, finding herself meeting eyes with Ilhoon once again. 


"We've recieved a group project. Do you want to work with me, since you don't know anyone else yet?" He reached up, scratching his head awkwardly. 

"Do you really want to work with me? Or are you just doing it out of pity?" She managed a small smile. "I'd love to work with you. But don't feel obligated to work with me. If there's somebody else you'd rather work with, I'd totally get it." At her words, he let out a small laugh, a bit of pink tinting his cheeks before he looked down shyly. 

"Actually, I don't really have any friends here. All of my hyungs graduated, and I don't really know anyone in here well enough to hold a conversation with them, let alone work with them. Besides, you seem cool. I want to be your friend so I thought we should work together." He shrugged, still not meeting her eyes. 

"Oh...Well alright." She nodded in response, pulling out a notebook and ripping out a sheet of paper. "Uh, since I still don't really know my way around the city you'll probably want to just come to my house. Knowing how I am with directions I'll just end up getting lost." She laughed a bit before she grabbed her pen, scribbling her address down on the sheet of paper before handing it to him. Ilhoon took the paper, and briefly skimmed it before he smirked, glancing back up at her. 

"You know, you could've just told me that you live in apartment 1708." He said as he folded up the paper, slipping it into the pocket of his blazer. "I live in the same apartment complex as you. Apartment 1532, just a couple floors down." Her watched the look of suprise that passed over her pretty features, and he nodded. "Right, so what time did you want me to come over?"

"Well, you can come over at around six maybe? We get out at fourr right?" She paused to look at her watch to see that it was 3:40, glancing up at him when he nodded in affirmation. "Why are the school days so long here?" She complained quietly, scrunching up her nose. "I hate school."

"I do as well to be honest." He sighed, setting his elbow on Ellie's desk and propping his head up on his hand. He pursed his lips a bit in distaste as the thought of acedemics came to him. "Math and Science don't help me with what I like to do."

"What do you like to do?" Ellie rose an eyebrow in curiosity. She still didn't know much about Ilhoon yet, so it was only natural for her to question him like this. After all, if they were going to work together, they might as well get to know each other.  

"I like to rap." He said with a shrug, as if this was no big deal. 

"Rap?" The girl pursed her lips a bit before shrugging. "Well, I guess everyone likes what they like." 

"What, you don't like rap?" 

"Well, I don't like the majority of it." She admitted with a sigh. "But some of it is okay. I'm more of a fan of—"

"Pop?" He interrupted with a look of disdain on his face.

"I was going to say rock." She finished, a small smirk tugging at her lips. 

"I don't listen to rock." Ilhoon sighed. "I don't like it. Who do you like? CN Blue?"

"Who?" She blinked, furrowing her brows. "I like bands like the Maine and Paramore...But I can check out CN Blue. Are they any good?"

Ilhoon shrugged. "They're alright. I don't listen to them much though. My sister has a CD of theirs, I can bring it over tonight."

"Sounds good to me." Ellie nodded, standing up when the bell rang and shoving her books into her backpack. "Wanna walk home together, since I have no idea how to get there myself?" She grinned sheepishly as he rolled his eyes at her, a small smile coming to his lips.

"I can already tell that you're hopeless. Am I going to have to you everywhere Miss Ellie?"

"Yeah, you are. So shut up and get used to it." Lightly punching him in the arm, she shoved him forward a little. "Come on, we don't have all day, slow poke!"

"Aish, why are you so abusive?!" He muttered, rubbing his arm with a small frown. "Come on. You better keep up with me, because if you get lost then I'm not turning back to find you." 


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Chapter 2: Lol new reader here! Pweese update xD
Chapter 2: ; u ; This is just beautiful.
I've been looking for a Ilhoon story written...well like this I suppose. ANYWAYS. I love it already. > u <
xRawrRiot #3
Chapter 2: Hahah their interactions together are adorable xD
I hope you can update soon. :)
Chapter 1: this seems so interesting! ^^
i like the first chapter already :) cant wait for the next