0 Emblems

Aural Clan Powers


0 Emblems:

                Shape Stone: Allows Kynarai to manipulate the physical shape of earthen material they come into contact with such as rocks, stone, and wood. This includes both the breaking apart and mending of the materials. This does not apply to the ground and soil. At lower levels it doesn't always come out as envisioned(looks like a child's carving), takes longer to mold the materials, lots of concentration, and the Kynarai almost always has to be in contact with their target.  The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has, the quicker, more precise, and less contact they need with the intended target. At some point they are also able to shape more than one thing at once.

                Cultivate:  Allows Kynarai to grow plants seemingly out of nothing. This requires an inanimate surface from which to sprout although at higher levels it doesn't necessarily require soil or any other arable ground. At lower levels, Kynarai are only able to make small, simple, plants such as grass and it almost always requires physical contact. The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has, the more complicated and larger the plants they can grow as well as they won't need direct contact on the surface in which the plants grow.

                Earth Healing: Allows Kynarai to mend wounds, cure diseases, and obliterate poisons in themselves and others. At lower levels, Kynarai are only able to heal smaller injuries and it is quite physically taxing so it is not recommended for beginners to heal themselves. Earth is particularly gifted in healing wounds and broken bones while not being as good with disease, burns, and poisons.  The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has, the more they are able to heal and the less of a toll it has on them.

                Earthen Projectile: Allows Kynarai to lift and send rocks, stones, pieces of wood, chunks of the ground, as well as other items made from earthen material towards their target. At lower levels, Kynarai are only able to lift and throw smaller projectiles that are nearby and not for any great distance or with much force. The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has, the larger the projectiles, the more of them that can be controlled at once, the distance at which they can both be picked up and then thrown increases. Very powerful Kynarai can lift the very earth to use it both as a weapon and a mode of transportation.

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