Action! (2)

I Got a Boy!

-Shindong’s Attempt­-

“Wow Yoona, you have a great appetite!” Shindong remarked when he saw her eating her lunch one day.  Yoona was sitting with Nari, her friend from other class in the cafeteria.

“Oh you’re here, Oppa!  It’s rare to see one of you here,” Yoona remarked.  It’s true that the Super Junior rarely went to the other side of school except for their private area.

“Yeah, sometimes I come here.  The food here are incredible you know,” Shindong grinned.

Nari looked at her lap all the time while Shindong was talking with Yoona.  Yoona saw this and remembered that Nari told her that she liked Shindong a lot.

“Oppa, this is my friend Nari!  She’s your fans,” Yoona friend.

“My fans?” Shindong sounded uncertain.

“Yeah, how about eating together.  She spares me her home-made lunch, it’s so delicious!  You should try.”

“Hello there Nari, I’m Shindong.  So, would you please give me some?” he was weak in front of food.

Nari gave him her own portion.  Shindong took and ate them happily, “It’s soo delicious Nari!  I like you~” he sang out of happiness and hugged Nari.

Nari blushed, “if you want I can bring lunch for you everyday,” she beamed.

Shindong looked at her in admiration, “oh I like you so much, Nari!”

“Looks like you like her food,” Yoona chuckled.

That night all the boys who were into the bet received a message from Shindong.

>Guys, I’ll pay whoever wins the bet.  I’m out, now I’m seeing someone.  Good luck to you guys!  Btw, I know something but I can’t tell you.. Mwahahahaa >XD <



-Sungmin’s Attempt-

“Yoona, are you free tonight?” Sungmin asked Yoona.

“Hmm.. I don’t know,” she replied hesitantly.

“So you have something to do tonight?” he sounded disappointed.

“I don’t know yet.  What is it, oppa?”

“I will be on a musical tonight,” Sungmin said shyly.

“Really oppa?  Wow I thought you were busy but you still managed to play on a musical!”  Yoona said excitedly.

“Here’s ticket for you, I hope you would come.”

“Hyuuuung!” someone called Sungmin and hugged him from the back.

“My lovely Sungmin hyungie~  I heard you are playing another musical?  How come you didn’t give me ticket this time?  You don’t need my support anymore, do you?” Kyuhyun pouted.

“My poor baby, don’t be sad.  Just come tonight like usual, they already know you, they will let you pass,” Sungmin smiled.

“Really?  I can come tonight?” Kyuhyun exclaimed.  He released Sungmin from his back hug and gave him front hug instead.

Sungmin just realized his mistake, “Hmm.. Kyu—“

“What is it Minnie?  Don’t worry I’ll make sure to come tonight.  Even my precious starcraft won’t keep me from coming to your musical,” Kyuhyun purposely using Sungmin’s nickname.

“Okay, you can come tonight,” Sungmin surrendered.

“Kyu Oppa!  Sungmin oppa asked me to come too,” Yoona beamed at Kyuhyun.

“Really?” Kyuhyun pretended to not aware.  “So, want me to pick you up tonight?” Kyuhyun smiled.

“With pleasure,” Yoona smiled.



-Heechul’s Attempt-

After Kyuhyun ruined supposed-to-be-his-night-with-Yoona, Sungmin decided to invite Heechul as well.  Heechul agreed to come, although he’s not really into musical.

When Kyuhyun and Yoona arrived that night, Heechul was waiting for them, scratched that, waiting for her.

“Yoona!  My lovely dongsaeng!  Give me hug!” Heechul pulled Yoona to his embrace.  “Hello Baby Kyu!” he smirked at him.  Kyuhyun just shrugged.

“How long you plan to hug each other?” Kyuhyun said plainly.

“As long as I want,” Heechul smirked.

“Do as you want then.  I’m going inside,” Kyuhyun walked in.  He sat and Heechul purposely sat between Yoona and Kyuhyun.

“So you like musical, Yoong?” Heechul asked.

“I saw several musicals, but just if I knew the actor.  I’m not really into it,” Yoona stated.

“Me too, wow we have same taste,” Heechul sat comfortably in his seat.

“Hyung, is this the same musical as the last time?” Kyuhyun suddenly asked Heechul.

“I don’t know, it’s my first time seeing Sungmin’s musical.”

“What is the title?”

“Are you dumb?  It’s Jack the Ripper,” Heechul said calmly.

“Oh, then let me excuse myself, got something to do.  I’ve already saw it months ago anyway,” and Kyuhyun dashed out of the building.


After the musical Yoona and Heechul went to the back stage and congratulated Sungmin.

“Where’s Kyu?” he asked.

“He has something to do,” Heechul shrugged.  “Now Sungmin, we have to go,” he winked.


“Bye oppa!”  Yoona bid her goodbye.

“Yoona, want to grab some dinner with me?” Heechul asked.

“Sorry oppa, I gotta go.  I’m going to visit my friend after this,” Yoona said when they reached outside.

“Then let me send you there, can I?”

Yoona nodded.  Heechul sent Yoona to her friend house named Seohyun, it has been a long time since her last visit and Seohyun welcomed her very warmly.

“Thanks oppa for the ride,” Yoona waved at Heechul.  Heechul waved back and went.

“Who’s he?” Seohyun asked.

“My classmate,” Yoona simply said.

“I thought he was your boyfriend,” Seohyun sighed in relief.

“How could he?” Yoona laughed.  “Seo, can I spend the night here?”

“Of course!  I’m very happy you will stay!  Tomorrow is Saturday, we can hang out together!”  Seohyun was excited.

“Hmm… I guess not Seo.  Tomorrow he will pick me up,” Yoona said a bit sad.

“So, you are still with him?  Wow!”  Seohyun was happy for her.  Yoona just smiled.



-Hankyung, Yesung's Attempt-

It was Monday and early in the morning, Hankyung was already in the classroom.  He was waiting for Yoona, he never got chance before to get closer to Yoona and did something about the bet.   Well, he liked her for real as well.

“Oppa, you’re early!” suddenly he heard Yoona’s voice.

“Oh hai, good morning,” he smiled sheepishly.

“Usually I was the first person to arrive and then Yesung oppa,” Yoona remarked.

“Well yeah, I just want to see you this morning.”

“And why is it?” she asked.

“I know you always have your breakfast at school, so today I bring you my Beijing Fried Rice,” he showed her a box.

“Good morniiiing!” suddenly Yesung sang while stepping inside the room.

“Morning,” Yoona greeted Yesung and faced Hangkyung again.  “But Oppa, I brought my own breakfast,” Yoona felt guilty.

“Oh fried rice!  Hangkyung’s friend rice!  Can I have it?” Yesung chimed in, he rushed next to Hankyung.

Hankyung eyed the excited Yesung, “Very well then, you can have it Yesung,” Hankyung gave him a weak smile.

“Thanks!  Ddangkoma will surely like it!” he beamed made Yoona laughed her alligator laugh.

“Hmm Yoona, honestly I brought another box, if you still want it,” Hankyung said carefully.

“Beijing Fried Rice!  My favorite!”  this time Kyuhyun came in and ruined Hankyung-Yoona moment.

“Err Kyu—“ Hankyung started his words.

“Why gege?  Is this belong to someone else?”

“Yeah, actually this is Yoona’s.”

“Really?” Kyuhyun raised his brow, he looked at Yoona who was dumfounded.

“Yeah, this is mine,” finally she spoke after looking back and forth Hankyung-Kyuhyun.  “But if you’re hungry you can have this one,” Yoona gave Kyuhyun her homemade breakfast.

“Oh well, whatever it is.  I’m hungry, thanks!”  Kyuhyun took it and started eating.

Okay, still no KyuNa moment.. Sorry.. *bow*

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Chapter 6: 4th time Reading this ff!! Never get enough of it!
Chapter 6: Been re-read this ff 3 times since last year and never get bored of it!
Aurellii #3
Chapter 6: Whoa I love this story! They're indeed the evil couple! Daebakk authornim :D
gendplaga_elf #4
Chapter 6: LOL i really love this hope you can make more kyuna fun stories author-nim daebak
Chapter 6: hahha daebakk very funny la evil couple ...
Chapter 6: A twist in the end ^^
Chapter 6: lol knew it from the start XD gawd they are the most hilarious evil couple out there~~ loved it<3 laughed like the whole time :D
Chapter 6: hahahha evil cho kyuhyun as always but yet very genius...
love this story!!! daebak!!
mrposer #9
Chapter 6: I knew it!!! Yoona is Kyuhyun's gf when Seohyun said they still in relationship..i knew something wrong since Wookie and Kangin look at him from the start..haha..they're the evil nice story..
JQ0808 #10
Chapter 6: Best fanfic ever!!! Kyeopta!!!