
In Cinderella's Shadow

-Mine and yours

The bell rang and Jiho's head spun around.

His upper body straightened up slowly but a quick step made him stand on his feet.

Is this...Yeunja ah?

His heart started to pound crazily and the fear literally stayed on the sofa as he made his way to the door with a fast pace. Jiho grinned giddily.

"Yeonnie ah!" he mumbled and inhaled a last time before opening the door.

Did she got my message?

Is she now here because of me...?

Oh , why am I so nervous?!

He pushed the knob down and stared forward. It was indeed you who stood at the door.

Jiho lightly bit his lips before he wanted to speak, but you stopped him doing so.

You threw your arms around his back and pulled Jiho into a loving kiss.

He blinked and was surprised at your action, yet he closed his eyes just like you and enjoyed every second your lips were on his.

He felt his shirt being curled in your fists and Jiho cupped your face from both sides.

You pulled away, blushing madly.

Grinning you chuckled. "Yes, yes, yes! I'd love to!"

"You...you got it?" Jiho's smile grew wider and you nodded wildly. "Yes!"


I laid the roses down on my dining table and exhaled heavily as I stunned my hands onto my hips.

"Look closely...look closely..." tapping my lips I did how told and ended up, looking at the five roses.

I didn't see anything on the roses, on top of them nor under their heads. "Jiho, what's with these roses?!"

I looked at the white and red paper wrapped around it. Not one thing was written on it, so I looked at the really end of the roses.

Closely I saw darker shades on the stalks. "It looks like...'you'..."

I blinked, then smiled, ripping the paper off of them. It revealed a little box but I put it to the other side.

I turned all roses around once, seeing that in all roses were words engraved.

I squealed loudly as I got the words in their right order.

"Would you be my girl?" I read out loud and jumped up and down, as if he'd stand in front of me but next to the "girl" was an arrow showing to the right.

I saw the box next to the roses, my eyes widening, and ripped the white paper off of it, seeing a velvet box in my hand. I opened it and a simple, mat and silver ring with one single, very small ball in its middle. I looked above the ring, a little paper was stuck there.

"Please? I love you, Yeunja..."

It read and I put on the ring with a big beam. My eyes got teary yet I smiled brighter than ever. I looked up at the clock in my kitchen. "It took this long?!"

I hurriedly put the roses into a vase and placed them neatly in my room before running outside in the direction of Jiho's house.



Jiho leaned his forehead onto mine while also our noses brushed against each other. "So...you really want to date me? I'm a strenuous, little boy..."

"I can manage that...I...I love you." I whispered and he pulled me even closer. "I love you, too..."

He attacked my lips with a soft kiss and pulled away, letting his hand graze my palm. "Come inside."

I followed Jiho, closed the door, slipped off my high heels and he entwined our fingers while we went into his living room together.

I let go of Jiho as he walked over to his long couch on his own.

He flicked his wrist over to me and opened his arm.

I shyly wandered over and sat down at the edge. "Here's not enough place for the two of us..."

"Tch." Jiho pulled me down and made me lie on his arm. I flushed slightly and he smiled at me with another dazzling smile. "See?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and smiled at a thought of mine just now.

"What?" he tore his eyes off of the screen and giggled cutely. I shook my head, moving a bit. "It's just...the last time I sat on this couch we were friends...and now-"

"Now we lie here together and I can kiss you without feeling like a retard." he added and I shrugged. "I think this describes the situation perfectly, to be honest."

"Yeah..." he gazed at me before giving me a long peck.

I took his hand and played with our intertwined fingers.

"Mmh, Jiho?"

He looked at me immediately with soft eyes. "Yes?"

"I love you...you know that, right?"

"I do...I love you, as well." he laughed lightly and snuggled in my neck, kissing my cheek afterwards.

"We should've started with this earlier...it's so comfortable lying like this." I bit my lower lip with a smile and he agreed with a nod. "Definitely. Just saying, you won't get rid of me that easily. You're mine, arasseo? And I'm yours."

"Of course~" I raised both eyebrows and he showed a sly smirk.

"Because we're boy- and girlfriend...right?" I asked and he nodded slowly. "Because we're boy- and girlfriend."

Blissfully I took a deep breath and inched closer into his warm chest.


Loudly I groaned, walking out of my room. "Heesok unnie? Have you seen my rose studs?"

I heard movements in my sister's room and the door opened. "Here." she literally threw them my way and I caught them quickly. "Why were they in y-"

The door shut before I could end my sentence. I shrugged and put them on quickly before running over my outfit a last time.

I heard a car outside and bit my lower lip, looking outside. I jumped as I recognized Jiho's car and sprinted downstairs.

Slipping in my heels and almost tripping I opened the door. I almost forgot this one step in front of my door but held my balance before falling to the ground.

"Are you...alight?" Jiho pushed himself off his car and I pulled down my jacket curtly. "Of course...C-can't you see?"

He shook his head and I walked past him. "Why so beautiful today?"

"I don't know~" I winked and he snapped his fingers, entering the car just like me. "I forgot, you're beautiful everyday."

"Stop it, Jiho!" I softly hit him and we started driving to our destination, a restaurant.

We got a table quickly and Jiho took my head, leading me to it. I smiled and we sat down.

My phone vibrated as I looked at the card. I fished it out and looked at the message. A broad smile followed and I hurriedly wrote back.

I looked at Jiho again and he smiled. "Have you chosen something?"

I nodded and grinned, starting another topic. "This was Gyu~"

"Really? What did he say?"

"He's here in this restaurant, so I told him I'm here, too."

He just nodded and smiled. A waiter came quickly and took our order and the cards from us.

A fast glance over to my left and I spotted Jonggyu. I waved lightly and spoke to Jiho again. "Jonggyu brought along his date!"

"Date?" he asked, his jaw slightly pulled down and I nodded. "Seems like it."

Jonggyu walked over to me and shortly kissed my cheek, curtly bowing to Jiho, making me smile even brighter and exhaled. "I hadn't expect you here if you hadn't texted me, to be honest."

His date caught up with Jonggyu's inhuman pace he had while running over to me. I nodded my head to greet his date. "Annyeong haseyo! You're Kwang Yong Ik, right? Gyu told me a lot about you."

The both of us looked over to Jonggyu and he crossed his arms. "Yeonnie ah~"

I held my mouth a bit while chuckling. The light brown-haired male smiled at me. "Nice to meet you. Jonggyu, you and me should meet some time. Maybe with him, too. Urm..."

Jiho stared at him, mouth standing ajar yet he shook himself and shook Yong Ik's hand. "Jiho, Woo Jiho."

He nodded and Jonggyu tugged on his arm. "Yong Ik ah, hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah, small talk with your friends isn't a harm." he growled and I giggled, looking at both satisfyingly. "Have fun, okay? Gyu? Call me later on."

Jonggyu nodded firmly and they left again. I turned to Jiho as his mouth stood wide open now. "Jong-Jonggyu i-is gay?"

"Pfft, yes." I stunned my elbows on the table and Jiho's jaw softened lightly. "Dude, like...I did not know. He looks manlier than I do!"

"Gays don't have to be that girly, Jiho." I countered and he stuttered. "N-no, but...he doesn't look...he...he doesn't act like...I don't understand the world anymore. What if I'm also gay?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and let out a row of nasal laughs. "Jiho, you're starting to talk senseless stuff."

"Just being honest...but wait, when he is gay...why were you this upset with this 'relationship' between you and him?"

I pursed my lips. "I guess I can tell you since you saw it yourself now. You know, Jonggyu, he's like the brother I never had and sometimes never wanted. We went through difficult and good times. We did everything together, we shared everything and...you know, I just grew up with him. We never left each other's side. So, getting into a relationship with the one you love like..."

I saw Jiho nodding while biting his lip and continued. "Well, that'd mean maybe we'll be having less time together to share and laugh and whatnot."

"If you want to spend a day or a week or I don't know with Jonggyu, I wouldn't say anything against it, you know that."

I smiled happily and sighed. "I know...and I guess, if the two are really going to date, Yong Ik will say the same because he wants Jonggyu happy, too. I know that. But just, for example, I have free time but Jonggyu not. And that's it. One of us is always occupied with somebody or something. It's already hard because of our work. We really had to get used to this when we started working."

"Wow, how a girl like you can be so deep..." Jiho mumbled and I hit him. "What does that mean?!"

He just laughed and took my hand. "It means...I love you."

"And I love you." I blinked tardily and he gave my hand a comforting squeeze. Some minutes later came our food.



  AUTHOR NOTE;   ...sooooooooooooooooooooo...








expected? :D
got no words, kay

comment and sub ~ ♥ :3


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Hi loves, I have blog post up as to why I have left without a trace, it'd mean the world if you checked it out ♥


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omo~!such a cute trailer~!!!^_^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: awwww....love this story, done reading this one, though it has many chapters, worth to read and time :)
Chapter 40: perfffffffffffffff omg how cuteee
so she's pregnant omnomnom von dem wird man doch gern geschwängert ;)))))
amazing work bby :***
Chapter 38: okay
I've missed and WOAT
omg loving you so much rn *sobsob*
Chapter 33: ahahahahaha jiho I saw what you did theeeereeeee
haha lol no
Siwon und sie....und.....holy .o.
pyongjihoon #6
Chapter 31: omg>< such a nice storyline, btw new reader here kkkk>//<
Is it even possible to separate them ? I DON'T THINK SO !
I keep believing Jiho will go to her house and ask her to marry him x).
Chapter 31: this took some time again and
jk I loved it *_*
Chapter 31: Do You Know How Much I Love You ?
(Yes, now I'm going to read it)
Chapter 30: OM*G !!!!!! Updaaaaaaaaaaaate Soon !!
I'm going to die !
(Yeah I know I'm crazy XD )