
Your Love is All I Need


Donghae's POV


I look around, trying to find my two best friends. Not forgetting to look even harder to maybe get a glimpse of my other best friend.


"Donghae Oppa!" Someone calls.


I turn around and see Bo Kyung running towards me.


I open my arms wide and catch her, lift her up, and turn her around.


We both laugh really loud, earning a few stares from the people there, genuine happiness on both our faces.


"Oppa! Put me down!" Bo Kyung begs while laughing.


I put her down and we smile at each other before exchanging another hug.


"I'm so glad to see you! It's been quite some time."


"Me too. Life is so boring without you and Yunho Oppa." Bo Kyung says, still grinning ear to ear.


"Speaking of Yunho, where is he?"


Her smile fades a little, "I haven't seen him."


"Let's wait. He'll probably come."


Bo Kyung nods and we both sit down, both waiting for our names to be called and our friend Yunho.



Yunho's POV


"I want to do this! I have to!"


"No! I don't want you to be an artist! Just work somewhere else and help our family! Don't you see we're short of money?"


"Being an artist can get me much money, Dad!"


"If you succeed! What if you don't?"


I stay silent for a few moment.


"Now, I don't want to have any conversations concerning this anymore. Go to your room." My dad says with finality.


I sigh in defeat and do as he says.



Donghae's POV


"Lee Donghae."


I take a deep breath. It's time.


I stand up and Bo Kyung lightly touches my arm.


She smiles at me, "Good luck."


I smile back and enter the audition room.


The judges in front of me look scary as hell. I try to push all my fears in and just sing. I take the microphone and start to sing the song I prepared months ago.


I can do this.


I sing as best as I could to impress the judges and after a while, they stop me. They thank me and I head outside.


Bo Kyung stands as soon as I come out.


"How was it?" She asks.


"Scary. But it was really enjoyable." I add when I see her horrified face.


We wait for Bo Kyung's name to be called.


When her name's finally called, she immediately panicked.


She starts to hyperventilate and I put my arms around her to calm her down.


"Take a deep breath, calm down."


"What if I fall? What if I forget the dance moves? What if I don't impress the judges?" She mutters.


I clamp my hand over , "Shut up and go in there. You can do this. I know you could."


She takes another deep breath and sigh, "Alright. I can do this. Of course I can. Let's do this."


I grin, "Now, that's the spirit."


I pat her back and she goes in, leaving me alone outside.


A hooded figure crosses my path and accidentally bumps into me.


"Oh, I'm so sorry."


Somehow the voice sounds really familiar.


"It's okay." I say. She turns to leave but I grab her hand, "Boa?"


I lift her hood up and see her wide eyes, "Donghae?"


"Yeah, it's me." I grin.


"Oh, I miss you so much!" She says, jumping into my arms, "How come you're here?"


"I'm here for the auditions, obviously. Bo Kyung's here too."


"What about Yunho?"


"Well, you know how his father opposes him so much. He probably won't make it here. We've been waiting for him too, actually."


Her smile fades, "I see."


"Good luck for the results! I'm sure you guys will make it in." She says, regaining her smile. But I can see this one is not that genuine.


"Well, I still have schedules to attend. I hope to see you guys around someday. It feels really great to talk to you again."


"Bye, Boa." I hug her once more.




She releases the embrace, keeping her smile.


She turns around, but not before I see her mask fall, revealing disappointment behind the smile.



A/N: I switch POVs too much this chapter. From Donghae's to Yunho's to Donghae's again. I hope that's okay. Also thanks to my friends for the endless support! Another thank to Cece (kimseungmi1203) for forcing me to upload this, if not, I wouldn't have updated it. Check her fic here! Alright, see you next chapter! 

- Kim Jaerin (Celine)

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Chapter 7: Hello Celine!!!
Reading this again becos I really need more yunboa hahahah
Please update soon! Aff is running out of yunboa... or rather I've read most yunboa stories here hahaha
kimseungmi1203 #2
Chapter 7: Get it? No? Okay.
OMG you finally freaking updated HAHA
Idk when will i update ;A;
Yeay Yunho and Boa finally met and Yoochun! AAAAAAA /squeals/
I'm interested to know more, i hope you'll continue writing this :3
kimseungmi1203 #4
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaand you're welcome.
kimseungmi1203 #5
Chapter 6: Tumben nih lumayan panjang! :p
Daebak cel daebak!
Chapter 6: Ooh. Are you talking about yoonchun and his brother? Just a guess XD Love this story so far. update soon! :D
Chapter 6: I don't get who the siblings who would move in would be o_o
kimseungmi1203 #8
Why. You. Nggak. Update2 ;___;
kimseungmi1203 #9