


The woman’s name is Jungah, and it doesn’t take long for Kai to realise that he doesn’t like her. She is loud with a shrill laugh and completely unaware of Hyorin’s blatantly obvious discomfort. The three of them are sitting by the dinner table, eating the fried rice Hyorin made. Kai nibbles on a carrot, staring blankly into space, trying to close out Jungah’s loudness. He jumps as she grabs him by the shoulder and gives him a shake. “What are you spacing out for? Come on, smile a little!” Kai just stares at her. His chair scrapes loudly against the floor as he rises from his seat. “Nice to meet you,” he mumbles and then hurries to his room, closing the door behind him. It doesn’t close out the conversation of the two women however. Even with a pillow over his head, Kai can hear their muted voices.

“…the audacity…”

“… no, I’m sorry…”

“You’ve got to discipline the boy!”

“I know, but…” Kai decides that he has heard enough and grabs another pillow and presses it against his ears. As he can no longer hear them, he sighs in relief. He lies there, still. After a day filled with noise the quiet becomes comforting, and Kai embraces it fully. He doesn’t know how much time has passed when he hears a knock on the door, although he knows it hasn’t been long. He hears steps coming towards him and the bed cringes under the new weight. As a palm lands on his back he flinches slightly. Hyorin rubs his back soothingly with her right hand and tries to pry off a pillow with her left.

“Kai,” she says softly. Kai grunts in response.

“Kai, I’m not mad at you.” He doesn’t answer.

“Kai please, won’t you talk to me?” After letting out a begrudging sigh, Kai removes the pillows and sits up straight, looking at Hyorin with tired eyes.  Hyorin’s gaze is soft as she smiles at the boy.

“I’m sorry,” she says confusing Kai. It wasn’t her fault. Nonetheless she continues. “Jungah is a bit… eccentric. She always stirs up some drama. It isn’t your fault.” Kai stares into her eyes intently, as if trying to figure out whether she is truthful or not. Finally heaving out a sigh in relief, he leans forward to rest his head on her shoulder. Hyorin gives him a few awkward pats on his back and hesitantly, she opens .

“She is also however, my co-worker. So I kind of need her to like me. If you meet her again, please try not to get upset at her.” Kai just nods, too busy absorbing Hyorin’s warmth. If he could choose, he would stay like that forever.


Kai watches with wide eyes as the people move gracefully across the screen. The woman lifts her leg, arms arched above her head. With light steps she runs towards the man whose steady arms lifts her up in the air. Kai inches closer to the TV in wonder. He can hear Hyorin’s light footsteps but doesn’t move an inch. She stops right behind him.

“You like it?” She inquires. Kai nods. He hears her sitting down next to him.

“It’s called ballet,” she says with a smile. “It’s dancing.” Kai’s eyes are still glued to the screen in wonder.

“Do you want to do it?” Hyorin gives him a quick nudge, and this time he turns his attention to her. His lips turn upwards in a wide grin.



As Kai walks into the room he is greeted with whispers and muted giggles. The first thing he notices  is how he is significantly older than the rest of the people. The second thing he notices is that most of them are female. A little boy immediately walks up to him, peering at him with squinting eyes.

“What are you doing here?” he asks in a high pitched voice. “Aren’t you too old?”

“Now, now Hyungsik, be nice,” a woman Kai assumes is the teacher says with a smile. With a clap of her hands everyone scurries to gather around her.

“I’d like you all to meet Kai,” she says with a gentle voice. “It’s his first time doing ballet so I expect you all to be kind. Understand?” The kids chorus a ‘yes miss’ and the teacher smiles. “Good. Now get to your position at the barre!” With another clap of her hands everyone runs to their places. The teacher gives Kai a pat on the back and in a low voice says: “Since we’re already in the middle of the semester, I can’t explain everything to you okay? Just follow along as best as you can.” She smiles and then ushers him over to the barre, where he imitates how the kid in front of him is standing. Classic music starts playing.

“And Plie!”


It’s a Sunday, and Kai is lying on the sofa, reading a book with the TV as a comforting background noise. Hyorin is locked in her room, in which Kai has not been let in to since the day he was born. He has gotten used to it as the weeks have passed. Days like this would happen every once in a while. Hyorin would spend her day in her room, and he would spend it doing nothing. There is a knock on the door, and Kai puts down his book. He hears Hyorin making her way to open it, leaving her room for the first time that day. When she returns, his dance teacher is with her. It feels strange seeing her in normal clothes, out of the dance studio. For Kai it has always been as if she only is within the walls of that room, ceasing to exist as he leaves it. But there she is in jeans and t-shirt, smiling and waving at him.
“Hi Kai.” Kai returns the wave. A silence falls for a minute before she decides to speak up.

“So, the reason I am here today is because Kai has been making tremendous progress in the two short weeks he’s been with me,” she says to Hyorin who nods. “Your..,” there is a pause at she searches for the right word. “Son?” she says as if it was a question. For her the is too small to be mother and son, but too big to be lovers.

“No, brother,” Hyorin lies with a slightly uncomfortable smile. “Well, half brother actually.”

“Oh.” The teacher says. “Well then, I am thinking of moving your brother to my 9th graders class. The 5th grader one is obviously not challenging enough for him.” Hyorin looks at Kai and smiles. Kai grins back in excitement. “That would be great, wouldn’t it Kai?” she says. He nods.

“There is just a slight fee difference, which is really the reason I’m here, to see if you’re okay with it.”

“Of course. It sounds great.” The teacher smiles, happy that she complied. “I’ll send a bill over then.” She looks at Kai for a second with an indescribable look in her eyes.

“He is such a good dancer. Are you really sure it’s his first time doing ballet?” she jokes. Hyorin laughs, a bit strained. “Positive.” The teacher’s eyes drift back to the boy.

“Such a fast learner. Truly marvellous.” She mumbles, confusing Kai. Because Kai can’t understand just what there is to marvel at.



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Chapter 12: omf author-nim pls make kai end up with hyorin. i dont like hyewon
Yay!! You updated! :D Can't wait to read the new chapter~
KimRae #3
Chapter 10: Whats wrong with sehun? --"
aw kyungsoo got a girl~ ;)
Thanks for updating!
Tarantulax #4
Chapter 8: KAISOO ~ omg they're so cute! I'm just wondering, Is this a kaisoo or kaixOC fic?
I'm a new reader (: is kai going to like hyewon? I kind... Idk I kind of don't like her. I want kai to be with hyorin. Selfish of me, I sorry ): or kyungsoo. Kaisoo. Keke ^^
KimRae #7
hyewon likes kai ;)
and kyungsoo as kai' brother! Yeay!
LightWind #8
Chapter 7: Omfg omfg no wonder she doesn't come out a lot it's because she was finishing off kyungsoo!!;~~~~;
Chapter 7: Oh my, I did not expect that twist. I'm assuming Kyungsoo is like Kai, jesus I love this story