You are not my hyung!


Cho Kyuhyun is a player. With his good looks and nice voice, he toys with people’s feelings, both male and female. But at home, he is cold, unfriendly and isolated as he hated his family. He lives with his father, step mother and step brother. His step mother and step brother treats his very well but he never regards them as family, they are just tenants in his house that stole his father from him. Yes, his step brother is Kim Ryeowook. The nice guy in the family and school. He had many friends and he loves his dongsaeng, Kyuhyun very much. One day, Kyuhyun decides to destroy Ryeowook by wooing his best friend, Sungmin so as to sowing discord between them. Ryeowook is deeply hurt and decides to give up on Kyuhyun as a brother. Just then, Kyuhyun began realize how important Ryeowook is to him.

They are brothers, can they love?

Will he be able to get Ryeowook back to him?


Hi! I thought of this story when I was in lab today. What do you think?

For those who have read my first fanfic, “One time love”, you should know that I am someone who does not believe in love at first sight because I feel that it’s only based on looks. So likewise, this story will have no love at first sight for Kyuwook. I think that only through understanding then can one truly say that they love someone.

Really! Pardon me that my main characters are always Kyuwookyemin. Their 4 corner relationship is always intriguing to me. And so sorry that they major in music again because I can’t imagine them doing business, science or psychology. I will try to use other members next time…

This is my second fanfic. Please support me!


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Chapter 18: Here we go "again and again and again and again" again lol! XD
Chapter 7: OMG shindong though xD
cmngcm #3
Chapter 7: Re-read this story after MFL.....still nice and touching!!! You should write more!!!
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 18: Really @.@ this is so sweeeeeeeetttttt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i like ur stories and i like the happy ending. I hope u could finish my father's lover :(
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 14: Wow their love went through so many trials @.@
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 8: Aww.. Very sweet~
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 7: XD... Kyu is getting his punishment now @.
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 4: XDD so its kyuhyun who fall for ryeowookk?
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 3: Aweeee its very interesting~~
katharine #10
Chapter 18: i just read all this story again without stopping.
i love this story and miss it.
it feels like the first time reading it.