

"HYUNG, I'M BORED!" I yelled from the kitchen floor where I was trying to roll like a buffalo. Huh. Maybe I need lessons from Kris...


"What am I supposed to do about that? Go jump out a window or make cookies or something," Heechul called out from his bedroom. Lightbulb! I love cookies! Maybe I can make some for everybody too!


I stood up and got out a bowl, then started putting stuff in it. Since I never made cookies before, I had no idea what to do, so I just put in half the bag of flour, an egg (with the shell), about 6 cups of sugar, and butter. Lots of butter. I stirred it all together and looked at it when I was done. It definitely need more stuff, more interestingness to it. I looked around in the cupboards and found candy. Perfect. I started smushing Butterfingers and Snickers together and dumped the mixture into the bowl, and sprinkled some M&M's on top. I remembered seeing a bag of white stuff that looked like powdered sugar, so I mixed that in too, just for the heck of it.


This needs some crunchyness...I noticed there was a half-empty bag of chips, so I took those and spilled em all in the mix. When I started mixing it, though, I noticed it was all thick and clumpy, so I reached into the fridge and pulled out a clear water bottle full of water, which I then proceeded to pouring into the bowl. 


I stood back and admired my beautiful concoction before putting them on the cookie platter like how I always see Ryeowook do it, then stuck it in the oven and waited. 








The timer finally pinged, signaling that the cookies were done! I took them out of the oven and put them on a plate to cool down, and went to use the bathroom 


*several pushes and one flush later*


When I walked back out to the kitchen, I saw the plate where I put the cookies was empty and heard crashing noises from the living room. 


I looked in, and fell down laughing at what I saw. Yixing was running around the living room neighing like a horse with Henry on his back yelling and pulling his head around. They both had a cookie in their hands and were currently stuffing it down their throats.


"CHARLIEE, LOOK! THERE'S A GOAT IN HEEERE~" Henry slurred and turned Yixing's head in my direction.


"DUMB BAITCH LAU, THAT'S NOT A GOAT, IT'S TREEE!" Yixing yelled at the top of his lungs and bumped into a lamp.


"What the is going on in here?" Heechul burst into the living room with a murderous glint in his eyes.


"I have no idea....I just came out of the bathroom and found them here like this," I managed in between my laughter. My sides were starting to hurt like hell.


"CHARLIEE, LET'S GO TO CANDY MOUNTAAIIN!" Henry drawled, and ran full speed into the wall, crumbling to the ground and laughing like a hyena seconds later. All of a sudden, I heard the front door open and close, and Jonghyun strolled in.


"Hey, I just left my water bottle here last night, I'm just gonna get it and go," he mumbled, not paying any attention to the two crazy men rolling on the floor. A few moments later, Jonghyun's voice rang out from the kitchen. 


"WHO THE MESSED WITH MY BOTTLE?" I walked to the kitchen and lazily sat on the counter while Jonghyun searched the refrigerator for it. 


"Well, what'd the bottle look like?" I asked after watching him search unsuccessfully through the fridge for 10 minutes. 


"It was completely see-through and it was full," Jonghyun grumbled, checking in the freezer now.


"Oh, was it that one?" I pointed the bottle I threw in the sink while I was baking the cookies.


He finally noticed his beloved water bottle, which was now empty, and turned to me, glaring. 


"Kyuhyun...what exactly did you do with the contents in that water bottle?" he asked slowly. 


"I just used the water to make the cookies. It's no big deal, anyway. You can get more water anywhere," I shrugged nonchalantly.


"Get more WATER? That wasn't water, idiot, it was soju and vodka mixed together! I was hiding that and some coke here so that Onew wouldn't find them and bust my ."


"I didn't see any Coke in the fridge..." I walked towards the fridge and looked inside, searching for soda.


Jonghyun sighed. "Not that kind of Coke. Why would I hide soda in your dorm when I can just have it at home? I meant coke, I hid it in one of the cupboards," he pointed at the cupboards. 


Oh, . "Umm, was it, by any chance, a white powder inside a small plastic bag?"


Jonghyun takes one look at me and searches all the countertops. When nothing came up, he started digging in the garbage can and pulled out the empty plastic bag. 




"Where are these...cookies you made?" Jonghyun glared at me and took a step closer.


"Obviously, those two dumbnuts ate them all," I pointed at the living room, and as if to prove my point, Henry stumbled in and leaned against the counter.


"Heyyyyyy guysss," he hiccuped. "Man, those cookies were ing AWESOME! You should make them again, you...uhm...uh, what's your name again?" he slurred and poked my eye.


"Dude, stop. Just go make rainbows with Yixing or something." I waved his arm away and he started pouting. 


"CHARLIEE, THE COOKIE MAN IS BEING MEAN TO ME!" He stumbles away to the living room and another crashing sound is heard. 


"Okay, so you got two people drunk and high on sugar, alcohol, and coke. And they're going crazy in your living room."


"Yupp," I popped the p.


"Deal with it. I'm outta here, and if you tell anyone about this," he held up the bottle and the empty plastic bag, "you are toast, you hear me?"


"Yes sir!" I mock saluted, then rolled my eyes and walked back into the living room, which now looked like a disaster area. 


"HEY, COOKIE MAN, LOOK WHAT WE CAN DO~!" Yixing yelled, then he and Henry charged at each other and butted heads. They spun around holding their heads, then crashed to the ground, both unconcious. 


"Finally, es knock out. God luck dealing with this , you started it in the first place." Heechul pushed past me, and I tried hard not to laugh at his teased hair and lip marks all over his face, no doubt all caused by Yixing. 

What the actual is this...? I don't even...>_<

Umm, yea, enjoy! -rolls out like a buffalo-

p.s. Who here can imagine a drunk Lay and Henry? -raises hand-

p.p.s. Who here thinks drunk Lay is smexii? /shot/

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Have you ever seen a KyungHan story? No? Imma make that next xDD


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Chapter 1: lol "two very boring minutes later"
LoveLikePearL #2
Chapter 1: update soon