Your Writing


Yeah, you heard me. It ! Luckily, I'm going to help you, because I'm a "nice person". So come on, take my hand and I will teach you how to be a better writer. Because, let's face it. Your writing .


Ladies and gentleman, I am mad. Like, if whatever happy is, I am the opposite of it. I am tired of seeing ty fanfics and I know some of you are as well. So I've decided to sprinkle my two bits of knowledge all over your fanfic cake and help you improve your writing. Some tips are some you should already know and some are things that will come as a surprise to you as they did to me when I first learned them.

This story is not meant to hurt you. This story is meant to help you! 

WARNING: Do you know what politically correct is? Politically correct is, as written beautifully by Merriam-Webster, conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities should be eliminated. That sounds great, doesn't it? Making sure what we say doesn't "hurt anyone's feelings" or "make people feel bad about themselves" Yeah, I'm not politically correct. I don't really give a about your feelings. I'm not going to be nice and baby you. Being nice does not make you a better writer. Tough love makes you a better writer. So don't get offended. Put on your big girl and get over it. Love you!

People aren't seeming to understand that this is SARCASM. Jeeze...



Your rude comments aren't needed. If you got something mean to say, off. Seriously.


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whitepaper #1
Chapter 6: OhMyG... Hahahahahah this is really hilarious... Just by looking at the title, I was laughing to no end and don't make me start with the content...
Personally, I LOVE Chapter 2! Omg! I can totally understand how you feel! I just freak out everytime I see those errors in fics... Sometimes I would just stop reading them because I pisses me off... Hahahahaha!
For Chapter 4 on "He said, She said, We said", even though I don't always write "said said said", but that list gives writers more variety! I would thank you for that! :)
Sushimidumpling #2
Chapter 6: This is hilarious!!
gdragpop #3
Chapter 3: You got me in 'Well you, thanks for ruining my experience' Hahaha. You crack me up.XD
justnormalme #4
Chapter 4: I have to use this list! I hate having to use 'said' all the damn time.
howcome #5
You're very funny!
Chapter 6: I'm laughing so hard right now. I almost wrote with lots of misspelled words just to get on your nerves, but I couldn't do it. I would like to put it out there that "English is my first language" and I am willing to help anyone who wants it. I love reading the stories on here and I can usually figure out what someone means by the context it's in, but it does get frustrating. I hope others take your lessons as it is meant: to help. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Chapter 4: yes for the list. amen.
Chapter 6: Oh God, you are so damn awesome! XD

"Touch it. Make it feel good. Make love to it."
Chapter 6: "...touch her. She likes it."
lol xD