Under the Sakura Tree

Under the Sakura Tree


Fingertips hesitantly brush along the side of the sakura petal as they continue falling. How is it possible to capture the sheer beauty of the moment without actually being there in person? The answer is simple. You cannot. Living through pictures is nothing like actually being there. Inhaling the intoxicating scent of the sakura, all seems to lull. It seems routine, to get through your day, just for this moment. Eventually night will fall, and you will return home, only to continue the routine again the next day. You've been doing so for years. So how is it that you never noticed the figure who sits near the exact same tree everyday for years, studying you, getting to know you without words, without your knowledge?

                One day, he decides to break the routine and acknowledge you, or make you acknowledge him. By doing so, he completely throws you off. Having fallen into the secure lull of routine, you forget what spontaneity is like. Sensing your surprise, he starts with introductions. Yes, introductions are safe, routine in basic conversation. It seems that this conversation is going to be basic, simple. Yes, simple is safe. He introduces himself as Bang Minsoo, a student at your university. You do the same. He wonders why he hasn't seen you at the university, saying he probably would've remembered an Ahn Daniel. You already know the answer. He isn't part of the routine, so  your paths do not cross. However, you go with the simpler answer. He is your senior, so you don't share classes. He ends the conversation, requesting that you exchange phone numbers. It appears to be a customary social convention, so you do it. Once he is gone, you stop and evaluate what just happened. Realizing a break in routine, you hurry home as the sun falls to prevent being at risk for another break in routine, for it is foreign to you and the thought is horrifying.

                Since then, everyday, Minsoo makes it a point to find you in school to talk and sits with you under the sakura tree. You find yourself unable to stop thinking about him, the way he acts, how he looks at you and you realize that you are in love. That seems terrifying, mortifying, yet pondering about it becomes routine. Whenever you wonder under the sakura tree, he questions what is on your mind. You don't tell him for fear of how he'll react.

                Then there is that fateful day that he kisses you under the sakura tree. You are shocked when he confesses that he feels the same about you. He is shy and insecure about his feelings and is struck dumb when you break routine and kiss him. You don't think you're ready for breaking your routine because of Minsoo. Although, now, Minsoo is safe, comfortable, and you then realize that you are past ready to break your routine because of Minsoo because you already did, the day Minsoo decided to talk to you under the sakura tree.

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Wow! The title name sounds interesting! I'll be waiting for the full story. Thank you!
shineemadune #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^