
One and Only

The sun was high in the sky but coldness was still wreking his bones, he really hates winters. No amount of layers could keep him warm enough. If he had a choice he would stay holed up in his warm room, bundled in his comfy duvet next to his heater. But his oversized baby of a friend, Seunghyun, called him because of an "emergency" and being a good friend that he is, he couldn't say no. Seunghyun can be over dramatic but he somehow manages to get everything he wants. His picture-perfect good looks and oozing charisma takes no hostage; men and women alike seem to be attracted to him like moths to the light and his best friend, Jiyong didn't fare any differently. They've known each other for more than half their lives and Jiyong has been in love with him for majority of the time. But he'll be darned if he would let his best friend know his feelings. Seunghyun is not a homophobe, but he sure as hell isn't gay. He is the ladies' man and there was once a time that he was a playboy, taking girls home every night. Jiyong had his fair share of relationships but none of them lasted, none of them measured up to what he has with his best friend. At first he thought he was gay, he's in love with his ing MALE best friend to 's sake so he tried to date a guy, but it just freaked him out. He wasn't gay, he's just in love with the alien Seunghyun.   

So here he was, braving the cold winter, walking two blocks to help his Seunghyun with his emergency. He enters Seunghyun's apartment with the keys his best friend gave him for "emergencies" and sees his Seunghyun, sitting on the carpeted floor with his hands on his disheveled hair. Jiyong quickly runs to his best friend's side and shakes SeungHyun's shoulders.   "Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Jiyong nervously asks his distressed friend.   Seunghyun glances up at him and flashes him a weak smile. "Ji, I just don't understand it. Why is it so ing complicated? I didn't ask for this!" He was waving something in his hands and Jiyong took it from him. It was a handphone. He looked through the log checking if there was a message somewhere from someone that was confusing him. But all he found was his number dialed in the call log, no messages and the email wasn't even set up yet. So what got him so frustrated?

 "Hyunie, what's wrong? I don't understand. "  

Seunghyun fixed his gaze on his best friend and said "My mother took away my phone and gave me this one. She said that it's the latest model and I should get on with the times. I tried figuring it out all night but I just don't understand. Where are all my contacts? Why are they asking for my credit card number? Why do I need a new email?"  

Jiyong was dumbfounded, he didn't know if he should be annoyed or if he should be relieved. In the end he couldn't help but laugh, he laughed so much that tears were streaming down his face. Oh Seunghyun,  you really outdid yourself this time. His best friend had been using the same phone for like a decade now and refused to even get one with a camera. He is one of the most technology challenged person he knows, even his grandmother had a better phone than him. He remembered the first time Seunghyun first used a laptop, he almost threw it out the window.

 After Jiyong pulled himself together,  he found Seunghyun sulking beside him "it's not funny. Why does everything thing have to change?  My phone is still perfectly fine, why did she take it from me? You don't understand how much it means to me."  

Jiyong took pity on his friend and told him that he will take the phone back from his mom and promised to give it back to him on the condition that he learn how to use the other phone as well. It was a kick phone and it would be a shame if it would just collect dust on the shelf. So he painstakingly taught the alien how to use the phone. It was seriously easier to teach his grandmother how to use the phone. Seunghyun's attention span was shorter than a toddler's. In an hour, he was only able to grasp how to send messages, make calls and sync his emails. At least he can now use the phone for the basics. Knowing that his best friend is a kid, he took liberties in installing games and apps that would appeal to him.

 "Seriously Seunghyun, you don't have to stress about this. This is a good change, an upgrade. This way we can have video calls for when you miss me too much." Jiyong winks at his best friend and nudges his sides. "How did you manage to call me anyway? Your contacts have been wiped clean."   Seunghyun looks up from his game and smiles at Jiyong "well, aside from my mom, yours is the only number I've memorized. Thanks man, for keeping up with me. This is just too sudden. You're the best" and without a warning Seunghyun kisses Jiyong square in the mouth. Jiyong sat frozen, what the just happened? He knows Seunghyun kisses random people when he's drunk but he seems sober right now. Jiyong looks at Seunghyun with disbelieving eyes, mouth agape while Seunghyun just goes back to playing his game.


Seunghyun's POV

What the did I just do? Did I just kiss Jiyong? Oh God I hope I didn't scare him off. . I just missed him so much. He was away for the holidays and it's the first time I saw him in a week. And here he is, gallantly saving me from this terrible technological mess. Why do they say smartphones make life easier when they are too ing complicated? These are just money traps, nothing more. 

To be honest, I didn't have to call Jiyong to his apartment. I could've just read the manual or asked my mom to teach me but I wanted Jiyong to teach me. I tried calling him last night but the ing phone won't let me. I fell asleep when I tried to figure out how to make an account on the freaking phone and when I woke up, I forgot how to make a call on the phone. 

I am in love with Jiyong. I have been since I've met him. He's always helping me with everything and also saves my whenever crazy admirers stalk me. He puts up with all my weirdness, he's the only real friend that I have. But I can never let him know that I LOVE him in that way, I'm afraid he will just run the opposite direction and I will lose everything we have now. Too much is at stake and I am not willing to wager that. I know for sure he's not gay, heck he went out with half of the women in our school. 

I glance up back to Jiyong and he's still there, fiddling with his phone. God at least he didn't bolt. 


Jiyong's POV

Sometimes I want to crack his head open so that I know how it operates. This was just too random and it's messing with my brain. Do I have a chance with him? What does this ing mean? Ok, so maybe he's just happy that he can finally use his phone and can even play games on it. That's probably it. This alien is just too weird so he decided to express his gratitude. this. I need to drink but it's only 3PM. . This is so awkward, why isn't he talking? I need to do something. 


Jiyong suddenly goes up and helps himself to a bottle of beer in the refrigerator. He sat on the floor again trying to watch television but Seunghyun's kiss still lingers in his mind, the sensation of his best friend's soft lips on his still feels fresh. He knows it doesn't mean anything, his best friend is straight, there's no way he feels the same way as he does. It was just him being weird. Jiyong repeats that in his head until he finds his bottle empty, he goes up to get another one and prepared extras, he needs this.

While Jiyong was chugging down his beers, Seunghyun followed suit and drank his beer beside Jiyong. It felt awkward because his best friend wasn't talking. Did he find out? Is he mad at me? All these questions were whirling in his head but he can't confront him. So he just stayed quiet and drank his beer.

He was far from being drunk, he's just on his first bottle while Jiyong was already guzzling his 6th when suddenly Jiyong turned around and faced him, face contorted with something Seunghyun couldn't recognize. He was scared that the man he loves would see through him so he fixed his gaze on the bottle in his hands. Jiyong heaved a deep breath and said "Why the did you kiss me? What's going on in your head? It's really confusing! I don't know what to make of it and it's messing with my heart! I know you're screwed up but I never thought you would play around with my feelings like this! Do you know how I feel about you?" 

Seunghyun was shocked, he doesn't know what to do. What is his best friend saying? How is he playing with his heart? What? Jiyong was about to turn around and leave but Seunghyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him down. Seunghyun stared at Jiyong, questions whirling in his head but at this moment just one thing registered in his limbs, he pulled Jiyong close to him and embraced him. Jiyong tensed in his embrace but he didn't push Seunghyun away, instead he returned his hug. They stayed like that for minutes, the hug transmitting what their mouths couldn't utter. Their bodies communicating what words couldn't say. When they pulled away, they smiled at each other and sealed their lips together. 


A/N: Gah sorry for the lameness. I was writing this while stuck in traffic. You can just guess how terrible the traffic was. LOL 



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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Your mind works good in traffic tho. Thank you (:
Chapter 1: oh.. so cute! Maybe you need to stuck at traffic often kkk jk. :P
thya-aryssa #3
Chapter 1: awwwwwwweee

cute gtop <3<3 this!!!!

ohmy! must be one very terrible jam since u manage a full oneshot...
Chapter 1: Aww, so sweet <3
b1acksharpi3mark3r #5
Chapter 1: Adorableee<3
Chapter 1: it's really sweet :)
kyoyo96 #7
Chapter 1: Awe! That was kiyoot! <3333333333