Do You Know.....

An Unaccepted Apology...


Hankyung was working, his laptop in front of him. It was all silent now because Heechul was sleeping. Heebum curled nearby.

He made it a point to make Heechul sleep after lunch at least for few hours otherwise Heechul would be drained till night with all his running around the house..

This kind of silence felt really weird..Though he could rarely concentrate on his work with Heechul playing ,screaming, talking this and that....It never really mattered... because not hearing  that voice for more than an hour or so..or looking at a very still Heechul made him paranoid.....

Hankyung sat staring at the unconscious figure in front of him.

The surgery went on for hours..Hankyung lost all count of time. Every second felt like an hour...

It was successful they told him..But..

They couldn’t assure him anything they had to wait and see......

He looked at the pale man in front of him..his once full of life boyfriend...his beautiful princess...

His head was shaved now covered with thick bandage..How Heechul would hate that ,he thought losing his precious hairs...There were scars everywhere looking prompt on pale white skin..number of tubes were piercing the soft skin the monitor beeped..

It beeped....Hankyung was happy...Heechul was there with him..He will fight through it... he was sure...

He was still very beautiful..Lying peacefully in front of him..

“How did you fall for me?” Hankyung had once asked him. Because he was aware of his competitions in the school..this pretty monster had many admirers.

“Hmm... even I ask that question to myself many times..” Heechul  answered  playfully.

He laughed as Hankyung frowned.

“Umm lets See...Because you saw the real me.. beyond the tantrums and cockyness. You accepted me as I was.”Heechul  talked smiling.

“You made me feel warm and loved. I have always felt comfortable around you.... I have felt like myself. I may be all narcissistic, but I know that putting up with me is not that easy and I see you do it every second with that shy smile on your face without any expectations” Heechul spoke his every word warming Hankyung’s heart.

“Plus you are handsome too....... So you see Hannie...It wasn’t a bad deal” Heechul laughed pecking Hankyung’s nose.

There were many incident like these which showed glint of real Heechul apart from his otherwise playful nature..Incidents which made Hankyung fall in love with him...which made them a ..’US’

“If there is anything left of ‘us’......!!”

He remembered Heechul’s words in the car from that night..Those had scared him..but he had the answer now...

They were always ’ us’.... ever since he saw a boy his mouth filled with white chocolate ,ever since he stared in those feline eyes when they met his, ever since he heard that voice when he talked nonstop, ever since he first touched that soft milky skin when they shook hands ,ever since he heard that laugh when Heechul pulled a foolish but successful prank on him, ever since he breath in that sweet scent when they hugged, ever since...... he tasted those plush lips when they first kissed...

Hankyung felt foolish now. How could he hate Heechul for being childish when actually he was head over heels in love with THIS child within Heechul .Sweet and innocent one , curious and eager one, stubborn and demanding one ,clumsy and messy one.... one which loved him with all his heart..Unconditionally!

He looked up as he felt one hand touch his shoulder, Siwon sat next to him placing his other hand on Hankyung’s.

 Hankyung flinched ...this touch felt so alien now... unwanted. He slowly moved away nearing Heechul .Looking at the pale figure in front of him... ..A small smile broke on his lips.

“Do you know...”He started talking to no one in general.

“Do you know he still loves watching Disney movies and he can watch Lion king ‘N’ no. of times.”

“Do you know he can talk continuously all night and much of it can be complete nonsense but you still would want to hear him, and that... he still plays pranks like pouring water on someone sleeping and laughs crazily at the poor person ...... pabo.”He smiled.

“Do you know that he still draws doodles when he signs his books for his fans....”He was still talking lost in himself.

“Do you know he still thinks that ‘pouting’ is the best way to get things done his way.....and it works every time with me..”

“Do you know he is a big fanboy and dances on all the numbers of girl bands even though he says he can’t dance, Ohh..... and he can announce a world war for a single small piece of white chocolate....He can be such a kid sometimes.....”

Hankyung went silent looking at unconscious figure..... Siwon and other world were long forgotten. All he could see or think of was Heechul.

“Do you know Siwon....” He spoke breaking the silence. Now directly addressing...

“He may be clumsy, messy, immature and may not be perfect at all..... but for me....” He gazed at Siwon.

“It’s only one else..”He stated in firm voice his eyes blurry, as Siwon stared at him with no expression on his face.

“My princess.....”he whispered caressing Heechul’s cheeks.

God...... how can he be So SO stupid.

“I am sorry....”Hankyung pleaded taking slender hands as he broke down in sobs.


This is by far my favorite chapter...I fell in love with hanchul even more when I was writing this ....

Do let me know what you think about it..

Thank you :)

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leeleeloveskpop #1
Chapter 3: I actually read the sequel first by mistake before coming to this! The sequel is very good as is this but I gotta say in the flashback scenes Hankyung seems mean as crap
Poor Heechul
Chapter 9: YAH DEABAK
Chapter 8: Waah, I was planning on writing a comment only after I'd finished reading this first season, before starting read the second part, but Jesus Christ, this chapter is so, soo hmf sad, heart-breaking, but at the same time it's so perfect and special what Heechul managed to do in order to protect Hankyung (only now I understood what he did, taking off his seatbealt and making Hannie wears his)... ;-;
I want to slap this Siwon and punch this Hangeng soooo hard. Their behaviour is totally hateful but it makes the story even more great.

I'm loving it so much. I shouldn't be reading any new story as my college life is so messed up, but you managed to do it. I'm addicted xD I'll come back at the last chapter~
Chapter 16: Wow! Siwon has gone completely bonkers now. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with this, Hankyung and Zhou Mi should report him for

"HeeChul is a good boy, HeeChul whispered!" ......"Chullie, you will forgive me, right?"

Awww, my heart broke for both of them. Just one stupid mistake, and look where is got the both of them. I feel so, so sorry them.
And poor Mi too. All he went through to gain HeeChul's trust has now gone down the drain and back to square one, thanks to Bloody Siwon!

Great chapter! More soon please.
amuse_otaku #5
Chapter 16: What? Was this over ? Ohh no,, please make them live happily ever after .. :(
Chapter 16: Dear God that is a sad chapter. /cry
loveheenim #7
Chapter 16: Awesome
mangafrick #8
Chapter 16: update more...more...more curious update more...more please 100x