Lovely Chen

Lovely Chen


The sun blinded me as I passed through the garden, looking for the man in the letter. He seemed pretty humble from the writing, but I could only imagine what he could look like. ”Was this the right place?” I thought to myself, reading the letter again as I bump into a handsome young guy, with a smile brighter than the sun itself. 


”Hi are you Hana?” he said leaving me breathless with his wonderful bone structure and tone in his voice. ”Y-yes” I replied with a voice more shy than it has ever been before. ”You... must be Chen?” I asked, with a smile on my face. ”Yeah” he replied, giggling as he started to blush, ”Do you want to sit down?” he continued pointing at a bench a few meters from us. 


We walked towards it, and as we did, I noticed he had a picnic box. ”Was he such a gentlemen that he even prepared food?” I thought once again, leaving my face smiling like a dork by the thought of it. He looked at me and smile, and oh my god did that smile make my heart race faster than before. 


He sat down, brushing away any dust and dirt from my place, ”Sit down” he said. He opened the picnic box, giving me all kinds of different korean food. Kimchi, noodles, everything you can basically think off. 


”You are more handsome than I imagined” I said when I swallowed his deliciously, pretty, kimchi. He blushed, leaving my heart fluttering by joy. ”Thanks, you are much prettier than I imagined too” he replied with an innocent smile on his face. 



The time went by pretty quickly, and our date was unfortunately over.


”I had a great time..” I said smiling like a dork again, ”we should definitely do it again” I continued, looking straight into his gorgeous eye that were shining like stars by the sun. ”We definitely should” he replied giving me a hug. We exchanged phone numbers and walked our way back home, looking back at each other when he suddenly stopped and looked at me with a clueless face. 


”I forgot to give you this” he said and ran to me. He looked me in the eyes and kissed me with this soft, fluffy lips. Oh that kiss.. How it made my heart beat. It felt wonderful, and magical. We held hands for a moment and then properly told each other good bye once again, this time leaving us with a kiss to long for.


”Oh Chen. Lovely, lovely Chen. How you make my world light up is unbelievable for you to imagine” I whispered to myself...

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Chapter 1: This is SO KAWAIII!!! ><'