Chapter 3

B1A4's New Roommate


In the van, Mina sat between Baro and Jinyoung, while Sandeul, Gongchan, CNU sat behind them. “Mina, are you excited to start your first day as a trainee?” CNU asked while learning forward to become closer to Mina. Sandeul pushed CNU back immediately. “Of course she is excited, hyung. What kind of question is that?” Sandeul says back with a hint of jealously in his voice. “Yeah, I’m excited, but also a little nervous!” Mina laughed at the boy’s cuteness. “You should be. I’m sure you have no talent.” Jinyoung scoffed. “Yah, who asked you?” Baro replied giving Jinyoung a mean look. “Mina, don’t listen to him. He’s just cranky.” Baro said sweetly as he put his hand on her leg. Mina blushed, trying to ignore the warm hand currently touching her upper thigh. “Mina, what is your talent? Singing? Dancing?” CNU asked excitedly wanting to know more about the girl living with them. “I’m a dancer. I’m not very good at singing, but I hope to improve while I am here.” Mina replied, while turning around to answer the boys behind her. “I can help you! With singing if you want.” Sandeul answers quickly giving Mina the cutest eye smile she has ever seen. Mina blushes and smiles sweetly. “Yes, I’d like that” she says as she turns back around to face front. Sandeul blushes as Baro turns around and gives him a look and mouths “back off.”

              CNU walks Mina to the trainee room as the other members part ways with them. “This is the room you will come to each day. If you ever need anything, don’t worry about coming to find me. I’ll help you!” CNU tells her as he opens the door for her. “Thanks, dongwoo-shi” Mina bows to him before entering the room. “Mina, stop being informal with me! We are living together. If you want, just call me oppa!” CNU says winking before walking off. Mina enters the room and all the girls run to her. “Mina! Is it true?” “Mina, are you living with B1A4?!” “AHH Jinyoung oppa is so handsome!” “You are so lucky!!!” All the girls yell at the same time. “YAH! Leave her alone. You guys are being so immature.” A tall, slender girl with long straight black hair yells. All the girls scatter. “Sorry, unnie” one of the girls bows to her. “Mina? I’m Kim Hana. I’m a trainee here. It’s nice to meet you. We all regret that you aren’t staying in the girl’s dorm with us.” The girl says as she grabs Mina’s hand leading her to the lockers. “Here, put your stuff in here. We will start dancing soon. I heard that is your specialty.” Mina nods at Hana and smiles as she puts her bag into the locker.”


Mina lies on the floor after 3 hours of dance practice. “Mina, you are really daebak!!” one of the girls named Minhee says to her. Mina doesn’t have the energy to answer. Even though she loves dancing and it usually clears her mind, she still can’t forget what Jinyoung said to her. “Pfft. No talent…what does he know…” Mina whispers while another girl comes over to sit with her. “Mina, you’re really lucky, you know. You get to live with B1A4 and Hana unnie was super nice to you. She isn’t usually like that with us. She’s really strict. I think if the company makes a girl group she would make a good leader, but a lot of the girls are scared of her.” a sweet looking girl about Mina’s age tells her while handing her a towel. “Sorry—“ she continues “I haven’t introduced myself, I’m such a babo. “My name is Choi Jihyun.” The girls bow to each other. “I’m 20, how old are you?” Mina asks “I’m 20 too! Wow, we can be good friends I think!” Jihyun cheers, while standing up. “I’ll see you later, okay? I have singing practice now!” Jihyun yells as she runs out the door.

“Mina, want me to walk you back to your dorm?” Hana says as she walks closer to Mina. Mina looks up at Hana, who has taken a shower and looks like she never even practiced, unlike Mina who is sweaty and has messy hair. “Oh, it’s not a problem, I remember how to get there.” Mina answers back, unsure if they boys would allow her to have someone near their dorm and also not wanting to walk so far with someone she hardly knows. “If you are nervous about what the boys would think, don’t. I have been told they have always wanted to meet me, but are too shy. Isn’t that cute?!” Hana winks as she grabs Mina’s wrist and takes her towards the exit. “Oh—okay then…” Mina answers back, unsure of the situation. “Mina, from now on you can just call me unnie. I know you are only 20. I’m 22!” Hana says proudly, as if she is glad she will have some authority over Mina in the future. “Yes, unnie. Thank you.” Mina says shyly. After a long walk of Hara talking about the boys and today’s practice, the two girls arrive at the B1A4 dorm. “Wow, this is so much nicer looking than the trainee dorm.” Hana says to Mina, as she gives her a look telling Mina to open the door quickly. When Mina opens the door, she sees that the boys have already returned to the dorm. “Mina, you’re back!” Baro yells excitedly from the couch. “How was your first day?” CNU asks her. Hana clears to officially announce her presence in the room as well. “Oh, sorry, this is one of the trainees I met today. Her name is Kim Hana; she is 22 years old. Please treat her well!” Mina announces to the boys. “It’s really nice to finally meet all of you” Hana bows to them. “Wow, Noona, you are really pretty! You look like you didn’t even sweat while practicing…unlike Mina!” Gongchan laughs. Mina’s stares at Gongchan, annoyed at his comment. “YAH! She obviously show—“ Mina starts, but Hana hits her arm before she can finish. “Thank you, I’ve always been told I am naturally pretty.” Hana replies. “Would you like to come in and hang out with us for a little while before dinner?” CNU asks Hana. Mina is starting to realize that maybe Hana being here isn’t that great. All the boys seem to like her more. She’ll never become close to them if Hana is here. “Yes, I would love to! Thank you.” Hana replies as she takes her shoes off and walks towards the couch. “I’m just going to wash up real quick.” Mina says. Nobody replies. Mina watches before walking off as everyone is taking care of Hana and asking her all the questions about her day that they should be asking Mina. Mina couldn’t help but feel jealous. Jinyoung walks out of his room and notices Mina staring at everyone sadly. He walks up behind her quietly “If you are wondering why they aren’t paying attention to you, it’s because you smell bad and aren’t as pretty.” He whispers in her ear almost seductively. Mina shivers, half from him startling her and half from feeling his warm breath hit her neck. She felt her eyes close as Jinyoung’s body became closer to hers. Her tensed body started to feel like air. “Jinyoung oppa! Come sit next to me!” This phrase interrupted Mina’s euphoric feeling in her body. Her face dropped as she watched Jinyoung walk over and sit next to Hara. Mina sighed and went to take a shower.


I thought I'd introduce the new characters to you! ^^ I never added a picture of Mina that way if you want you can imagine her as you! 


Yoo Minhee
19 yeard Old
Good at dancing and singing
Looks up to Mina
Doesn't have any siblings, so she really clings to Mina and the other girls
Really sweet and caring personality

Kim Hana
22 years old
Nice to Mina but acts rude to most of the other girls
Good at singing
Has a crush on Jinyoung
Boys always like her

Choi Jihyun
Becomes Mina's best friend
Can be shy
Really dedicated to singing and dancing and studying; hard working
Often gives Mina thoughtful advice

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!