I'm Here

BangUp Oneshots




JongUp tried not to toss and turn in his bed. He absolutely hated sleeping alone. He didn’t know what caused it, he just knew he couldn’t stand it – but it seemed he was going to have to get used to it. He was 17 years old, far from home and training to be part of B.A.P. His siblings certainly weren’t there for him to crawl into bed with and his mother wasn’t there to stay with him until he fell asleep. The only person JongUp knew here was his roommate YongGuk and JongUp did not expect someone as manly as YongGuk to sleep in the same bed with him; it was out of the question. JongUp actually didn’t know much about YongGuk, he pretty much kept to himself, but he seemed too gruff to be the sympathetic person JongUp needed right now.

JongUp sighed quietly and closed his eyes. As soon as he did he felt a wave of panic and his eyes snapped open. He bit down on his lip but not before a whimper escaped him. He quickly covered his mouth. He didn’t want to wake YongGuk but it seemed it was too late. He heard rustling in YongGuk’s bed.


“Yes?” He involuntarily answered. JongUp quietly cursed his instinctive response to answer his elder.

“Did you just make that noise?”


“Are you ok?” YongGuk asked. JongUp sounded a bit stressed for someone who was supposed to be sleeping.

“I’m – I’m fine,” JongUp stuttered.

YongGuk sighed.

“JongUp, if all goes well we’ll be together in this idol group together for years. As your hyung I should be someone you can trust and always come to for advice. I know I’ve been…standoffish and I’m sorry. I’m just not naturally a talkative person but I hope we can become closer anyway. Now, I know you’re not okay and you don’t have to tell me why but if you want to, at any time, I’m here. ”

JongUp released a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. That was the most YongGuk had ever said to him and JongUp appreciated every single word. He wasn’t the most confident person himself so he understood where YongGuk was coming from.

JongUp took a deep breath.

“I don’t like sleeping alone,” he said quietly.

“But…I’m here,” YongGuk said.

“No, I mean, alone…in this bed…” JongUp felt his face heating up and he was glad they were having this conversation in the dark.

“Oh…” YongGuk said

There was silence for a few seconds then JongUp heard YongGuk getting out of bed. Was he…was he actually going to…?

YongGuk lifted JongUp’s blankets and climbed under them next to him. A small smile formed on JongUp’s face; he didn’t even know how to tell YongGuk how much this meant to him.

“You don’t have to…” JongUp whispered in the darkness, hoping YongGuk wasn’t forcing himself to do this.

“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” YongGuk answered, just as quietly.

“Thank you,” JongUp whispered back.

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with his hyung’s body heat gently radiating against him. YongGuk smiled to himself when he heard JongUp’s breathing become deep and relaxed. He closed his own eyes feeling much better now that his dongsaeng was happily in dreamland. 


I hope it's not too much shorter than expected >_< Thank you for reading :)

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Chapter 4: waaaaaaah please update another chapter soon!! I'm really liking the way your write. omfg and bangup too <3

gimme more feels author nim <3
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Chapter 4: so cuteee *-*
but poor jongup :/
Chapter 4: Awhhhh!:) Is this kind of like a continuation of the other one?
But regardless, it's really sweet, and Jongup is such a precious puppy❤
I'll keep waiting:) ❤BangUp❤
Chapter 3: jongup so cutee ^^
i want bang as a teacher too T^T :p
Chapter 3: ....Please...please tell me that there will be more in the future...I'm begging you lol
Seriously though, this...this is so cute, I think my brain melted. too many feels ^_^
The quote in the description, is it really from Jongup?
Chapter 3: This was the best one so far. I loved it. Teacher Bang and Student Gup taken with a twist, since Yongguk is the substitute and a teacher-in-training. It's not completely wrong.

Great job! :)
Chapter 2: alkhfakjsghaskjghakj doesnt this means there will be more bangup oneshot in the future?! /subscribed
Chapter 2: so cutee ^^