Leather Pants Drabble

Leather Pants

Short story:

Tao turned drawers over, frantically searching for his leather pants. He looked through Luhans sheets, he opened the drawer of Xiumin’s stash. He even called the Exo-k members to ask if they had seen his precious pants. With no other option left than to interrupt his ge, he finally gave in. He peered into the leader’s room, and saw him sitting on his desk. Mumbling to himself then stopping to write down something in his notebook. Tao stepped closer to the leader shyly and held his hands in-front of himself in attempt to shield his body. He spoke softly then “Kris-ge”  he tried, but the leader only resumed mumbling to himself. “Ge-ge” he tried again, this time he older boy turned around. He scanned him from top to bottom, when his brain finally registered the sight before him he leapt to his feet. Only to ram himself against the desk by mistake. He bit down a yelp and hunched over the desk in pain, tao gasped. “Ge are you okay?!” he asked, Kris nodded his head violently “I’m fine!” he said. Holding a hand in-front of the younger in attempt to make him keep a distance. If this where an anime he’d be bleeding from his nose in this exact moment. He peered over his shoulder slightly, Tao’s eyes went wide in alarm. Then he shielded himself again, blushing furiously. He felt intimidated by the gaze his leader was giving him. “Kris-ge I can’t find my pants” he managed, trying to blink back tears “I looked everywhere!” he claimed. Kris held a hand to his mouth in attempt to hide his embarrassment, he looked down at the younger before responding. He inhaled deeply “c’mon ge-ge will help you find them” he responded  and led the younger out of his room. He relaxed once outside his room, what would have happened if he would have stayed in there a second longer?



Just a random drabble. LOL IDEK.

Taoris FTW!

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kuruta_2050 #1
Chapter 1: tao is so Cute *^* XD
Chapter 1: please make a sequel!!!*^_^*
Jae_is_Jaed #3
Chapter 1: That awkward moment were you realize Xiumin looks sorta like Sulli >_<
Uzanagi #4
Chapter 1: Please make a sequel XD