Mr. Grinch

Mr. Grinch

Ren hated Christmas.

It was suppose to be about all this fluffy stuff. It was all about hanging decorations, singing, and celebrating with family. He had never had a good Christmas though and it weighed on him. He hated all the holiday cheer. Every time he heard a cheerful “Merry Christmas!” he shuddered in disgust. Yet here the season was again and he would have to get used to the fact that his band mates loved every bit of the cheer. He was making it through the season without losing his calm until he noticed a specific overzealous band member trying to add lights and decorations to his room.

“What are you doing Baekho.” He stated coldly. It wasn’t really a question seeing as he could figure out what he was doing. And he wasn’t happy about it at all.

“I was just trying to cheer up your dreary room. It needed…” Baekho started explaining all bubbly. Obviously he missed the lack of question in Ren’s voice.

“YAH! I know what you’re doing!” Ren was not even attempting to keep his voice down. This was the last straw. “I don’t need any stupid decorations and crap so just get out of my room!” He continued to stare Baekho down who started backing up and moving to leave out the door with a sad expression on his face. He turned around to say something before he left but decided against it and hurriedly walked out.

Ren started to feel bad. He knew that Baekho just wanted a good Christmas. He had to guess that this was that blockhead’s favorite holiday. From how many carols he caught him singing daily, there was no doubt. He frowned at the thought of ruining his closest friends holiday.


As Christmas neared, Ren stalled apologizing for his actions and he started to notice the affect. Baekho kept his distance completely and wouldn’t sit and try to cuddle him like usual. Ren had to admit he missed the warmth of his big personal teddy bear. Stupid holiday ruining my friendship, Ren thought.

He decided he should get Baekho a present to make up for it. That seemed easy enough and it would go along with Baekho’s favorite thing: gift giving. Apparently he already had all the members’ gifts. Ren hoped his contribution of a gift to the holiday cheer would be enough to win his friend back. After shopping around for a day or two he decided on a small white tiger stuff animal for Baekho to hug at night (maybe instead of me he thought jokingly) and some large studs that he knew Baekho would definitely wear. He wasn’t the best gift giver but at least it was stuff he could use.


Christmas morning arrived. The others were still sound asleep because of late night Christmas Eve schedules but Ren couldn’t sleep. Baekho hadn’t cuddled with him to sleep for weeks and it was starting to agitate him. He turned over in his bed but froze when he heard muffled footsteps. Quietly he got up and walked out to the common room where the tree stood proud. He frowned as the tree lights sparkled in his groggy morning eyes making him blink a couple times to clear the stars. He heard a sudden intake of breath and turned sharply. Baekho stood with some presents in his arm.

“Good morning…” Baekho said first, gently as if not to startle the bear in him. Ren shook his head awake, trying to take in the scene and realized Baekho had moved over to the tree to put presents down.

“Wait!” Ren whispered and scuttled to his room where he grabbed his poorly wrapped present for Baekho and went back out. It would be best to give it to him now while everyone is still asleep seeing as he didn’t think to get anyone else a gift. He didn’t want to seem biased or anything…

“Here.” Ren shoved the present at Baekho’s shoulder awkwardly. Baekho turned slowly and stared at the gift. “I just… well, I wanted to get you a little… it’s not much, in fact it’s really silly… maybe I should just take it back and…” Ren mumbled nervously as he stood there ready to take the present back but Baekho snatched it suddenly. He looked at it curiously than smiled at Ren with his crooked smile. Ren’s heart beat faster but he claimed it was because Baekho had started to rip the paper off his present. He immediately stashed the earrings in his pocket nodding his head appreciatively and stared at the white tiger. He grinned stupidly suddenly and hugged the tiger tight. He grinned at Ren.

“I thought you didn’t like giving gifts. You didn’t have to.” He said.

“ I just wanted to… I felt really bad, I didn’t mean to yell at you back and I wanted to say I was… well it was wrong of me and I didn’t want you to be angry or anything and I couldn't…” Ren stumbled on his explanation. He wasn’t very good with feelings. Baekho came closer with his stupid grin and hugged him close. He wrapped both his arms tightly around Ren’s waist and nudged his arms so they braced against his chest.

“I accept your apology.” Baekho said with that same stupid grin. Ren felt a blush grow on his cheeks and he looked up at Baekho in defiance, ready to argue his meaning when Baekho stopped him. “I have a gift for you too but I forgot to wrap it.” Baekho said softly, his eyes drooping while he continued to stare into Ren’s eyes. Ren his lips nervously and in the back of his mind he hoped it involved Baekho’s lips…

Baekho leaned in gently and brushed his lips against Ren’s. Ren squeaked at the touch not expecting his thoughts to become reality. When Baekho went to brush his lips against Ren’s again he was more prepared. He locked onto Baekho’s lips. He felt his hands fist against Baekho’s chest, pulling some shirt with it. The kiss broke and he pulled away to in air quickly. But Baekho’s eyes remained half-lidded and before he knew it Baekho had moved back in to capture his lips again. Ren couldn’t think at this point. His legs were starting to feel weak and his fist full of Baekho’s shirt was now holding him up.

Baekho went to pull away again and Ren felt his arms loosen. But Ren didn’t want the kiss to end… “Baekhoo…” he murmured as he pulled him closer again. “Can I have another present?...” He spoke before thinking and as he heard the words leave his lips he flushed in embarrassment. Baekho chuckled a little and smiled his sweet crooked grin before moving in again. This time Ren decided to be a little more forceful about his feelings and how much he liked this gift. He pushed his tongue against Baekho’s lips begging for entrance. Baekho hesitated before opening his mouth with a sigh. Ren suddenly shied as he realized what he was doing but it was Baekho’s turn to be bold. He slipped his tongue against Ren’s front teeth and gained a soft moan from the smaller. Ren flushed at the noise he made but returned the feeling. As their tongues danced gently with each other, Ren pulled Baekho closer and slipped one hand up to cup his face. His body was growing extremely warm and he couldn’t get enough of Baekho. When did it turn into this? Maybe when Baekho reached out to him those few years ago. He didn’t care at this point.

As warm began to pool down near his abdomen he felt Beakho roll his body against his. He faltered in the kiss. Ren thought he felt something and as his imagination ran the warmth near his abs became more than just warmth. He felt himself begin to harden. He blushed deeply as he recognized the feeling but he couldn’t pull back. Instead he met Baekho’s next roll and this time he didn’t mistake the feeling of Baekho’s slight bulge preshing against his.

“Ahh!” He gasped quietly as he pulled from the kiss. Baekho turned his head a moaned softly into his neck. Ren could feel both of them harden more as they continued to press against each other. It was Baekho. He loved it. He wanted it. “Mmmmahh..” He continued to mewl against Baekho, his blush turning into a heated flush as the warm continued to pool.

“Baekho-ahh!” He moaned a little too loudly as he felt an extra strong against him. Baekho’s arms had started to roam and he heard him say sweet nothings in his ear. “Ren you’re so perfect. Ren you’re so soft. Ahh, Ren, I don’t know what I’m… Ren, please, you’re too much.” He kept repeating different things as his pace quickened and he pushed rougher against Ren’s clothed crotch. Ren continued to moan and pant, his arms now fully around his neck to support himself. His pants were just too tight now. He needed out. He was just starting to moan over the thought of Baekho touching his bare skin when he heard a door creak.

“Baekho-ah?” They heard a quiet whisper call from the hallway. “Is that you?” It was Aron-hyung.

Baekho huffed angrily and pushed away gently. Ren could still see the prominent bulge in both their pants and he crouched down with a blush trying to hide his. Whether it was from Baekho or Aron, he wasn’t sure.

Baekho turned quickly and stated something about needing to shower and shuffled off leaving Ren in an awkward situation. Ah, that jerk. Ren blushed more as he thought of the jerk in the shower. This was going to be a long day now.

“Ah, Ren you’re awake too. Let’s make breakfast. Merry Christmas, even though I know you don’t care. I was thinking that we should…” Aron continued to babble as he walked straight into the kitchen, ignoring Ren’s strange crouching. He was thankful for that.

Maybe Christmas wasn’t bad after all…

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Chapter 1: They reconciled, BaekRen love
hearts all around
Chapter 1: Aron you er but I still love youㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: That's cute~!!
KingLru #4
Chapter 1: So sweet, amazing! I loved this soooo much~
Chapter 1: Omo this is so sweet and well written!! Easily one of my favourite BaekRen fanfictions so far, you are very talented!~ :D